List of terrorist incidents, July–December 2012

This is a timeline of individual violent attacks which took place from July to December, 2012, including attacks by state and non-state actors for political or other unknown motives. Ongoing military conflicts are listed separately.


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Bombings, shootings 18 40+ Kenya Garissa, Kenya Masked militants attacked worshipers with hand grenades and automatic gunfire at two churches in the northern Kenyan city of Garissa, killing at least 18 and injuring dozens more. Garissa has been the site of several attacks, most of which Kenyan authorities blame on groups allied to or sympathetic with the Somali organization Al-Shabaab.[1][2] Al-Shabaab
3 Bombings, shootings 40 122 Iraq Al Diwaniyah, Iraq A powerful truck bomb exploded near a Shi'ite mosque in the southern Iraqi city of Diwaniyah, killing at least 26 and injuring 75 others. Earlier in the day, blasts in Karbala, Taji and Tuz Khormato killed 10 and injured 47. Gunmen shot dead 4 people in Baqubah, including a soldier and a policeman.[3][4][5]
4 Bombing, shootings 11 22 Iraq Wasit Province, Iraq A car bomb in the central Iraqi city of Zubaidiyah killed at least 8 people and left 22 others injured. Unidentified gunmen assassinated two police officers and a parliament official in the capital Baghdad.[6]
4 Ambush 5 3 Colombia Putumayo Department, Colombia Colombian leftist guerrillas ambushed a convoy belonging to state oil company Ecopetrol, killing 5 workers and injuring 3 others. The assault took place in a remote part of the southern Putumayo Department, near the border with Ecuador.[7] FARC
6 Car bombing 7 20 Iraq Ramadi, Iraq A car bomb in the central Iraqi city of Ramadi killed at least 7 people and left 20 others injured.[8]
8 Bombings, shootings 35 unknown Afghanistan Kandahar, Afghanistan At least 35 people, including 7 NATO soldiers, were killed in a string of roadside bombs and shootings in one of the most violent days in the country for months. Six US troops were killed after an IED struck their patrol vehicle in eastern Afghanistan, while at least 22 civilians died in four similar bombings near Kandahar. Six police officers were killed during clashes in neighboring Helmand Province.[9] Afghan Taliban
9 Ambush 7 5 Pakistan Wazirabad, Pakistan Gunmen killed 6 soldiers and a policeman at a riverside encampment in eastern Pakistan, an area where attacks are rare compared to other parts of the country. The Tehrik-i-Taliban claimed responsibility for the incident.[10] Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
11 Suicide bombing 8 15 Yemen Sana'a, Yemen At least eight people were killed and fifteen others injured after a suicide attack at a police academy in the Yemeni capital Sana'a.[11]
13 Suicide bombing 5 6 Nigeria Maiduguri, Nigeria A teenage suicide bomber killed 5 people and injured 6 others at the central mosque in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri. The bomber narrowly missed the deputy governor of Borno State, Zanna Umar Mustapha, as well as a local religious leader.[12]
14 Suicide bombing 23 60 Afghanistan Aybak, Afghanistan At least 23 people were killed and 60 injured in a suicide attack at the wedding of MP Ahmad Khan Samangani's daughter in northern Afghanistan. In addition to the former militia commander and close friend of Abdul Rashid Dostum, the police and intelligence chiefs for Samangan Province, as well as a division commander for the ANA were among the victims.[13][14] Afghan Taliban (Suspected)
18 Suicide bombing 7 34 Bulgaria Burgas, Bulgaria At least 7 people were killed after a suicide bomber detonated his explosives near a tourist bus at the Burgas Airport on the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Among the victims were the Bulgarian driver and five Israeli tourists, as well as the bomber. More than 30 others were injured in the attack, for which no one has yet claimed responsibility.[15] Bulgaria blamed Hezbollah for the attack after an investigation.[16] Hezbollah[17]
18 Bombing 4 2 Syria Damascus, Syria A remotely operated bomb exploded in the National Security Building on Rawda Square in Damascus during a meeting of Cabinet ministers and senior security officials. Syrian state media reported that Minister of Defense Dawoud Rajiha was killed along with deputy vice president Hasan Turkmani and Assef Shawkat, Bashar al-Assad's brother-in-law and deputy defense minister. Several other senior officials were seriously injured, including interior minister Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar and the country's intelligence chief Hisham Bekhtyar, who died two days after the attack. The group Liwa al Islam ("The Brigade of Islam") and the Free Syrian Army both claimed responsibility for the bombing.[18] Free Syrian Army \ Liwa al Islam
19 Shooting, bombing 1 1 Russia Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia The Mufti of Tatarstan, Ildus Fayzov, was injured after his car exploded as he was leaving a radio station, according to the Russian Investigative Committee. His deputy, Valiulla Yakupov, was shot dead outside his home at about the same time. Though there was no claim of responsibility, a spokesman for the Committee said that the two Muftis were known for denouncing extremism and, as a result, such activities were being considered as possible motives.[19]
21 Suicide bombing 9 15 Pakistan Kurram Valley, Pakistan A suicide bombing killed at least 9 people and injured 15 others in north-western Pakistan. The blast went off at the entrance to an anti-Taliban commander's compound in Kurram Agency, part of the tribal regions which border Afghanistan.[20]
22 Car bombings, shootings 23 74 Iraq Mahmoudiyah, Baghdad and Najaf, Iraq Explosions in central and southern Iraq killed at least 23 people and wounded 74 others. The deadliest attacks took place in Mahmoudiyah and Al-Mada'in, where five bombings killed 11 and left 41 injured. Twin car bombs struck Najaf, leaving 5 dead and 14 wounded. Roadside attacks in Diyala Province killed 5 security personnel and injured three others. In Mosul, a bombing near a police patrol killed an officer and injured 16 others, while a sniper shot an Iraqi soldier dead in Fallujah.[21][22][23][24]
23 Car bombings, suicide bombings, shootings 116 299 Iraq across Iraq At least 116 people were killed in bombings and gun attacks across Iraq in a coordinated surge of violence against mostly Shi'ite Muslim targets. The deadliest attacks occurred north of Baghdad, where insurgents attacked an army post near Dhuluiya and set off at least seven car bombs in nearby Taji, killing a total of 48 and leaving scores injured. Explosions rocked the capital's Sadr City neighborhood, as well as Kirkuk, Mosul, Samarra, Dujail, Khan Bani Saad City, Tuz Khormato and Diwaniyah. Militants also attacked various army checkpoints in the eastern Diyala Province.[25] Islamic State of Iraq
26 Shootings 12 1 Iraq near Baqubah, Iraq Insurgents attacked an Iraqi Army checkpoint near the town of Hadid, 10 kilometers north of Baqubah. At least 11 policemen were killed during the fighting, and a helicopter brought as a reinforcement was shot down by militants, killing a soldier and injuring another.[26]
31 Car bombings 24 61 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq Twin car bombs struck a shopping district in the upscale Shi'ite Karradah neighborhood in the Iraqi capital, killing 21 and leaving more than 50 others injured. A lieutenant was killed and 2 soldiers wounded in a failed assault on a security building nearby, while north of Fallujah two people were killed and 3 injured by a car bomb.[27][28]


