List of veterans of World War I who died in 2001

The following is a list of known veterans of the First World War (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918) who died in 2001.

Veterans by country of service - 329 veterans

Australia (9 veterans)

Name Rank/Regiment/Corps Born Died Notes
Baldwin, Cyril Donald Burdettc.189711 Aug 2001 (104)[1]
Band, August (Augie)Private, 15th Field Co, Engineers, Australian Imperial Force189631 Oct 2001 (105)Enlisted 1915. Served in France as a driver.[1]
Burnard, Herbert HenryLance-Corporal, 32nd & 50th Battalions, Australian Imperial Force30 Sep 18979 May 2001 (103)Enlisted 1917. Served in France.[1]
Guinn, Henry Georgec.190022 Feb 2001 (100)Also a World War II veteran.[1]
Kerr, John Walter (Jack)Private, 4th Light Horse, Australian Imperial Force189929 Jul 2001 (102)Enlisted 1917. Served in Egypt.[1]
Longmore, Roy Lance-Corporal, 2nd Pioneer Battalion, Australian Imperial Force29 Apr 189421 Jun 2001 (107)Enlisted 1915. Fought at Gallipoli and on the Western Front where he was wounded twice.
Mance, Lionel Charles (Charlie)Private, 22nd Battalion, Australian Imperial Force3 Dec 190013 Sep 2001 (100)Enlisted underage in 1917. Fought on the Somme where he was gassed and wounded.
Robinson, Thomas JamesPrivate, 4th Australian Corps Cyclist Battalion, Australian Imperial ForceMar 189722 Apr 2001 (104)Enlisted 1915. Served in France.[1]
Rosser, Harold WaltersPrivate, 39th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force189617 Sep 2001 (105)Enlisted 1916. Fought on the Western Front, wounded three times.[1]

Austria-Hungary (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Kovacic, Ivan20 Oct 189813 Feb 2001 (102) Last veteran from Slovenia.[2][3]

Belgium (3 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Coghe, Michiel-Leo5 Apr 189519 Jun 2001 (106)4th Lancers.Was the oldest Belgian veteran ever.
Ooghe, Paul Jean-Marie17 May 18998 Sep 2001 (102)1st Grenadiers and 5th Lancers. Enlisted aged 16. Believed to have been the last Belgian combat veteran.(Dutch)(Dutch)
Otte, Ephrim18972001 (103)Non combat.

Canada (11 veterans)

Name Rank/Regiment/Corps Born Died Notes
Allain, Henri MarcelPrivate, 165th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force14 Feb 189714 Oct 2001 (104)Enlisted 12th Feb 1916. Served in France behind the front line digging trenches.
Charpentier, FulgencePrivate, 2nd Depot Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force29 Jun 18976 Feb 2001 (103)See entry.
Dunsmore, Arthur B.Sergeant, 42nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force14 Sep 189821 Jul 2001 (102)Enlisted 1916. Awarded the Military Medal for bravery on the Western Front.[4]
Gibbs, William RobertCorporal, 27th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force10 Jun 189713 Aug 2001 (104)Served in France.[4]
Johnson, George FrederickPrivate, 177th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Forcec.1900 Apr 2001 (100)Born in England. Enlisted underage. Served in France. Also a World War II veteran.[4]
Payzant, William Henry24 July 189719 April 2001 (103)Enlisted June 1918.[5][6]
Pitcairn, JamesGunner, 52nd Battery, Queen's Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force3 May 18972001 (104)Born in Scotland. Enlisted 1916 and served on the Western Front as a layer for an 18 lb gun.
Thorlakson, Stephan SedfordPrivate, Signals Machine Gun Company, Canadian Expeditionary Force10 Dec 18975 Jan 2001 (103)Enlisted 1915. Served in France as a company runner and dispatcher. Also a World War II veteran.
Tremblay, René189217 Dec 2001 (109)
Tyler, Henry Charles (Harry)4 Mar 1899Apr 2001 (102)Born in England. Enlisted underage in 1916. Served in France.[4]
Walsh, Lawson ArthurPrivate, 193rd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force14 Feb 1898Dec 2001 (103)Enlisted 1916. Served in France.[4]

