List of thermal conductivities

In heat transfer, the thermal conductivity of a substance, k, is an intensive property that indicates its ability to conduct heat.

Thermal conductivity is often measured with laser flash analysis. Alternative measurements are also established.

Mixtures may have variable thermal conductivities due to composition.

Note that this table shows thermal conductivity in units of watts per meter per Kelvin (W·m−1·K−1). This is the current metric unit of measurement. Prior to this, however, thermal conductivity was measured in terms of BTUs per foot per hour per degree Fahrenheit. A value for the former can be computed from the latter by multiplying by 1.728.[1]

Material Thermal conductivity [W·m−1·K−1] Temperature [K] Electrical conductivity @ 293 K
Acrylic Glass (Plexiglas V045i) 0.17[2]-0.19[2]-0.2[3] 296[2] 7.1430001120969E-15[2] - 4.9999999811584E-14[2]
Air 0.024[4][5][6]-0.025[7]
0.0262 (1 bar)[8]
0.0457 (1 bar)[8]
hiAerosols2.95[9]-loAerosols7.83[9]×10−15 (78.03%N2,21%O2,+0.93%Ar,+0.04%CO2) (1 atm)
Alcohols OR Oils 0.1[6][7]-0.110[10]-0.21[6][7]-0.212[10] 293[7]-298[6]-300[10]
Aluminium, pure 204.3[11]-205[4]-220[12]-237[7][13][14][15]-250[6]
37,450,000[14] - 37,740,000[16]
Aluminium nitride 170[13]-175[17]-190[17] 293[17] 1×10−11[17]
Aluminium oxide, pure 26[18]-30[7]-35[18]-39[13]-40[19] 293[7][18][19] 1×10−12-[18][19]
Ammonia, saturated 0.507[10] 300[10]
Argon 0.016[6]-0.01772[15]-0.0179[15][20] 298[6][15]-300[15][20]
Beryllium oxide 218[13]-260[21]-300[21] 293[21] 1×10−12[21]
Bismuth 7.97[15] 300[15]
Brass Cu63% 125[22] 296[22] 15,150,000[22] - 16,130,000[22] (Cu63%, Zn37%)
Brass Cu70% 109[4][23] - 121[23] 293[4]-296[23] 12,820,000[23] - 16,130,000[23] (Cu70%, Zn30%)
Brick 0.15[4]-0.6[4]-0.69[6]-1.31[6] 293[4]-298[6]
Bronze 26[12]
5,882,000[24] - 7,143,000[24]
(Cu89%, Sn11%)[24]
Calcium silicate 0.063[25] 373[25]
Carbon dioxide 0.0146[6]-0.01465[26]-0.0168[20](sat. liquid 0.087[27]) 298[6]-273[26]-300[20](293[27])
Carbon nanotubes, bulk 2.5 (multiwall)[28] - 35 (single wall, disordered mats)[29] - 200(single wall, aligned mats)[30] 300[31] "bulk" refers to a group of nanotubes either arranged or disordered, for a single nanotube, see "carbon nanotube, single" .[32]
Carbon nanotube, single 3180 (multiwall)[33][34]-3500 (single wall)[35]
(Lateral)10−16[37] - (Ballistic)108[37]) values only for one single SWNT(length:2.6 μm, diameter:1.7 nm) and CNT. "Single", as opposed to "bulk" quantity (see "carbon nanotubes, bulk" ) of many nanotubes, which should not be confused with the denomination of nanotubes themselves which can be singlewall(SWNT) or multiwall(CNT)[38]
Concrete 0.8[4] - 1.28[7] - 1.65 [39] - 2.5 [39] 293[7] ~61-67%CaO
Copper, pure 385[4]-386[11][12]-390[7]-401[6][15][40]
59,170,000[40] - 59,590,000[16] International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) pure =1.7×10−8Ω•m

For main article, see: Copper in heat exchangers.

