List of titles and honours of Queen Sofía of Spain

Main article: Queen Sofía of Spain

Sofía, Queen of Spain, has received numerous titles, decorations, and honorary appointments, both during and before her time as consort to King Juan Carlos. Each is listed below. Where two dates are shown, the first indicates the date of receiving the award or title and the second indicates the date of its loss, renunciation or when its use was discontinued.

Royal and noble titles and styles

Royal styles of
Sofía, Queen of Spain
Reference style Her Majesty
Spoken style Your Majesty
Alternative style Ma'am

Spanish honours

Foreign honours

Former sovereign families

Honorific eponyms

Other honours


Queen Sofía has been the recipient of numerous honorary doctorates including:

Spanish Royal Academies

See also


  1. (Spanish) Decree 1192/1962, 1st June. HRH Princess Sofia Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III. BOE (Spanish Official Gazette), 62/06/01.
  2. Last dame of the Royal Order of Queen Maria Luisa inducted. Sovereign of the Order from 1977 to 2014. There has been no new appointments so that, although it formally remains in effect, it can be considered that this order is de facto extinct. (Spanish) Royal Order of Queen Maria. Blasones hispanos. Retrieved April 15, 2015
  3. (Spanish) Royal Decree 2747/1983, 31st October. HM Queen Sofia Collar of the Order of Charles III. BOE (Spanish Official Gazette), 83/11/02.
  4. "Reply to a parliamentary question about the Decoration of Honour" (pdf) (in German). p. 519. Retrieved November 2012.
  5. Noblesse et Royautes, State visit of Argentina in Spain, 9 February 2009
  6. State visit in Belgium in 2000 – Belga Pictures, Group photo, King & Queen
  7. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Belgium in Spain, 1994, Cristina & Queen Sofia, Queen Sofia
  8. Visita de Estado del Rey Balduino a España
  9. Los Reyes de Bélgica, de visita oficial en España
  10. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Brazil in Spain, 16 May 1991, Group photo
  11. "Noblesse et Royautés" (French), State visit of Chile in Spain, March 2011
  12. Visita de Estado del Presidente de Chile a España
  13. State visit of Colombia in Spain, Group Photo
  14. Photo 1, 2
  15. Visita de Estado a Colombia
  16. Visita del Presidente de Colombia a España
  17. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Costa Rica in Spain, 1993
  18. Visita de Estado del Presidente de Costa Rica a España
  19. Decree 1174-00 of 13 November 2000
  20. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Ecuador in Spain (April 1989), Photos of Sofia : Couple, with Elena & Cristina
  21. Visita de Estado de los Reyes de España a Ecuador
  22. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Egypt in Spain, Queen Sofia & Cristina
  23. Visita de Estado de los Reyes a Egipto
  24. Foro Dinastías
  25. Visita de Estado del Presidente de El Salvador a España
  26. Primera Etapa de la Gira Iberoamericana de los Reyes de España
  27. El Rey, en la cena ofrecida por el presidente de El Salvador
  28. Estonian State Decorations - Bearers of decorations, Sofía - official website of the President of the Republic of Estonia
  29. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Finland in Spain, 1999, Sofia & Juan Carlos
  30. Visita de Estado de los Reyes de España a Finlandia
  31. Photo taken during Sarkozy's visit in Madrid, in April 2009 (article on Noblesse et Royautés).
  32. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Germany in Spain, 1989, Sofia
  33. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Stephanopoulos in Spain, 2001, Group Photo
  34. El Rey, en la imposición del Collar de la Orden del Quetzal
  35. "At the Spanish Court" blog, State dinner in the Royal Palace, Queen Sofia, Elena & Cristina (1st State dinner for Cristina).
  36. "La dimensión europea de la política exterior española hacia América latina". Escrito por José Escribano Úbeda-Portugués