France (49 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Abescat, Raymond10 Sep 189125 Aug 2001 (109)Served in the 113e RI from 1912-1919. Seriously wounded at Verdun.[7]
Aegerter, Louis5 Aug 189317 Feb 2001 (107)[7]
Armand, Bernard21 May 18931 Dec 2001 (108)[7]
Augade, Casimir30 Dec 189729 Jul 2001 (103)[7]
Ballorain, Eugène6 Dec 1898July 2001 (102)[7]
Bastier, Marcel19 Oct 189914 Jun 2001 (101)[7]
Bernon, Léon15 Sep 18982 Apr 2001 (102)Enlisted in the Navy 1917. Served aboard La Gracieuse, patrolling for German submarines.[7]
Boudin, Paul17 Aug 189928 Feb 2001 (101)[7]
Bouchard, Théodore3 Jun 18982 Jan 2001 (102)[7]
Bouqué, Jean4 Mar 189729 Mar 2001 (104)[7]
Brocard, Louis15 Feb 1898May 2001 (103)Conscripted 1918 and served on the Western Front.[7]
Cléret, Gustave Louis Alfred9 Jan 189310 May 2001 (108)Born in the USA. Enlisted in 1914 and served on the Western Front as an officer with a Tunisian colonial regiment.[7]
Clerget, Fernand8 Dec 190017 Apr 2001 (100)[7]
Cornic, Augé3 Jul 189822 Sep 2001 (103)[7]
Daigneau, Alexis Prosper Auge4 Aug 18903 Apr 2001 (110)[7]
Daugé, Célestin29 Sep 189825 Sep 2001 (103)[7]
Drut, Henri10 Jul 190012 Jan 2001 (100)[7]
Ducamp, Jean, dit Jérôme26 Apr 18969 Dec 2001 (105)[7]
Epailly, Georges2 Jun 1899Mar 2001 (101)Non combat. Completed training and awaiting a posting to the Front when the Armistice declared.[7]
Floret, Pierre20 Dec 189713 Mar 2001 (103)[7]
Fourquet, Jean23 Jun 189918 Sep 2001 (102)Conscripted April 1918. Served in Belgium with a heavy artillery unit for 11 days until the Armistice. Later an honorary professor at The Sorbonne.[7]
Gentet-Garanson, Gaston22 Jun 189910 Sep 2001 (102)[7]
Gérin, BertinSep 189627 Mar 2001 (104)Sergeant, 92e RI. Fought and wounded on the Western Front.[7]
Gilbin, Gabriel5 Oct 18971 Jul 2001 (103)[7]
Grappe, André10 Oct 189831 Jan 2001 (102)[7]
Guinard, Jean9 Jul 189929 Nov 2001 (102)Conscripted 1917. Gassed.[7]
Houilliez, Louis31 Oct 189814 Sep 2001 (102)[7]
Huon, Jean27 May 18972001 (103)[7]
Jamault, Lucien13 Jul 189913 May 2001 (101)Fought at Ypres 1918. Later an Olympic decathlete.[7]
Jard, Paul29 Oct 18992001 (101)Served as a cook in the Navy.[7]
Jeandot, Lucien Marie Albert21 Apr 189910 Nov 2001 (102)Conscripted 1917. Fought on the Western Front with the 35e RAC.[7]
Joui, René7 Dec 189623 Jan 2001 (104)[7]
Laugier, Victor28 Sep 189711 Jan 2001 (103)[7]
Laxague, Alexis13 Oct 189925 Nov 2001 (102)Served with the Navy.[7]
Leriche, Maxime14 Jan 189822 Apr 2001 (103)[7]
Lointier, René10 Nov 18991 Apr 2001 (101)[7]
Matter, Jacques1 Aug 18992 May 2001 (101)[7]
Milhau, Andre9 Mar 190016 Feb 2001 (100)[7]
Mule, Marcel24 Jun 190119 Dec 2001 (100)See entry.
Pecot, Gaston Jean3 Oct 190020 Apr 2001 (100)[7]
Prévost, René Emile29 Dec 189818 Oct 2001 (102)[7]
Piron, Raymond17 Mar 189623 Nov 2001 (105)Served with 146e, 143e and 137e RI. Fought at the Battle of Verdun and served on the Western Front repairing telephone lines.[7]
Thiriet, Pierre8 Feb 18973 Dec 2001 (104)[7]
Thomas, Marcel André30 Nov 189930 Jan 2001 (101)[7]
Vachey, Lazare19 Aug 18985 Mar 2001 (102)[7]
Vallée, Raymond Jules31 Jul 189722 Mar 2001 (103)Fought at Verdun and Chemin des Dames with the 299e RI. Ended the war with the air force.[7]
Verjat, Robert28 Sep 189717 Dec 2001 (104)[7]
Viala, André Pierre17 Jun 189920 Feb 2001 (101)[7]

Germany (8 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Ballweg, Eugen3 Dec 189523 Dec 2001 (106)[8]
Bruehl, Paul2 Dec 189810 Jul 2001 (102)Died in the USA.
Gluck, Louis14 Nov 189924 Apr 2001 (106)Born Alsace-Lorraine. Conscripted into the German army 1917. Fought on the Western Front in Flanders. Died France.[7]
Hensel, Heinrich23 Sep 189524 Jan 2001 (105)
Jenniches, Josef29 Apr 189531 Jan 2001 (105)[9]
Leyens, Erich13 Jan 18981 Oct 2001 (103)Emigrated to the USA, but died in Germany.
Neumann, Otto15 Sep 189518 Dec 2001 (106)
Schwager, Arthur18 Aug 18958 May 2001 (105)

Italy (2 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Desio, Ardito18 Apr 189712 Dec 2001 (104)Fought with the 8th Alpine Regiment. Later a well-known explorer, mountaineer and geologist.
Pettinicchi, Emilio22 Apr 189922 Nov 2001 (102)Died in the USA. Fought for the US in World War II.

New Zealand (2 veterans)

Name Rank/Regiment/Corps Born Died Notes
Blyth, Lawrence M. (Curly)2nd Lieutenant, 3rd New Zealand (Rifle) Brigade189610 Oct 2001 (105)Enlisted 1916. Fought on the Western Front, present at capture of Le Quesnoy. Remained in army after the war and reached rank of Lt Colonel.
Owen, William Ralph SpencerPrivate, 2nd New Zealand (Rifle) Brigade12 Nov 18977 Apr 2001 (103)Conscripted 1918 and fought on the Western Front for 6 months, involved in the capture of Le Quesnoy.[10]

Poland (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Tarnawski Stefan (Tarło)18989 Nov 2001 (103)Also a veteran of the Polish-Bolshevik War and World War II. Remained in the army and reached the rank of General:

Portugal (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Gomes, Manuel20 Feb 1896Jun 2001 (105)

Puerto Rico (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Torres-Maldonado, Primitivo20 Jan 190025 Mar 2001 (101)Private, US Army.[11]

Russia (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Karasick, Bernard31 July 189831 Dec 2001 (103)Conscripted 1917. Fought as a machine gunner on the Austrian front. Captured by the Germans but later escaped. Died USA.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (72 veterans)