Cork 0.04[4] - 0.07[7] 293[7]
Cotton or Plastic Insulation-foamed 0.03[6][7] 293[7]
Diamond, impure 1,000[4][41] 273[41] - 293[4] 1×10−16~[42] Type I (98.1% of Gem Diamonds) (C+0.1%N)
Diamond, natural 2,200[43] 293[43] 1×10−16~[42] Type IIa (99%12C and 1%13C)
Diamond, isotopically enriched 3,320[43]-41,000[33][44](99.999% 12C calc.200,000[44]) 293[43]-104[33][44](~80[44]) (Lateral)10−16[42] - (Ballistic)108[42] Type IIa isotopically enriched (>99.9%12C)
Epoxy, thermally conductive 0.682[45] - 1.038 - 1.384[46]
Expanded polystyrene - EPS 0.03[6]-0.033[4][6][41]((PS Only)0.1[47]-0.13[47]) 98[41]-298[6][41](296[47]) 1×10−14[47] (PS+Air+CO2+CnH2n+x)
Extruded polystyrene - XPS 0.029 - 0.39 98-298
Fiberglass or Foam-glass 0.045[7] 293[7]
Gallium arsenide 56[41] 300[41]
Glass 0.8[4]-0.93[7](SiO2pure1[13]-SiO296%1.2[48]-1.4[48]) 293[4][7][48] 10−14[49][50]-10−12[48]-10−10[49][50] <1% Iron oxides
Glycerol 0.285[10]-0.29[7] 300[10]-293[7]
Gold, pure 314[4]-315[11]-318[12][15][51] 293[11]-298[15][51] 45,170,000[16] - 45,450,000[51]
Granite 1.73[52] - 3.98[52] (72%SiO2+14%Al2O3+4%K2O etc.)
Graphene (4840±440)[53] - (5300±480)[53] 293[53] 100,000,000[54]
Graphite, natural 25-470[55] 293[55] 5000000-30000000[55]
Helium II >100000[56] 2.2 liquid Helium in its superfluid state below 2.2 K
Hydrogen 0.1819[57] 290 Hydrogen gas at room temperature.
Ice 1.6[4]-2.1[7]-2.2[41]-2.22[58] 293[4][7] - 273[41][58]
Indium phosphide 80[41] 300[41]
Iron, pure 71.8[12]-72.7[11]-79.5[4]-80[6]-80.2[41]-80.4[15][59]
9,901,000[59] - 10,410,000[16]
Iron, cast 55[6][12] 298[6] (Fe+(2-4)%C+(1-3)%Si)
Lead, pure 34.7[4][11]-35.0[6][12]-35.3[15][60]
4,808,000[16] - 4,854,000[60]
Limestone 1.26[52] - 1.33[52] Mostly CaCO3
Marble 2.07[52]-2.08[6]-2.94[6][52] 298[6] Mostly CaCO3
Methane 0.030[6]-0.03281[61] 298[6]-273[61]
Mineral Insulation or Wool(Felt/Glass/Rock) 0.04[4][6][7] 293[7]-298[6]
Nickel 90.9[15]-91[6] 298[6][15]
Nitrogen, pure 0.0234[4]-0.024[6]-0.02583[15]-0.026[20][41] 293[4]-298[6]-300[15][20][41] (N2) (1 atm)
Oxygen, pure (gas) 0.0238[4]-0.024[6]-0.0263[20]-0.02658[15] 293[4]-298[6]-300[15][20] (O2) (1 atm)
Paper 0.05[6] 298[6]
Perlite, (1 atm) 0.031[6] 298[6]
Perlite in partial vacuum 0.00137[6] 298[6]
Plastic, fiber-reinforced 0.23[62] - 0.7[62] - 1.06[7] 293[7] - 296[62] 10−15[62] - 100[62] 10-40%GF or CF
Polyethylene High Density 0.42[6] - 0.51[6] 298[6]
Polymer, High-Density 0.33[62] - 0.52[62] 296[62] 10−16[62] - 102[62]
Polymer, Low-density 0.04[62] - 0.16[7] - 0.25[7] - 0.33[62] 293[7] - 296[62] 10−17[62] - 100[62]
Polyurethane foam 0.02[6] - 0.021[6] 298[6]
Quartz (single crystal) 12[41] \parallel to c axis, 6.8[41] \perp to c axis 300[41]
Quartz-Fused or Vitreous Silica or Fused Silica 1.46[63]-3[7]
1.3329999732855E-18[49] - 10−16[63]
Rice hulls (ash) 0.062[64]
Rice hulls (whole) 0.0359[64]
