List of veterans of World War I who died in 2004

The following is a list of known veterans of the First World War (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918) who died in 2004.

Veterans by country of service - 167 veterans

Australia (2 veterans)

Name Rank/Regiment/Corps Born Died Notes
Caux, Marcel Jacques20th (New South Wales) Battalion. 2nd Division, Australian Imperial Force1 Mar 189922 Aug 2004 (105)Enlisted 1915. Last survivor of the Battle of Pozières. Also fought on the Somme and at Amiens. Wounded three times. See entry.
Smout, Edward David 'Ted'Sergeant, Medical Corps, Australian Imperial Force4 Jan 189822 Jun 2004 (106)Enlisted 1916. Served at Armentières, Messines, Ypres and Amiens.

Belgium (2 veterans)

Name Rank/Regiment/Corps Born Died Notes
Barbary, Cyrillus-Camillus (Cyriel)2nd regiment4 Aug 189916 Sep 2004 (105)Last Belgian veteran. Enlisted 1918. Served on the Western Front for the last few months of the war: two months in combat and six months behind the frontline. Died in Michigan as a citizen of the USA.
Brichard, Emile4th Medical Corps20 Dec 18998 Jul 2004 (104)Enlisted 1915. Served on the Western Front as a medical orderly.

Canada (2 veterans)

Name Rank/Regiment/Corps Born Died Notes
Holliday, CliffordPrivate, 43rd Battalion, Cameron Highlanders, Canadian Expeditionary Force27 Sep 18984 May 2004 (105)Enlisted 1914 as a boy bugler, but fought on the Western Front. Wounded twice. Died in the USA.
Métivier, Paul AntonioPrivate, 4th Division Ammunition Column, Canadian Expeditionary Force6 Jul 190022 Dec 2004 (104)Enlisted aged 16. Transported shells to artillery batteries on mules. Discharged when his real age was discovered.

France (27 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Anténor, Adrien Joseph4 Mar 189727 Jun 2004 (107)[1]
Boisard, Emile1 Aug 18984 Feb 2004 (105)[1]
Cabrol, Louis14 May 18995 Nov 2004 (105)Enlisted in 1917. Served with the 9e and 271e RAC.[1]
Chappot de la Chanonie, Henri9 Dec 189919 Jan 2004 (104)[1]
Chevance, Ernest7 Nov 18973 Nov 2004 (106)[1]
Durieux, Charles29 Mar 18995 Feb 2004 (104)[1]
Delhay, Emile29 Nov 189910 Jul 2004 (104)Conscripted 1918. Served as an engineer.[1]
Falière, Théophile André9 Dec 189919 Jan 2004 (104)Served as a stretcher bearer.[1]
Fournet, Lucien24 Jul 190013 Sep 2004 (104)Enlisted 1918. Served with the 8e Régiment de Chasseurs à Cheval d'Orléans.[1]
Geraud, Pierre31 Mar 18984 Jan 2004 (105)[1]
Guillot, Gérard Louis20 Jan 18994 May 2004 (105)Conscripted 1918.[1]
Guilloteau, Joseph Maurice André20 Sep 189725 Nov 2004 (107) Fought with the 77e RI de Cholet at Vosges, Mirecourt, Argonne, the Marne and Verdun. Invalided out of the war after being gassed.[1]
Lécaille, René14 Mar 18994 Dec 2004 (105)Conscripted 1918. Served with the 62e RI.[1]
Lenoir, Georges28 Jul 18989 Apr 2004 (105)[1]
Meserey, Marcel-Lucien24 Oct 189911 Feb 2004 (104)Conscripted 1917. Served at Chemin des Dames.[1]
Mommessin, Henri16 Feb 189912 May 2004 (105)Officer cadet with the 84e RA de Lyon.[1]
Mondoloni, Joseph12 Jan 189714 Oct 2004 (107)Last Corsican veteran. Fought with an alpine regiment at Verdun and Chemin des Dames.[1]
Pancher, Maurice Gabriel10 Jun 189815 Mar 2004 (105)Conscripted 1917. Fought with the 154e RI on the Somme. A German prisoner for the last three weeks of the war.[1]
Pannetier, Louis2 Aug 189914 Mar 2004 (104)Conscripted 1917. Served with the 30e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins.[1]
Rault, Joseph3 Sep 19012004 (102)[1]
Rosan, Ramire14 Apr 189524 May 2004 (109)Last veteran from Guadeloupe. Conscripted 1915. Fought on the Somme with the 23e RIC where he was gassed.[1]
Ruby, Adrien Auge Théophile29 Sep 18966 Sep 2004 (107)Conscripted 1915. Fought on the Western Front with the 9ème Régiment des Tirailleurs d'Algérie.[1]
Savonnet, Marcel22 Mar 18981 Nov 2004 (106)Fought with the 4e RA at Verdun and Villers-Cotterêts. Also served in Syria.[1]
Thibaut, Albert Félix Antoine29 May 189731 May 2004 (107)Fought with the 53e and 267e RI at Chemin des Dames and Bois des Caures where he lost a leg.[1]
Tissier, Marcel3 Apr 18991 Mar 2004 (104)Enlisted 1918.[1]
Ulmann, Georges23 Nov 18963 Jan 2004 (107)[1]
Valognes, Henri8 Dec 189924 Jan 2004 (104)Conscripted 1918. Served with the 106e and 154e RI.[1]