Name Rank/Regiment/Corps Born Died Notes
Appleby, Frederick HenryRoyal Naval Air Service14 Aug 1899Dec 2001 (102)[12]
Beer, Sidney GoldsworthPrivate, 2nd Middlesex Regiment13 Aug 1898Feb 2001 (102)Fought on the Western Front for only 3 weeks before being taken prisoner of war.[13]
Biggadike, Edward CecilPrivate, 4th Dorset Regiment4 Dec 1899Jul 2001 (101)Non combat. Posted to Ireland.[13]
Billingham, Bernard John GPrivate, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) & Army Service Corps16 Apr 1897Aug 2001 (104)[12]
Bowmer, William JamesDriver, Royal Field Artillery20 Jul 1898Aug 2001 (103)[12]
Bristow, Conrad PhilipFlight Sub Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service22 Nov 18998 Nov 2001 (101)Last surviving British RNAS pilot.
Bulbeck, Edward George BassettBandsman, Royal Marines18 Mar 1897Nov 2001 (104)Enlisted 1911.[14]ADM 159
Casswell, John SidneyPrivate, 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)15 Nov 1898Jul 2001 (102)[15]WO372/4
Charlesworth, FrankRoyal Naval Volunteer Reserve11 May 1900Jan 2001 (100)[16]ADM 337/1-108
Cook, John WilliamOrdinary Seaman, Royal Navy3 Jun 1900Apr 2001 (100)Enlisted 1918.[17]ADM 188/825
Colbert, Thomas HenryPrivate, Durham Light Infantry25 Dec 1899May 2001 (101)[15]WO372/4
Cummings, Victor BadenRoyal Flying Corps22 Mar 1900Apr 2001 (101)Enlisted underage and carried out bombing raids on German positions as a 17-year-old.
Davey, Walter JohnRoyal Horse Artillery20 Aug 1897Dec 2001 (104)Last known Great War veteran of the Royal Horse Artillery.[12]
De Courcy-Ireland, Stanley BrianMidshipman, Royal Navy5 May 1900Nov 2001 (101)Served on HMS Bellerophon. Veteran of Jutland; witnessed scuttling of German fleet at Scapa Flow. Also a World War II veteran.
Dewing, Thomas AlfredSapper, 34th Signals Co., Royal Engineers21 Apr 18961 Feb 2001 (104)Witnessed the Battle of the Somme as a signaller manning an observation post behind No Man’s Land.[18]
Edgley, ReginaldPrivate, Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Regiment)1 Sep 1899Oct 2001 (102)[12]
Farrant, Reuben JamesPrivate, Royal Marine Artillery8 Oct 1900Nov 2001 (101)Non Combat. Enlisted 1 November 1918 and still in training when the war ended.[14]ADM 159
Faux, MarcusPrivate, 53rd (Young Students) Rifle Brigade7 May 1900Aug 2001 (101)Enlisted May 1918 and still in training when the war ended.[13]
Felstead, Bertie CharlesPrivate, 15th Welsh Fusiliers (1st London Welsh)28 Oct 189422 Jul 2001 (106)Last known Great War veteran of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Enlisted 1914. Wounded at the Battle of the Somme. Last surviving participant of 1915 Christmas Truce.
Ferris, Harold Lyle VRoyal Naval Air Service5 Dec 1899Sep 2001 (101)Enlisted 1917.[17]ADM 188/638
Finbow, JohnPrivate, East Surrey Regiment8 Nov 1899Jan 2001 (101)[12]
Fleming, Leonard HarryPrivate, Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) & Royal Sussex Regiment10 Jan 1899Feb 2001 (102)[15]WO372/7
Foulkes, Vincent JamesLance-Corporal, 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment25 Jun 1899Aug 2001 (102)[15]WO372/7
Freeman, EmmanuelMiddlesex Regiment23 Nov 1897Feb 2001 (103)[12]
Gall, Albert Edward GPrivate, Norfolk Regiment23 Mar 1898Feb 2001 (102)[15]WO372/7
Getty, JessieNurse, Voluntary Aid Detachment27 Mar 189414 Dec 2001 (107)Last surviving Irish female veteran of World War I.
Giles, Maurice2nd Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps10 Nov 1899Mar 2001 (101)Non combat. In training as a pilot when the war ended.
Goodburn, Albert JamesPrivate, Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)20 Dec 1899Dec 2001 (101)[15]WO372/8
Goodwin, AlexanderRoyal Naval Air Service13 Aug 1899May 2001 (101)Enlisted 1917.[17]ADM 188/630
Goring, Percy GeorgeSapper, 54th Field Co, Royal Engineers19 Dec 189427 Jul 2001 (106)Born in London, died Australia. Last surviving British veteran of Gallipoli.
Hall, John LawrenceEast Surrey Regiment30 Jun 1898Jun 2001 (102)Last known Great War veteran of the East Surrey Regiment.[12]
Hardy, Henry Leslie (Bert)Stoker, Royal Navy16 Dec 1899Mar 2001 (101)Enlisted 1917.[17]ADM 188/963
Harvey, HarryRoyal Naval Air Service13 Oct 1899Aug 2001 (101)Enlisted 1918.[17]ADM 188/640
Hatcher, William George RPrivate, Middlesex Regiment & Machine Gun Corps27 Oct 1897Nov 2001 (104)[12]
Hazell, Albert AugustusOrdinary Seaman, Royal Navy17 Jan 1900Jun 2001 (101)Enlisted 1918.[17]ADM 188/824
Hill, StanleyPrivate, Gloucestershire Regiment & Army Service Corps25 Apr 1898Jan 2001 (102)[12]
Hilliard, Albert WilliamGunner, Royal Garrison Artillery8 Dec 189910 Jan 2001 (101)[15]WO372/9
Hilton, EdgarOrdinary Seaman, Royal Navy24 Sep 1900Dec 2001 (101)Enlisted 1917.[17]ADM 188/805
Holloway, Frederick WalterArtificer, Royal Navy28 Aug 1900Jul 2001 (100)Enlisted 1918.[17]ADM 188/1085
Holton, EdwardPrivate, Army30 May 1898Jul 2001 (103)[15]WO372/10
Hudson, James AlfredPrivate, 8th Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment)10 Mar 189811 Jun 2001 (103)Enlisted underage. Fought at Mons, Arras and Ypres.[15]WO372/10
Hughes, David DaviesRoyal Flying Corps13 Apr 1899Mar 2001 (101)[12]
Ireland, DavidPrivate, 3rd Highland Cyclist Battalion & Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)c. 1898Jun 2001 (c. 103)Dispatch rider. Fought at Arras, twice wounded. Severely shellshocked; admitted to a psychiatric hospital in 1924 and never left.
Keir, FredPrivate, Machine Gun Corps19 Oct 18997 Dec 2001 (102)Enlisted aged 16. Fought on the Western Front and in Italy.[15]WO372/11
Kimber, Leonard StanleyPrivate, Hampshire Regiment & Royal Defence Corps16 Feb 190031 May 2001 (101)Last known Great War veteran of the Hampshire Regiment. Served in India.[15]WO372/11
Lawson, HenryPrivate, 52nd (Graduated) West Yorkshire Regiment25 Jul 1899Nov 2001 (102)Non combat. Enlisted 1917 but never posted overseas until serving in the army of occupation 1919.[13]
Littler, HenryOrdinary Seaman, Royal Navy3 Jun 1899May 2001 (101)Enlisted 1917.[17]ADM 188/801
Luce, Frank HenryPrivate, London Regiment & King’s Royal Rifle Corps3 Feb 1900Aug 2001 (101)Last known Great War veteran of the K.R.R.C.[15]WO372/12
McCormack, Leo PatrickDriver, Royal Field Artillery2 Jul 1897Mar 2001 (103)[15]WO372/12
Middleton, Clifford VictorMerchant Navy15 Feb 18979 Jan 2001 (103)Sunk twice by Germans in the Atlantic. Also a World War II veteran with the Royal Indian Navy.
Miller, Harry MaxActing Sergeant, King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry)25 Feb 1899Jan 2001 (101)Last known Great War veteran of the Yorkshire Light Infantry.[12]
Miller, Joseph WilliamPrivate, Royal Marines Light Infantry6 Jun 1900Feb 2001 (100)Enlisted at 16. Also a World War II veteran.
Moncini, DonaldPrivate, Young Students Battalion3 Nov 1899Apr 2001 (101)[15]WO372/14
Murden, Edward JohnPrivate, Army11 Jan 1899Jul 2001 (102)[15]WO372/14
Nelson, William ErnestPrivate, 2nd North Riding Volunteer Regiment22 Aug 1899Dec 2001 (102)[13]
Parsler, HenryRoyal Naval Air Service10 Dec 1899Jan 2001 (101)Enlisted 1917.[17]ADM 188/636
Puddick, Vivian Harry LSapper, Royal Engineers & 247th-249th Field Co, 63rd (Royal Naval) Division2 Feb 1898Aug 2001 (103)Last known Great War veteran of the Royal Naval Division.[15]WO372/14
Rabin, Arthur WilliamPrivate, London Regiment10 Apr 1895Jan 2001 (105)[15]WO372/16
Rimmer, Albert Edward (Ted)Private, 2/6th Kings (Liverpool Regiment)10 Sep 1898Oct 2001 (103)An infantry scout who fought at the 3rd Battle of Ypres and Passchendaele.
Rough, James FrederickPrivate, Northumberland Fusiliers & Labour Corps13 Apr 1898Feb 2001 (102)Last known Great War veteran of the Northumberland Fusiliers.[12]
Savage, SeptimusPrivate, 10th West Yorkshire Regiment8 Oct 189817 Jun 2001 (102)Enlisted underage and fought in the Battle of the Somme. Wounded at Albert. Died in Canada.
Sexton, Frederic Braemar, WLieutenant, Devonshire Regiment & Army Service Corps15 Nov 1898Nov 2001 (102)Last known Great War combat veteran of the Devonshire Regiment.[12]
Sheppard, JamesPrivate, Royal Marines Light Infantry11 Dec 1900Dec 2001 (100)Enlisted July 1918 and still in training when the war ended.[14]ADM 159
Sinclair, JohnRoyal Artillery21 Aug 1898Apr 2001 (102)[12]
Slade, RichardPrivate, Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry2 Jun 1897Mar 2001 (103)Last known Great War veteran of the Ox & Bucks Light Infantry.[12]
Spriggs, Thomas YatesPrivate, 55th Division, Machine Gun Corps2 Jul 1897Feb 2001 (103)Fought in the 3rd battle of Ypres, Passchendaele and Cambrai where he was captured by the Germans.
Stanley, Evelyn MaryWomen's Royal Army Corps & Royal Horse Artillery17 Jul 1898Nov 2001 (103)[12]
Trenowden, Francis JamesRoyal Naval Air Service16 Aug 189923 Jul 2001 (101)Enlisted 1917.[17]ADM 188/631
Tomkins, Josiah WilliamOrdinary Seaman, Royal Navy3 Feb 1900Dec 2001 (101)Enlisted 1918.[17]ADM 188/816
Tomkins, Robert Henry SPrivate, Royal Warwickshire Regiment6 Aug 1899Jan 2001 (101)Last known Great War veteran of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment.[15]WO372/20
Walters, WilliamLance Corporal, Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment)6 Dec 1896Dec 2001 (105)Enlisted in 1914. Fought on the Western Front (wounded) and with Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
Wiggins, William KennethPrivate, London Regiment, Essex Regiment & Royal Engineers12 Nov 1895Aug 2001 (105)[15]WO372/21

