List of words in English with tripled letters

This is a list of words having the same letter three or more times in succession, excluding abbreviations.

Word Part of speech Letters
sss noun 3
zzz noun (onomatopoeia) 3
zzzs noun 4
ohmmm noun (onomatopoeia) 5
Aaaaba proper noun 6
illlit adjective 6
gillless adjective 8
wallless adjective 8
bulllike adjective, adverb 8
hilllike adjective 8
Aaadonta proper noun 8
willless adjective 8
shellless adjective 9
skillless adjective 9
skulllike adjective 9
Amerikkka proper noun 9
Amerikkkan proper noun 10
goddessship noun 11
hostessship noun 11
willlessness noun 12
headmistressship noun 16