London Internet Providers Exchange

London Internet Providers EXchange
Founded 2001
Location London, United Kingdom
Peak 40 Mbit/s (March 2009)
Telehouse Docklands, one of the LIPEX POPs.

LIPEX has now closed down and is no longer active.

The London Internet Providers EXchange ("LIPEX") is an Internet Exchange Point situated in London. It was founded in 2001 by three directors of commercial Internet Service Providers: Panny Malialis of Hotlinks, Chris Smith of The Communication Gateway Ltd and Boyan Marinkovich of Routo Telecom Ltd as a free of charge Internet Exchange Point sponsored by Allied Telesyn. In 2002 Panny Malialis took over sole running of LIPEX and changed it into a commercial business.

Lipex currently offers services in 6 POPS:

See also

Some other Internet exchange points in London:

External links