Remark: a further 155 men old enough to have served in World War I died in 2001 in England & Wales. Their veteran status is not yet confirmed. Scottish and Irish records are not checked either.

United States (169 veterans)

Name Born Died Notes
Allen, Carl M.28 Jan 18938 Dec 2001 (108)(Massachusetts) Non combat. Served in France at a laboratory disarming unexploded bombs and testing nerve gas.
Ballman, James E.24 Dec 190022 Jun 2001 (100)(Florida) Corporal, US Army.[11]
Barkas, Thomasc. 18952001 (106)(Louisiana) Served in France.
Beerman, Walter D.13 Mar 18933 Mar 2001 (107)(Florida) Served in US Navy. A machine gun instructor.
Beeson, James W.19 Dec 189923 Mar 2001 (101)(Florida) US Army.
Bell, Norman Edward26 Jul 189915 Apr 2001 (101)(California) US Army.[11]
Bennett, Charles W.23 Sep 18981 Jan 2001 (102)(New York) Served in France.[19]
Beymer, Chester H.18 Nov 189813 Feb 2001 (102) Fresno (California) Served in France.[19]
Blauser, Charles W.3 Aug 189723 Apr 2001 (103)(Pennsylvania) Served in France.[19]
Boner, Harvey L.20 Jan 18975 Jun 2001 (104)(Wyoming) Last known veteran from Wyoming to have served overseas.[19]
Bowen, Herbert W.c.1900Nov 2001 (101)(Maryland) Served in France.[19]
Brice, Thomas Frank20 Dec 18951 Jan 2001 (105)(Tennessee) Served in France.[19]
Brookmyer, Lloyd E.21 Nov 189830 Jan 2001 (102)(Pennsylvania) Private, US Army[11]
Buckner, Charles Madison12 Sep 18987 Jul 2001 (102)(Missouri) Private, US Army.[11]
Bucklin, Robert M.19 Dec 18967 Feb 2001 (104)(Minnesota) Private, US Army. Enlisted August 1918.[11]
Busekrus, Harvey E.2 Sep 189818 May 2001 (102)(Missouri) Private, US Army.[11]
Caporizzo, Felix A.,11 Nov 189510 Sep 2001 (105)(Massachusetts) Born in Italy and emigrated to the USA as a child. Served in France.
Carter, Leslie Frederick19 Aug 189817 Jul 2001 (102)(New Hampshire) Petty Officer 1st Class, US Navy.[11]
Chapman, Wilmer S.20 Feb 189530 Jul 2001 (106)(Florida) Served in France.[19]
Chergosky, Joseph B.22 Mar 189428 Aug 2001 (107)(New York) Served in France.[19]
Clark, Douglas Hayes22 Jul 189925 Jul 2001 (102)(Alabama) US Army.[11]
Cohn, Benno18 Nov 18978 Aug 2001 (103)(New York) Served in France.[19]
Cole, Jasper E.5 Oct 189412 Sep 2001 (106)(Nebraska) US Army.
Conley, Milford24 Apr 18996 Nov 2001 (102)(Ohio) Served in France.[19]
Conway, Harold Joseph7 Nov 190016 Apr 2001 (100)(Virginia) US Army. Also served in World War II and Korea, reaching the rank of Colonel.[11]
Cook, Ossie15 Oct 189423 Jul 2001 (106)(Georgia) Served in France.[19]
Cooper, Donald30 Oct 189514 Jun 2001 (105)(Georgia) Served in France.[19]
Crain, Doc Frank23 Feb 189911 Dec 2001 (102)(Texas) Private, US Army.[11]
Crittenden, Roy J.30 Jul 190025 Jan 2001 (100)(Texas) Enlisted underage in 1917. Wounded whilst serving in France loading ammunition.[19]
Czolgacz, Charles Leonard17 May 190017 Feb 2001 (100)(California) Private, US Army.[11]
Deckard, George W.17 Nov 189613 Sep 2001 (104)(Tennessee) Fought on the Western Front with US Army. In My Great Uncles own words, "I never saw combat, on the day I was to go to the front line, that morning the cease fire began. I never had to fire my gun in anger." George W Deckard Nov 1996 100th Birthday get together, Deckard Family Reunion.

