London Cycling Campaign

LCC logo

The London Cycling Campaign (LCC) is an independent membership charity lobbying for better conditions for cycling in London. Its vision is to make London "a world-class cycling city". It is one of the largest urban cycling organisations in the world, with over 11,000 members.

LCC was formed in 1978, through the merger of several London-based pro-cycling groups, some supported by Friends of the Earth. The organisation was officially founded on 28 September 1978 at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese public house on Fleet Street, and its first offices were at 40 James Street, London W1.

The organisation has grown steadily in membership and staffing over the years, and now employs 15 people to promote cycling, lobby government at all levels, and support its members. In 2006, the organisation became a charity to take advantage of more favourable tax conditions. Its head office is now located at 2 Newhams Row, London SE1 3UZ.

LCC is not allied to any political party, but works with other organisations and invididuals campaigning for more enlightened use of public space in the capital — such as Living Streets, CTC, Sustrans and RoadPeace.

The majority of LCC's funding comes from membership subscriptions and charitable grants, although some of its staff are funded by local and regional government for the purposes of promoting cycling in London. For example, LCC administers grants for the Community Cycling Fund for London, which allocates money from Transport for London and the Big Lottery to promote local cycling groups. Since 2007, LCC has handed out over £1 million to such groups, and through this service has offered advice and support to hundreds of cyclists, often from disadvantaged backgrounds.

LCC publishes a magazine for its 11,000 members, called the 'London Cyclist'. The publication was originally called the 'Daily Cyclist', the name being a light-hearted parody of British newspapers. The magazine serves to keep members in touch with the organisation's campaigns, and is also sent to many decision-makers in the capital.

Current campaigns include:

LCC campaigns are backed up by a network of local LCC member groups at the London borough level. Local LCC groups liaise with their local Borough Council, relevant Transport for London Streets Management section, Sustrans and other statutory and non-statutory authorities to comment on local plans and developments that affect cyclists, pedestrians and the local environment.

Local groups also organise cycle rides and other social events. Many of these local borough groups have their own websites. Contact and website details are available on the main LCC website.

See also

External links