Local Agency Formation Commission

Local Agency Formation Commissions (or LAFCOs) are political entities associated with each of the 58 counties of the State of California that oversee the formation and development of local governmental agencies in those counties. LAFCOs' regulatory duties include approving the establishment, expansion, reorganization, and elimination of all cities and most types of special districts, and their spheres of influence. Spheres of influence demark the territory the affected LAFCO independently believes represents the appropriate and probable future jurisdictional boundary and service area of the subject agency. All jurisdictional boundary changes and outside service extensions, notably, must be consistent with the subject agencies' spheres of influence with limited exceptions. They are established in each county by the Cortese–Knox–Hertzberg Act (Government Code §§ 56000 et seq.)[1]

List of counties


Local Agency Formation Commissions were established in each California county (except San Francisco which would obtain one in 2001) by the California State Legislature in April 1963. LAFCos' current legal authority and mandate are defined by the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Act of 2000 (Government Code Section 56000 et seq).


LAFCOs have both regulatory and planning authority:

Under the agency, no community within an incorporated city has ever been granted city status. This is partially due to the recently passed Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Act of 2000, which makes it difficult for communities to break away from their original cities by forcing the community to gain approval from the city it is detaching from, and heightened requirements from an election (2/3 vote from entire community and affected city). The only community within a city ever to be brought before a vote by LAFCo was the San Fernando Valley in the early 2000s, which was denied. No detachments from a city have been successful in the state since 1947.


According to the Committee on Local Government of the California Senate, LAFCOs regulate all city and most special district boundaries, including:[2]

But not counties or special districts such as:[2]


  1. "A Citizen's Guide to Planning". California Office of Planning and Research. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 It’s Time To Draw The Line, California Senate

External links