Denesha, Forest22 Nov 189418 Dec 2001 (107)(New York) Served in France.[19]
Dietzman, William Paul14 Aug 189816 Apr 2001 (102)(New Jersey) US Navy. Served as a gunner aboard USS Harrisburg, making several Atlantic crossings.[19]
DiSandro, Severino (Sam)12 Feb 189510 May 2001 (106)(Rhode Island). Born in Italy. Non-combat. Drafted into the US Army as a carpenter in an aircraft factory.
Dixson, Manuel8 Aug 189719 Sep 2001 (104)(Louisiana) Private, US Army.[11]
Donovan, Joseph L.26 Apr 18999 Nov 2001 (102)(Florida) Served in France. Also World War II veteran.[19]
Doran, Charles E.18 Aug 189414 Feb 2001 (106)(South Dakota) Last known veteran from South Dakota to have served overseas.[19]
Downey, Marie A.2 Oct 18986 Jun 2001United States Navy.[11]
Drewelow, George W16 Dec 189714 Jun 2001 (103)(Oregon) Corporal, US Army. Enlisted May 1917.[11]
Dunn, William R.27 Apr 190022 Jul 2001 (101)(Massachusetts) Served in France.[19]
Dunton, James G.10 Nov 189917 May 2001 (101)(Virginia) Served in France as a sergeant in the US Army Ambulance Corps. Also a World War II veteran.[19]
Eichler, Francis H. (Frank)11 Oct 189729 Nov 2001 (104)(California) Served briefly in France as a sergeant in the 548th Engineers, 5th Engineering Logistic Regiment, US Army.[19]
Ekiss, Ivon Carl8 Nov 189427 Jul 2001 (106)(Colorado) Private, US Army.[11]
Elliott, Lewis Beall1 Sep 189710 Feb 2001 (103)(Texas) Sergeant, US Army[11]
Ellner, Bernard J.7 Aug 189710 Mar 2001 (103)(Texas) Pharmacist’s Mate 3rd Class, US Navy. Enlisted June 1918.[11]
Erger, Benjamin D.16 Oct 18994 Sep 2001 (101)(Arizona) Last known veteran from Arizona to have served overseas.[19]
Fabricius, Hans5 Nov 189712 Mar 2001 (103)(Idaho) Private, US Army.[11]
Folk, Jesse28 Nov 189828 Apr 2001 (102)(Missouri) Served in France.[19]
Folks, James N.19 Oct 189720 Jan 2001 (103)(Michigan) US Army.
Foor, Forrest L.20 Dec 189618 Jan 2001 (104)(California) Served as an instructor in the US Navy.
Fredey, Richard23 Mar 190128 Dec 2001 (100)(New York) Enlisted underage and served in France with the US Marine Corps. Also a veteran of World War II and the Korean War.[19]
Fuller, Jack G.7 Mar 18954 Jan 2001 (105)(California) Served as aide-de-camp to General Hugh Johnson in World War I, and chief veterinarian of the China-Burma-India theatre during World War II. Retired from the army in the rank of Colonel in 1950.
Gardner, Floyd S.22 May 190119 May 2001 (99)(California) Enlisted underage. Served in France.[19]
Garman, Lloyd E.30 Apr 189224 May 2001(109)(Kansas)
Green, John R.15 Jun 189822 Jun 2001 (103)(Pennsylvania) US Army.[11]
Griesner, William28 May 18954 Apr 2001 (105)(California) Served in France.[19]
Gunderson, Harry2 Sep 189818 Nov 2001 (103)(New Mexico) Served in France.[19]
Hall, Robert Henry12 Aug 189814 May 2001 (102)(New York) Private, US Army.[11]
Harries, John H.23 Feb 189426 Apr 2001 (107)(Oklahoma) Served in France from May 1918 as a 2nd Lieutenant, 33rd Infantry Division, US Army.[19]
Harrison, Robert B.15 Aug 189818 Jul 2001 (102)(New Hampshire) Last known veteran from New Hampshire to have served overseas.[19]
Harvey, John Guy29 Dec 18965 Feb 2001 (104)(Texas) US Army.[11]
Harycki, Stanley10 Jan 189831 Jan 2001 (103)(Wisconsin) Served in France.[19]
Heap, George13 May 189626 Mar 2001 (104)(Pennsylvania) Served in France.[19]
Heatly, Johnie10 Jun 18948 Oct 2001 (107)(Louisiana) Private, US Army. Enlisted April 1918.[11]
Hess, Walter Eugene26 Jul 18998 Jul 2001 (101)(Florida) Seaman 1st Class, US Navy.[11]
Hicks, Lee Roy7 Dec 189830 Nov 2001 (102)(Alabama) Served in France.[19]
Hill, Ernest R.27 Nov 189611 Feb 2001 (104)(Arkansas) Private, US Army.[11]
Hill, Howard J.15 Aug 18942 Feb 2001 (106)(Florida) Served in France.[19]
Holbrook, Rufus S.24 Sep 189722 Mar 2001 (103)(Illinois) Non-combat.
Hooker, William Raymond10 Mar 189910 Apr 2001 (102)(Iowa) US Army.[11]
Hosley, Charles R.22 Nov 18986 Jun 2001 (102)(Kansas) Served in France.[19]
Huff, Clement H.4 May 189913 Feb 2001 (101)(New York) Private, US army. Also a World War II veteran.[11]
Hulse, Minard Edwin16 Dec 189512 Jun 2001 (105)(Illinois) Served in France.[19]
Johnsen, Alvin L.4 Feb 18967 Jun 2001 (105)(Nebraska) Served in France.[19]
Jones, William Edward23 Mar 189523 Aug 2001 (106)(Maryland) Private, US Army.[11]
Kane, Thomas J.12 Oct 19006 May 2001 (100)(New York) Private US Army. Enlisted underage in May 1917.[11]
Kennedy, Stephen6 Apr 189628 Oct 2001 (105)(South Carolina) Last known veteran from South Carolina to have served overseas.[19]