Germany (8 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Buresch, Josef4 Dec 189916 Oct 2004 (104)Served as a cadet. Taken prisoner by the Italians.
Gmerek, Andrzej23 Nov 19007 Apr 2004 (103)Ethnic Pole conscripted into the German army, but discharged after contracting diphtheria. Also fought in the Polish-Bolshevik War.
Klaczyński, Czesław190110 May 2004 (103)Ethnic Pole who served in the German army.
Göbl, Anton26 May 18985 Dec 2004 (106)Fought at Ypres. Also a World War II veteran. Infantry.[1]
Grochowina, Sylwester31 Dec 19017 Jan 2004 (102)Ethnic Pole who served in the German army.
Siemon, Konrad7 May 189724 Oct 2004 (107)[1]
Wagner, Arno4 Jun 189422 Dec 2004 (110)Served as a funker, or artillery observer, high above the Battle of Verdun in a balloon.
Wiederanders, Rudolf15 Dec 189812 Dec 2004 (105)Infantry.

Italy (44 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Amadei, Domenico15 Jan 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Bacciu, Giuseppe16 Oct 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Barbero, Luigi12 Apr 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Barghini, Anchise7 Jun 18956 Jan 2004 (108)
Bonaccini, Orazio11 Aug 18982004 (105-106)[2]
Borroni, Delfino23 Sep 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Bourlot, Luigi27 Feb 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Buttignoni, Giovanni28 Jun 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Caponi, Florio28 Jul 18995 Dec 2004 (105)
Casarola, Cataldo10 May 18982004 (105-106)[2]
Celli, Tosello13 Jan 18982004 (105-106)[2]
Crocetti, Ascanio20 Jan 19002004 (103-104)[2]
Del Bianco, Vincenzo28 May 19002004 (103-104)[2]
Digiannantonio, Andrea25 Sep 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Dimasi, Salvatore2 Feb 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Di Rocco, Giuseppe7 Feb 18992 Jul 2004 (105)Fought for Italy, died in the USA.
Disastri, Luigi14 Jun 19007 Dec 2004 (104)Served as a military labourer.
Donna, Giuseppe12 Nov 18979 June 2004 (106)[2][3]
Fantasia, Angelo15 Mar 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Ferragamo, Alfonso25 Aug 18985 May 2004 (105)Fought for Italy, died in the USA.
Frasconi, Pasquale12 Nov 189316 Mar 2004 (110)
Gazzillo, Sergio19 Apr 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Granata, Antonio13 Jul 189616 March 2004 (107)[2]
Latilla, Domenico4 Jul 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Lucci, Michele5 Mar 18969 Mar 2004 (108)Fought in an Alpine Regiment.[2]
Mele, Giovanni7 Sep 190019 Dec 2004 (104)
Molinaro, Paolo Rosario3 Oct 18982004 (105-106)Fought in an Alpine Regiment.[2]
Mortola, Francesco11 Mar 19002004 (103-104)[2]
Orlando, Giacomo1 Oct 18972004 (106-107)[2]
Paggi, Giulio30 April 189631 March 2004 (107)
Pagliuso, Pompilio4 Jan 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Pratesi, Michele7 Aug 18982004 (105-106)[2]
Ranzini, Louis31 Jul 189920 Mar 2004 (104)Died in the USA.
Raugei, Urbano15 Mar 18982004 (105-106)[2]
Rossetti, Giovanni30 Aug 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Roveda, Emilio20 Aug 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Sangermano, Antonio11 Aug 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Sangiorgio, Guglielmo26 Sep 1897Jan 2004 (106)
Saravalle, Ido Georgetto16 Nov 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Scola, Francesco11 Mar 18992004 (104-105)[2]
Scordamaglia, Raffaele27 Oct 18982004 (105-106)[2]
Terrando, Giacomo7 Aug 189425 Jun 2004 (109)Fought for Italy, died in the USA.
Vasti, Vito22 Sep 18982004 (105-106)[2]
Vitulli, Sebastiano27 Jul 1897Jan 2004 (106)[2]

