Living Reviews in Landscape Research

Living Reviews in Landscape Research  
Discipline Environmental studies, land management, recreation ecology, sustainability
Language English
Edited by Hubert Wiggering, Robert Costanza, Andrew Johnson, Felix Kienast
Publication details
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (Germany)
Publication history
License Creative Commons
ISSN 1863-7329
OCLC no. 180173004

Living Reviews in Landscape Research is a peer-reviewed open access scientific review journal covering topics in interdisciplinary domains of landscape ecology. This includes mutual dependencies of land uses, such as: agriculture, forestry, recreation and tourism, nature conservation, as well as the interactions within and among landscape management approaches at various scale and time levels and under different legal and cultural frameworks. It is published by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research. The concept of Living Reviews takes advantage of web-based electronic publishing and allows authors to update their articles with the latest developments and research findings. This journal is also supported by the International Association for Landscape Ecology.

External links