Keyser, Frank Ray, Sr.29 Sep 18987 Mar 2001 (102)(Vermont) United States Army. Later justice of the Vermont state supreme court (1964-1975).
Kirk, Herbert S.2 Oct 18953 Oct 2001 (106)(Montana) Pilot in the US Naval Air Service flying reconnaissance and bombing missions over the English Channel searching for German submarines.[19]
Lacroix, Hiram21 Aug 189316 May 2001 (107)(North Carolina) Last known veteran from North Carolina to have served overseas.[19]
Lalond, Charles26 Apr 189714 Nov 2001 (104)(North Dakota) Non combat. Stationed at Camp Grant, Illinois where he had charge of 130 mules.
Lee, Andrew16 Dec 189418 Oct 2001 (106)(California) Private, US Army. Son of a slave. Enlisted 1918. Served in France tending the horses and mules that transported supplies to the Front.
Lesesne, Eugene19 Nov 18972 Feb 2001 (103)(North Carolina) Served in France from July 1918 with the 331st Labor Battalion, US Quartermaster Corps.[19]
Lewis, Edwin L.11 May 18956 Aug 2001 (106)(Illinois) US Navy. Served as a stoker aboard USS Ohio and USS Stringham.
Lewis, Walter E.5 Jun 18954 May 2001 (105)(Florida) Served in France.[19]
Maddex, Vincil L.19 Feb 18966 Dec 2001 (105)(Oklahoma) Served in France.[19]
Mansfield, Michael Joseph16 Mar 19035 Oct 2001 (98)(Washington) Navy veteran having enlisted aged 14; joined the army and US Marines after the war. Later Democratic Majority Leader in the US Senate. See entry.
Marks, Virgil M.17 Mar 189419 Jun 2001 (107)(Illinois) Fought in the battle of the Argonne Forest as a private with Co H, 28th Division, 111th Infantry Regiment, US Army.[19]
Marston, Sheldon2 Nov 18971 Nov 2001 (103)(Michigan) Served in France.[19]
Marthinson, Olaf E.14 May 189612 Mar 2001 (104)(Connecticut) Enlisted in the National Guard in 1915. His unit became 113th US Infantry in 1917 and was dispatched to France, but Marthinson was sent to officer training and did not see combat. Ended the war in the rank of Lieutenant.
Martin, Glen3 Sep 189514 Feb 2001 (105)(Kansas) [20][21]
Maule, Reuel David6 Oct 189611 Jan 2001 (104)(Idaho) Served in the US Navy 1917-1919.
McDowell, Phillip6 Jan 189819 Oct 2001 (103)(Indiana) Served in France.[19]
McCray, Carl A.20 Sep 189822 Mar 2001 (102)(West Virginia) Served in France.[19]
McKinley, Lee Carrington1 Aug 18981 Jul 2001 (102)(Missouri) Served in France.[19]
Medina, Jose A.26 Feb 189512 Feb 2001 (105)(Colorado) Served in France.[19]
Mendow, Hiram Zaph6 Sep 189311 May 2001 (107)(Minnesota) Non-combat. Served in the US Army ferrying aircraft around the US. Later a prominent lawyer, defending Al Capone.
Meyer, Charles3 Nov 18999 Feb 2001 (101) (Ohio) [22][23]
Miller, Frank20 Mar 18975 Feb 2001 (103)(New Jersey) Served in France.[19]
Miller, Harry H.5 Feb 189813 Sep 2001 (103)(Ohio) Served in France.[19]
Mills, Frank T.30 Apr 189120 Mar 2001 (109)(Pennsylvania) Non-combat. Enlisted in US Army but discharged due to ill health.
Mills, Henry J.1 Jun 189525 May 2001 (105)(West Virginia) Fought on the Western Front as a private in the 42nd ‘Rainbow’ Division, US National Guard.[19]
Molcar, Charles11 Feb 189616 Apr 2001 (105)(Illinois) Served in France as a machine-gunner with an artillery unit.
Moore, Abe Parker9 Jul 190028 Jan 2001 (100)(Mississippi) US Navy. Also a World War II veteran.[11]
Moyer, Glen A.20 Jun 189516 Apr 2001 (105)(Ohio) Served in France with the US Army. Twin brother of Dale Moyer (see Veterans of World War I who Died in 2004).
Mullian, Haroutun6 Apr 18956 Apr 2001 (106)(Michigan) US Army.[11]
Mullins, Archie F.3 Jan 18958 Dec 2001 (106)(West Virginia) Served in France.[19]
Mumper, Clarence F.13 Mar 189912 Dec 2001 (102)(Ohio) Served in France.[19]
Nargiso, John6 Jan 189627 Jun 2001 (105)(New Jersey) Served in France.[19]
Nelson, Walter W.14 Apr 189211 Mar 2001 (108)(Minnesota) Last known veteran from Minnesota to have served overseas.[19]
Oresky, Joseph14 Oct 189512 Jan 2001 (105)(New York) Served in France with C Co, 81st (Wildcat) Division, 322nd Infantry Regiment, US Army.[19]
Osborne, William Clarke30 Apr 189715 Jan 2001 (103)(Kansas) US Army.[11]
Painter, John George20 Sep 18881 Mar 2001 (112)(Tennessee) Served in Battery D, 115th Artillery Battalion, US Army, on the Western Front hauling ammunition and supplies to the front line. See entry.
Perry, Charles E.12 Nov 18961 Oct 2001 (104)(Connecticut) US Army. Also served in World War II in the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.[11]
Pettit, Roy C.30 May 189326 Dec 2001 (108)(Illinois) Last known veteran from Illinois to have served overseas.[19]
Pifer, Raymond7 Jan 189317 Apr 2001 (108)(Ohio) Served in France.[19]