Poland (5 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Filipowski, Andrzej18994 August 2004 (104-105)Also fought in the Polish-Bolshevik War and World War II.
Kowalkowski, Władysław12 June 18982004 (105-106)Also fought in the Polish-Bolshevik War.
Srzednicki, Zdzisław190223 June 2004 (101-102)Also fought in the Polish-Bolshevik War.
Tworkowski, Czesław18992004 (104-105)Also fought in the Polish-Bolshevik War.
Widajewicz, Mieczysław190315 March 2004 (100-101)Also fought in the Polish-Bolshevik War and World War II.

Russia (3 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Florysiak, Walenty26 Jan 18981 Jan 2004 (105)Ethnic Pole conscripted into the Russian army in 1916. Served with the 2nd Polish Corps in Belarus and on the Romanian Front.
Klovsky, Boris22 Jan 18961 Jun 2004 (108)Believed to be the penultimate Russian-born veteran of the Russian armed forces. Also a World War II veteran. Emigrated to the USA from Ukraine aged 100.
Soliński, Stanisław11 Feb 19006 Dec 2004 (104)Ethnic Pole conscripted into the Russian army.[1]

Serbia (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Radovanović, Aleksa 2 Aug 189922 Jun 2004 (104)Believed to be the last surviving Serbian veteran from World War I[4]

Turkey (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Akbulut, Hamzac.189821 Oct 2004 (106)Also fought in the Turkish war of independence.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (28 veterans)

