Local (comics)


Cover of Local #8
Publication information
Publisher Oni Press
Schedule Monthly
Format Limited series
    Publication date November 2005
    Number of issues 12
    Main character(s) Megan
    Creative team
    Writer(s) Brian Wood
    Artist(s) Ryan Kelly
    Creator(s) Brian Wood

    Local is a twelve-part Oni Press comic book limited series written by Brian Wood and illustrated by Ryan Kelly. Each issue is intended to be a stand-alone short story, taking place in a different town across North America. A recurring character, Megan, provides a thread for readers who follow the series in sequence. Megan is the main character in some issues, while in others she is a spectator or background figure.

    Local resembles a previous series of Wood's, Demo (published by AiT/Planet Lar), which also spanned twelve issues, each of which was a self-contained story. As Local went on, it became more of a coming of age story for the lead character.

    The first issue was released in November 2005, and the series concluded in June 2008.


    1. "Ten Thousand Thoughts Per Second" - Portland, Oregon
    2. "Polaroid Boyfriend" - Minneapolis, Minnesota
    3. "Theories and Defenses" - Richmond, Virginia
    4. "Two Brothers" - Missoula, Montana
    5. "The Last 10 Lonely Days at the Oxford Theatre" - Halifax, Nova Scotia
    6. "Megan and Gloria, Apartment 5A" - Brooklyn, New York
    7. "Hazardous Youth" - Tempe, Arizona
    8. "Food as Substitute" - Wicker Park, Chicago
    9. "Wish You Were Here" - Norman, Oklahoma
    10. "Bar Crawl" - Austin, Texas
    11. "The Younger Generation" - Toronto, Ontario
    12. "The House That Megan Built" - Vermont

    External links