Pizzuti, Philip V. (William V Perry)23 Oct 190026 Mar 2001 (100)(Massachusetts) US Navy.[11]
Pratt, Ernest J.H.18 Mar 189624 Apr 2001 (105)(Connecticut) Last known veteran from Connecticut to have served overseas.[19]
Prieste, Hal Haig (Harry)23 Nov 189619 Apr 2001 (104)(New Jersey) Later an Olympic diver.
Reno, Seiber25 May 190022 Mar 2001 (100)(Michigan) Served in France.[19]
Ritenour, William J,18 Jan 190011 Mar 2001 (101)(Iowa) Corporal, US Army.[11]
Roberts, Fred N.W.N.20 Mar 18963 Sep 2001 (105)(California) Served in France.[19]
Robinson, Oren P.13 Mar 190024 Aug 2001 (101)(Michigan) Served in France.[19]
Roseto, Carmine27 Sep 189726 Oct 2001 (104)(New York) Served in France.[19]
Ross, Charles R.2 Jul 189613 Dec 2001 (105)(Kansas) Private, US Army.[11]
Ruf, Charles A.15 Mar 190018 Mar 2001 (101)(California) Served in France.[19]
Rusk, Clarence11 July 189719 Dec 2001 (104)(Kansas) Non combat. Enlisted 1918 and had just completed training with 205th Co, US Army, when war ended.
Scharmer, Otto E.27 Aug 189526 May 2001 (105)(Michigan) Served in France.[19]
Schmoe, Floyd W.21 Sep 189520 Apr 2001 (105)(Washington) Refused military service as a conscientious objector. Served in France with the Red Cross as an ambulance driver and stretcher bearer.
Schubert, Fred A.14 Mar 189729 Mar 2001 (104)(Michigan) Served in France.[19]
Schug, Edgar A.14 Feb 189929 Dec 2001 (102)(Florida) US Army.
Scott, Milton C.14 Jan 18958 Aug 2001 (106)(Georgia) Served in France.[19]
Sholund, Michael S.14 Feb 189624 Mar 2001 (105)(Washington) Served in France.[19]
Smith, Dwight Lyman12 Jan 190019 Nov 2001 (101)(Iowa) [24][25]
Smith, Glenn V.18 Jul 189817 Aug 2001 (103)(California) Private, US Army.[11]
Smith, Harold Harry30 June 189811 Oct 2001 (103)(Missouri) [26][27]
Smith, Harvey J.7 Feb 19017 Apr 2001 (100)(Pennsylvania) Enlisted underage. Served in France.[19]
Smith, Myles W.9 Dec 18993 Jan 2001 (101)(Wisconsin) US Army.[11]
Smith, Will Charles1 Jan 189119 Apr 2001 (110)(Florida) Fought on the Western Front with the US Army.
Solomon, Alvin R.3 Mar 189621 Jul 2001 (105)(Arkansas) Last known veteran from Arkansas to have served overseas.[19]
Soule, Russel V.30 Sep 189814 Mar 2001 (102)(Michigan) Served in France.[19]
Spence, Arley Newton4 Mar 190027 Feb 2001 (101)(South Carolina) Private, US Army. Also a World War II veteran.[11]
Spreen, Albert H.16 Jan 18956 Mar 2001 (106)(Texas) Served in France.[19]
Staderman, Albert23 Dec 190018 Jul 2001 (100)(Ohio)
Stannard, M. Lawrence E.9 May 189920 Jun 2001 (102)(Massachusetts) Served in France.[19]
Stephens, Cleveland25 Apr 18985 Mar 2001 (102)(Florida) Private, US Army. Enlisted November 1917.[11]
Stephens, Frank L.16 Dec 18982 Mar 2001 (102)(Texas) Served in France.[19]
Stone, Harry A.20 Aug 189920 May 2001 (101)(Wisconsin) US Navy.
Struthers, Clifton W.3 Aug 189822 Dec 2001 (103)(Iowa) Served in France.[19]
Swanson, Nels R Ferdie5 Oct 190013 Jan 2001 (100)(Illinois) Corporal, US Army.[11]
Tibby, Matthew R.11 Sep 18954 Nov 2001 (106)(Pennsylvania) Served in France.
Tillotson, Neil16 Dec 189817 Oct 2001 (102)(Massachusetts) Later invented surgical latex gloves and 'novelty' shaped balloons.
Topolewski, John M.7 Dec 189426 May 2001 (106)(Ohio) Served in France.[19]
Varney, C. Earl14 Jun 189612 Jun 2001 (104)(Wyoming) Corporal, US Army.[11]
Vernon, Charles8 Apr 189612 Feb 2001 (105)(California) Served in France.[19]
Vinger, Martin L.20 Jul 19011 Jun 2001 (99)(Wisconsin) Enlisted underage. Served in France.[19]
Weaver, Cyrus ScottJan 190012 Aug 2001 (101)(Tennessee) Served in France.[19]
Wentworth, Alton H.8 Mar 189721 Jan 2001 (103)(Florida) Non combat. In training when the war ended.
Whatley, Dennis19 Nov 189531 Aug 2001 (105)(California) Served in France as a private in the 135th Infantry Regiment but the Armistice was signed before he saw action.[19]
White, Hiram20 Oct 189828 Nov 2001 (103)(Florida) Served in France.[19]
Whitehead, Cecil P.11 Nov 190026 Apr 2001 (100)(Kentucky) Private, US Army.[11]
Wickersham, Emmett C.4 Apr 189920 Oct 2001 (102)(Iowa) US Army.
Wilhelm, Donald E.24 Nov 189611 Oct 2001 (104)(Ohio) Served in France as a POW guard.[19]
Wilson, Aaron Dewitt25 Jan 190017 Jan 2001 (100)(Tennessee) [28][29]
Wilson, Charles C.2 Apr 189812 Aug 2001 (103)(Oregon) Served in France.[19]
Wilson, George Dewey24 July 189816 April 2001 (102)(Illinois) [30][31]
Wiltgen, Fred J.21 Feb 190123 Mar 2001 (100)(Arizona) Enlisted underage. Served in France.[19]
Winters, Arthur W.14 Mar 189826 Aug 2001 (103)(Michigan) Served in France.[19]