Name Rank/Regiment/Corps Born Died Notes
Bacon, BessieRoyal Flying Corps20 Jun 1899Feb 2004 (104)Non combat. Based at RAF Uxbridge, Middlesex.[5]
Barraclough, ArthurPrivate, Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)4 Jan 189830 Aug 2004 (106)Fought at Ypres, Arras and Cambrai, and wounded three times.
Burnett, William (Bill)Private, Welsh Regiment & Sapper, Royal Engineers17 Jan 1897Jul 2004 (107)Last known Great War veteran of the Welsh Regiment. Born Aberdeen, Scotland, died Australia. Australia’s oldest man at his death.
Charles, George OgilviePrivate, 7th Durham Light Infantry2 Oct 189910 Dec 2004 (105)Served in France 1918.
Dye, Albert EdwardDriver, 52nd Army Service Corps & Royal Field Artillery1 Oct 18967 Sep 2004 (107)Enlisted in 1915. Served in Egypt and the last survivor of the Middle East campaigns.
Fancourt, Henry Lockhart St JohnMidshipman, Royal Navy1 Apr 19008 Jan 2004 (103)Served on HMS Princess Royal. Won the DSO in World War II. See entry.
Guilbert, William ThomasBoy Apprentice, Royal Flying Corps9 Oct 1903Apr 2004 (100)Non combat. Boy apprentice based at Netheravon.
Halestrap, ArthurSapper, Royal Engineers8 Sep 18981 Apr 2004 (105)Last known Great War combat veteran of the Royal Engineers. Walked the decks of ‘The Titanic’ before she sailed. Also survived the Spanish flu. See entry.
Hamm, Edward PercyPrivate, Royal Marines Light Infantry26 Feb 1899Feb 2004 (104)Last surviving Royal Marine. Also a World War II veteran.
Hankinson, Jasper Cecil FullartonPrivate, Worcestershire Yeomanry & 14th (County of London) London Regiment (London Scottish)16 Jun 18965 Jan 2004 (107)Last known Great War combat veteran of the London Regiment. Served on the Western Front, Greece and Palestine. Present at the British Army's last-ever cavalry charge in 1917.
Hart, John Charles (Jonas)Private, Essex Regiment10 Nov 190022 Oct 2004 (103)Last known Great War veteran of the Essex Regiment. Born Southend, Essex, died Australia. Enlisted underage, served on the Western Front.
Isaac, Ernest EdwardOrdinary Seaman, Royal Navy26 Oct 1900Jan 2004 (103)Enlisted 1918. Served on HMS Iron Duke.[6]ADM 188/814
Kirk, Thomas HobsonSub Lieutenant (Surgeon Probationer), Royal Navy13 Jan 18999 Nov 2004 (105) Served as medical officer aboard HMS Lydiard.
Lovell, James 'Jim'Lance Corporal, 8th Princess Charlotte of Wales’s (Royal Berkshire Regiment)10 Feb 189927 Jan 2004 (104)Holder of the Military Medal; the last known British veteran decorated for bravery. Last known Great War veteran of the Royal Berkshire Regiment.
McEwan, Alfred JohnPrivate, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders30 Sep 189829 Jul 2004 (105)Last known Great War veteran of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. Served on the Western Front.
Naylor, Arthur Percival B.Private, Army19 Oct 18995 Nov 2004 (105)
Oborne, John Richard Henry (Jack)Private, 4th Devonshire Regiment11 May 190023 Oct 2004 (104)Last known Great War veteran of the Devonshire Regiment. Enlisted underage and served in France.
Poppitt, John SydneyPilot Officer, Royal Air Force21 Oct 190017 Oct 2004 (103)Born Shropshire, died Australia. Non combat, still in training when war ended.
Pritchard, James Malcolm14th (County of London) London Regiment (London Scottish)12 Jul 189830 Oct 2004 (106)
Rayns, Edward (Ted)Acting Sergeant, Army Service Corps9 Feb 189930 Dec 2004 (105)Last known Great War veteran of the Army Service Corps. Enlisted underage. Served as a dispatch rider and present at the three Battles of the Somme.
Robinson, Norman LeonardPrivate, South Nottinghamshire Hussars14 Dec 190013 Jun 2004 (103)Non combat, still in training when war ended.
Sorrell, Ernest WilliamPrivate, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)2 May 1898Aug 2004 (106)Last known Great War veteran of the East Kent Regiment.[7]WO372/18
Strike, AlicePrivate, Royal Flying Corps31 Aug 189622 Dec 2004 (108)Born Godalming, Surrey, died Canada. Served as a pay clerk.
Tomkins, Arthur BellamyPrivate, Army24 Jun 19007 Jul 2004 (104)Born London, died Republic of Ireland. Non combat, still in training when war ended.
Walker, Henry FrancisPrivate, Devonshire Regiment7 Apr 1900Jun 2004 (104)Non combat.
Ward, Harry EdwardPrivate, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)13 Mar 1900Jan 2004 (103)Non combat. Served in Army of Occupation 1918-19.
Williams, AlbertPrivate, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)3 Sep 1898Mar 2004 (105)Enlisted aged 17. Served as a signaller. Fought in the 3rd battle of Ypres.
Wilson, PercyPrivate, Border Regiment & 21st (6th City) Manchester Regiment14 Aug 189915 Oct 2004 (105)Last known Great War veteran of the Border Regiment. Served as a Lewis gunner on the Somme.

Remark: a further 24 men old enough to have served in World War I died in England & Wales in 2004. Their veteran status is not yet confirmed. Scottish and Irish records are not checked either.