  37. Royalty website
  38. El Rey, con motivo del intercambio de condecoraciones en Tegucigalpa
  39. Queen Sofia wearing the order. Rem : Infanta Elena has no hungarian order
  40. Getty Images, State Visit of Hungarian President, January 2005, Group photo, Sofia & Letizia
  41. Icelandese Presidency Website , Sofia ; drottning Spánar ; Spánn ; 1985-09-16 ; Stórkross (= Sofia, Queen of Spain, Spain, 16 September 1985, Grand Cross)
  42. Italian Presidency, S.M. Sofia Regina di Spagna – Cavaliere di Gran Croce Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana
  43. "Order of Excellence (OE)". Government of Jamaica. Retrieved 10 February 2013.
  44. Los Reyes de visita official en Jamaica
  45. Forum Príncipes de Asturias, State visit of Japan in Spain, 1994, Group photo
  46. "Noblesse et Royautés" (French), State visit of Spain in Japan, November 2008
  47. Visita de Estado de los Reyes de España a Japón
  48. Foro Dinastias, State visit of Jordan in Spain, 1985, Group Photo
  49. Visita Oficial del Rey Hussein de Jordania a España
  50. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Jordan in Spain, Sofia & Rania
  51. Hemeroteca El País
  52. Latvian Presidency, Recipients list (.doc)
  53. Getty Images, State Visit of Latvian President, October 2004, Group photo
  54. "Noblesse et Royautés" (French), State visit of Lebanon in Spain, October 2009
  55. Lithuanian Presidency, Lithuanian Orders searching form
  56. Getty Images Picture
  57. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Luxembourg in Spain, 2001, Group Photo
  58. Visita de Estado de los Reyes de España a Luxemburgo
  59. State Visit of Mexican Presidente, June 2008, Group photo. Queen Sofia and Prince Felipe would be entitiled to receive the "Sash in Special Category", as the reform of 2011 changed the award conditions.
  60. Visita de Estado de José López-Portillo y Pacheco a España
  61. Cena de gala ofrecida por los Reyes de España en honor del presidente de México, José López Portillo y señora, en el Palacio Real de Madrid
  62. Vox Populi
  63. Foro Dinastías State visit of Nepal in Spain, 1983
  64. Viva Máxima Blog, State visit of Beatrix in Spain in 1985, Group Photo, & State visit in Netherlands 2001, Group photo
  65. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Nigeria in Spain, 1991, Group photo
  66. See the 4th photo in this serie
  67. El Rey, con ocasión del intercambio de condecoraciones en Panamá
  68. "Noblesse et Royautés", State visit of Panama in Spain, November 2008
  69. Visita de Estado del Presidente de Perú a España
  70. Getty Images, State visit of Philippines President in Spain, December 2007, Group Photo. Zooming on the collar shows green cross of the golden Heart
  71. Romanian Presidency, Star of Romania recipients list (.xls)
  72. Getty Images, State visit of Romanian President in Spain, November 2007, Group Photo
  73. Queen Sofia wearing the order
  74. Slovak republic website, State honours : 1st Class received in 2007 (click on "Holders of the Order of the 1st Class White Double Cross" to see the holders' table)
  75. See the 5th photo in this serie
  76. Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the State Banquet in Honour of King Juan Carlos
  77. "1999 National Orders awards". 6 December 2007.
  78. Noblesse et Royautés (French), Princess Victoria's wedding, June 2010, Photo of Sofia & Elena
  79. Foro Dinastías, State visit in Thailand, Group Photo, Sofia : 1, 2
  80. Visita de Estado de los Reyes de España a Tailandia
  81. Photo of Queen Sofía wearing the order
  82. Second State visit in Thailand
  83. El Rey, en la conmemoración del bicentenario de la integración venezolana
  84. Foro Dinastías, State visit of Zaïre in Spain, Royal Couple with President Mobutu Sese Seko
  85. Foro Dinastías, Sofia (Page) & Sofia (Page) – Decoration of the Order
  86. Badraie
  87. Badraie
  88. Sofia wearing the order
  89. (Spanish) XIII Tercio "Reina Sofía". Memorial Reales Tercios de España