World War I-era veterans - 2 veterans

Listed here are those that joined the armed services after the Armistice date, but before the Treaty of Versailles was signed, or where there is debate on their join-date, or whose military service is sometimes viewed as outside the scope of "WWI", but are considered World War I-era veterans by the press or by their respective governments, or served in a related conflict.

United States (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Plotinsky, Hyman23 Sep 18981 Feb 2001 (102)(Massachusetts) Private, US Army. Enlisted July 1919.[11]

Lithuania (1 veteran)

Name Born Died Notes
Januškevičius, Česlovas190021 Jan 2001 (100)Enlisted in 1919. Served in the Polish-Lithuanian War. Left the armed forces in 1923. Later served as an aviation instructor.[32]

Totals - 331 veterans

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 "80th Anniversary Armistice Remembrance Medal Recipients". It’s An Honour: Australian Government Honours.
  2. Ders Des Ders Report - Other Countries (French)
  3. Domaèa stran Dru¹tva so¹ka fronta Nova Gorica
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 "Awards to Canadians". Canada Gazette Part I 152 (51). 19 December 1998.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7.30 7.31 7.32 7.33 7.34 7.35 7.36 7.37 7.38 7.39 7.40 7.41 7.42 7.43 7.44 7.45 7.46 7.47 Mathieu, Frédéric, Ders Des Ders
  8. De Annonce Revue Jaargang 4 nummer 234, 1-1-2003
  9. EM 01.00neu.p65
  10. New Zealand Press Association (2001-05-10), "World War One Survivor", The Press
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.19 11.20 11.21 11.22 11.23 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.28 11.29 11.30 11.31 11.32 11.33 11.34 11.35 11.36 11.37 11.38 11.39 11.40 11.41 11.42 11.43 "National Gravesite Locator". National Cemetery Association.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 Evans, Michael; Arthur, Max (1998-11-07), "80 Years On: The Day of a Lifetime; 1914-1918: The Last Survivors", The Times
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 "British Army WWI Service Records 1914-1920". The National Archive.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 "Admiralty: Royal Marines Registers of Service". The National Archive.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 15.16 15.17 15.18 "War Office: Service Medal and Award Rolls Index, First World War". The National Archive.
  16. "Admiralty: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Rating's Service Records 1903-1919". The National Archive.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 17.10 17.11 "Admiralty: Royal Navy Registers of Seamen's Services 1908 - 1923". The National Archive.
  18. Van Emden, Richard; Humphries, Steve (1998). Veterans: The last survivors of the Great War. Leo Cooper. ISBN 0-85052-640-X.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.9 19.10 19.11 19.12 19.13 19.14 19.15 19.16 19.17 19.18 19.19 19.20 19.21 19.22 19.23 19.24 19.25 19.26 19.27 19.28 19.29 19.30 19.31 19.32 19.33 19.34 19.35 19.36 19.37 19.38 19.39 19.40 19.41 19.42 19.43 19.44 19.45 19.46 19.47 19.48 19.49 19.50 19.51 19.52 19.53 19.54 19.55 19.56 19.57 19.58 19.59 19.60 19.61 19.62 19.63 19.64 19.65 19.66 19.67 19.68 19.69 19.70 19.71 19.72 19.73 19.74 19.75 19.76 19.77 19.78 19.79 19.80 19.81 19.82 19.83 Legion of Honor Recipients, Embassy of France in the United States of America, February 16, 2001, archived from the original on August 14, 2007
  32. Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija, VIII t. Vilnius: Science and encyclopedias publishing institute, 2005. T.8: Imhof-Junusas.

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