United States (44 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Alexander, Thomas16 Feb 189518 Jul 2004 (109)(Louisiana)
Amble, George Alvin21 Dec 189515 Oct 2004 (108)(Oregon) Private, US Army. Enlisted June 1918.[8]
Beckman, Arnold O.10 Mar 190018 May 2004 (104)(California) Non combat. Served in Marine Corps 1918-1919. Later a chemist, inventor and President of Beckman Instruments Inc.
Beatty, Samuel13 Nov 190013 Jun 2004 (103)(Florida) Seaman 2nd Class, US Navy.[8]
Benton, Robert Hugh30 Nov 189530 Sep 2004 (108)(Washington) Enlisted 1917. Served in France, gassed, but survived.
Britton, Birl2 Jan 189611 Jan 2004 (108)(California) Served in France.[9]
De Meis, Frank9 Sep 189718 Feb 2004 (106)(Florida) Born in Italy. Wounded on the Western Front.[9]
Declet, Aniceto12 Mar 18986 May 2004 (106)(New York) Enlisted July 1916 and served on the Mexican border.[8]
Doan Jr., Joseph (Joe) E.14 Jan 18956 Nov 2004 (109)(Pennsylvania) Sergeant, US Army.
Faight, Forrest W.27 Oct 189711 Nov 2004 (107)(California) Served with Battery C, 143rd Artillery, 40th Armored Division in France 1918. Stationed near Bordeaux, he maintained artillery equipment.
Flowler, Nathan Henry19 Mar 190014 Jul 2004 (104)(Wyoming) US Marine Corps.[8]
Fusselman, Perry D.9 Sep 18986 Oct 2004 (106)(Michigan) Non combat. Awaiting a posting to Europe when the Armistice was declared.
Gable, Addison21 Dec 190027 Oct 2004 (103)(West Virginia) Non combat. Enlisted aged 16, but discharged after ten months service when his parents intervened.
Genter, Carl G.17 May 190027 Feb 2004 (103)(Louisiana)
Geuss, Richard Alexander21 Sep 189914 Apr 2004 (104)(Illinois) US Army, 5th Division.
Harrison, Jim189621 Nov 2004 (108)
Hausold, Julius B.31 Dec 189520 Feb 2004 (108)(New Jersey) Fought with the 308th Field Artillery in France where he was wounded.
Hollar, Frank E.24 Mar 189928 Oct 2004 (105)(New Mexico) A cannoneer with Battery D, 244th Field Artillery on the Western Front from July 1918, later a dispatch rider. Remained in the army reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.[9]
Ingram, Philip G.25 Jan 190027 Jul 2004 (104)(Indiana) US Navy.[8]
Johnson, Dickerson1 May 18975 May 2004 (107)(Georgia) US Army.[8]
Johnson, Marie Odee23 Jul 189725 Sep 2004 (107)(Texas) Non combat. Served as a Yeoman 2nd class in the US Navy, working in a clerical role in Washington DC. See entry.
King, James Wesley10 Dec 19009 Mar 2004 (103)(Missouri) Private, US Army.[8]
Lake, William J.30 Oct 189519 Jun 2004 (108)(Washington) Machine Gun Company, 362nd Infantry, 91st Division. Fought on the Western Front in 1918, seeing action in the Argonne Forest offensive and Belgium.
Lee, Eugene W. (Gene)24 Mar 189925 Mar 2004 (105)(New York) Enlisted 1917. Fought with 5th Marine Regiment in France. Wounded and decorated for bravery.
Lese, Walter18 Sep 189927 Jan 2004 (104)(New York) Non combat. Enlisted 1917, but illness prevented his deployment to France. Served Stateside reaching the rank of sergeant.
Long, Paul E.12 Oct 189923 Nov 2004 (105)(Pennsylvania) Served in the US Army.
Moffitt, Jesse Laurence6 Mar 18978 Feb 2004 (106)(Massachusetts) Fought as an infantryman on the Western Front with the 102nd ifantry of the26th Yankee Division.
Moldenhauer, Ben14 Jun 189716 Aug 2004 (107)(Wisconsin)
Moyer, Dale20 Jun 189517 Jul 2004 (109)(Ohio) Twin brother of Glen Moyer (see Veterans of World War I who died in 2001).
Pugh, Alfred R.17 Jan 18957 Jan 2004 (108)(Maine) Enlisted 1917. Fought on the Western Front with the 77th Infantry Division 1918. Badly gassed.
Prutzman, Charles28 Nov 18972 Sep 2004 (106)(New York) Non-combat. Served in the US Army Officer Training Corps.
Richardson, Ruth Stevens7 Oct 189729 Dec 2004 (107)(Virginia) Non combat. Enlisted in US Navy just before the end of the war.
Risser, Clay Kenneth3 Aug 18994 Dec 2004 (105)(Iowa) Non combat. Served for 57 days in the Student’s Army Training Corps.
Robb, Jacob H.25 Jan 189929 Feb 2004 (105)(Missouri) Fought with the US Army on the Western Front 1918. Brother of Fred Robb (see Veterans of the First World War who died in 2005).
Roberts, Daniel Tipton (Tip)27 Nov 189517 Nov 2004 (108)
Roseberry, Samuel7 Jul 189821 Dec 2004 (106)(Indiana). Served on the Western Front.
Scannell, Edward G.20 Mar 19005 Aug 2004 (104)(New York)
Scow, Roy18 Jul 189611 Apr 2004 (107)(Montana) Enlisted 1917. Fought on the Western Front. Lost most of his hearing after an exploding artillery shell narrowly missed him.
Sunderland, Paul24 Apr 18969 Jan 2004 (107)(Kansas) Served in the US Navy on USS Charleston carrying supplies across the Atlantic.
Tucker, Henry Roy9 May 189712 Jun 2004 (107)(Georgia) Served in France.[9]
Tyler, William11 Jan 18997 Jan 2004 (105)(Maine) Seaman 2nd Class, US Navy.[8]
Walsh, Joseph1 Jan 189526 Jan 2004 (109)(Pennsylvania) Non combat. Served in the US Air Corps. Born in Russia.[10]
Weatherly, Robert S.24 Sep 18995 Mar 2004 (104)(Alabama) Served in the US Army.
Wright, Joe9 Jan 1895Feb 2004 (109)(Pennsylvania)

