Lists of Statutes of New Zealand

Chronological list of governments of New Zealand

Number Government Statutes Time in office
0 List of Statutes of New Zealand (1840–1890)
1 Liberal List of Statutes of New Zealand (1891–1912) 21 years
2 Reform List of Statutes of New Zealand (1912–1928) 16 years
3 United List of Statutes of New Zealand (1928–1931) 3 years
4 Liberal-Reform coalition List of Statutes of New Zealand (1931–1935) 4 years
5 First Labour List of Statutes of New Zealand (1935–1949) 14 years
6 First National List of Statutes of New Zealand (1949–1957) 8 years
7 Second Labour List of Statutes of New Zealand (1957–1960) 3 years
8 Second National List of Statutes of New Zealand (1960–1972) 12 years
9 Third Labour List of Statutes of New Zealand (1972–1975) 3 years
10 Third National List of Statutes of New Zealand (1975–1984) 8 years
11 Fourth Labour List of Statutes of New Zealand (1984–1990) 6 years
12 Fourth National List of Statutes of New Zealand (1990–1999) 9 years
13 Fifth Labour List of Statutes of New Zealand (1999–2008) 9 years
14 Fifth National List of Statutes of New Zealand (2008–present)