Rubber (92%) 0.16[41] 303[41] 1×10−13~[49]
Sandstone 1.83[52] - 2.90[52]
2.1[65] - 3.9[65]
~98-48%SiO2, ~16-30% Porosity
Silica Aerogel 0.003[41](carbon black9%~0.0042[66])-0.008[66]-0.017[66]-0.02[6]-0.03[41] 98[41] - 298[6][41] Foamed Glass
Silver, pure 406[4]-407[11]-418[12]
61,350,000[67] - 63,010,000[16] Highest electrical conductivity of any metal
Silver, sterling 361[68]
Snow, dry 0.05[6]-0.11[4]-0.25[6] 273[6]
Sodium chloride 35.1 - 6.5 - 4.85[69] 80 - 289 - 400[69]
Soil, dry w/ organic matter 0.15[7][70]-1.15[70]-2[7] 293[7] composition may vary
Soil, saturated 0.6[7]-4[7] 293[7] composition may vary
Solder, Sn/63% Pb/37% 50[71]
Lead free solder, Sn/95.6% Ag/3.5% Cu/0.9%, Sn/95.5% Ag/3.8% Cu/0.7% (SAC) ~60[71]
Steel, carbon 36[11][12]-43[6]50.2[4]-54[6][11][12] 293[4][11]-298[6] (Fe+(1.5-0.5)%C)
Steel, stainless 16.3[12][72]-16.7[73]-18[74]-24[74] 296[72][73][74] 1,176,000[73] - 1,786,000[74] (Fe, Cr12.5-25%, Ni0-20%, Mo0-3%, Ti0-trace)
Thermal grease, silver-based 0.94+[75]
Thermal tape 0.60[76]
Titanium, pure 15.6[12]-19.0[11]-21.9[15][77]-22.5[11] 293[11]-300[15][77] 1,852,000[77] - 2,381,000[16]
Titanium Alloy 5.8[78] 296[78] 595,200[78] (Ti+6%Al+4%V)
Tungsten, Pure 173[42] 293[42] 18,940,000[42]
Water 0.563[79]-0.596[79]-0.6[4][7]-0.609[10] 273[79]-293[4][7][79]-300[10] 5×Pure10−6[42]-Sweet10−3±1[42]-Sea1[79] <4[79]%(NaCl+MgCl2+CaCl2)
Water vapor 0.016[6]-0.02479 (101.3 kPa)[80]
0.0471 (1 bar)[8]
Wood, +>=12% water 0.09091[81]-0.16[41]-0.21[81]-0.4[7] 298[41]-293[7] Species-Variable[81]
Wood, oven-dry 0.04[4]-0.055[6]-0.07692[81]-0.12[4]-0.17[6][81] 293[4]-298[6] Balsa[6]-Cedar[81]-Hickory[81]/Oak[6]
Zinc, Pure 116[42] 293[42] 16,950,000[42]
Zinc oxide 21[13]
Material Thermal conductivity [W·m−1·K−1] Temperature [K] Electrical conductivity @ 293 K [Ω−1·m−1] Notes

See also


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  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 Thermal Properties - Silica Aerogels
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  68. S. Vandana (1 December 2002). "Alternative Energy". APH. p. 45. ISBN 978-81-7648-349-0{{inconsistent citations}}
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  71. 71.0 71.1 "Thermal Conductivity-of Solders".
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  75. NREL Review of Thermal Greases (Free PDF Form Available Through Search Engines)
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  78. 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 79.5 "2.7.9 Physical properties of sea water". Kaye and Laby - National Physical Laboratory. Retrieved 2010-01-25.
  79. 80.0 80.1 "Thermal conductivity of saturated H2O and D2O, CRC Handbook, p. 6–4.
  80. 81.0 81.1 81.2 81.3 81.4 81.5 81.6 "Physical Properties and Moisture Relations of Wood" (PDF).

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