World War I-era veterans - 5 veterans

Listed here are those that joined the armed services after the Armistice date, but before the Treaty of Versailles was signed, or where there is debate on their join-date, or whose military service is sometimes viewed as outside the scope of "WWI", but are considered World War I-era veterans by the press or by their respective governments, or served in a related conflict.

Estonia (4 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Elango, Aleksander21 Feb 190217 Mar 2004 (102)Fought in the Estonian War of Independence Nov 1918 – Feb 1920. et:Aleksander Elango
Pärna, Aarno7 Oct 189915 Dec 2004 (105) Fought in the Estonian War of Independence Nov 1918 – Feb 1920. Died in the USA. et:Aarno Pärna
Pruuel, August5 Apr 190021 Jan 2004 (103)Fought in the Estonian War of Independence Nov 1918 – Feb 1920. et:August Pruuel
Tark, Johannes24 Mar 190026 Dec 2004(104)Fought in the Estonian War of Independence Nov 1918 – Feb 1920. Joined up in January 1919, wounded on the Lativan Front.

Russia (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Livshits, Shlema Haimovich13 Feb 189926 Jul 2004 (105)Served in the Russian Civil War 1918-1922. Also a decorated World War II veteran. Became a US citizen aged 104, died in Tennessee.

Totals - 172 veterans

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 Mathieu, Frédéric, Ders Des Ders
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 Mathieu, Frédéric, Ders Des Ders
  4. M. Rakić (2004-06-26). "Odlazak poslednjeg srpskog Solunca" (in Serbian). Kurir.
  5. Evans, Michael; Arthur, Max (1998-11-07), "80 Years On: The Day of a Lifetime; 1914-1918: The Last Survivors", The Times
  6. "Admiralty: Royal Navy Registers of Seamen's Services 1908 - 1923". The National Archive.
  7. "War Office: Service Medal and Award Rolls Index, First World War". The National Archive.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 "National Gravesite Locator". National Cemetery Association.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Legion of Honor Recipients, Embassy of France in the United States of America, February 16, 2001, archived from the original on August 14, 2007
  10. Northeast Times

External links