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Serial bomb blasts 0 1 India Pune, India An as yet unidentified entity orchestrated a series of four coordinated low intensity bombing attacks across Pune,[29][30] the ninth largest metropolis in India resulting in 1 injury.[31] Indian Mujahideen
1 Shooting 4 1 Yemen Jaʿār, Yemen A group of around 20 militants attacked a police station in the former insurgent stronghold of Jaʿār in Yemen's Abyan Governorate, killing four officers and injuring another.[34] Ansar al-Sharia (Yemen)
4 Suicide bombing 45 40+ Yemen Jaʿār, Yemen A suicide bomber killed at least 45 people and injured more than 40 others during a funeral service in the former insurgent stronghold of Ja'ar in Abyan Governorate. Military officials and residents said the bomber targeted tribesmen who sided with the Yemeni army during an offensive against Islamist fighters that the government hailed as a major victory in June.[35] Ansar al-Sharia (Yemen)
5 Suicide bombing 8 9 Nigeria Damaturu, Nigeria A suicide bomber rammed his car into a military convoy in the Nigerian city of Damaturu, killing 6 soldiers and 2 civilians. At least 9 soldiers were injured in the attack, which authorities blamed on Boko Haram. The blast followed a failed attempt to assassinate the state's most senior Muslim cleric, the emir of Fika, two days earlier.[36]
5 Shooting 16 7 Egypt Kerem Shalom, Egypt At least 16 Egyptian police officers were killed and seven others wounded in an armed attack on a police station in north Sinai on the border between Egypt and Israel.[37]
6 Suicide bombing 4 3 Russia Grozny, Chechnya, Russia A suspected suicide bomber attacked a Russian armored vehicle leaving a garrison in the Chechen capital Grozny, killing at least four soldiers and injuring three others.[38]
6-7 Shooting 22 ~20 Nigeria Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria Three men entered a church near the central Nigerian city of Okene during evening Bible Study, turning off the electricity and shooting at the worshipers inside. At least 19 were killed in the assault and around 20 others injured. Hours later gunmen on a motorcycle attacked an army patrol, killing 2 soldiers and a civilian.[39]
7 Suicide bombing, IED, shootings 12 22 Afghanistan Kabul Province and Pul-i-Alam, Afghanistan A remote-controlled bomb hit a bus west of Kabul, killing 9 passengers and injuring 5 others. A suicide truck bomb outside a NATO base injured 11 civilians in Pul-i-Alam, and in central Ghor Province, a bomb on a donkey cart killed a district police chief and injured 3 others. A French soldier was killed and another injured in Kapisa Province, and a member of the ANA opened fire on US troops in Paktia Province, killing 1 and wounding 2 others.[40][41]
7 Car bombing, shooting 21 30+ Iraq south of Baghdad and Baiji, Iraq A car bomb exploded at a Shiite ceremony in Al-Tarmiyah, 50 km south of Baghdad, killing 13 and injuring more than 30 others. Unidentified gunmen shot dead a lawyer, his judicial investigator son and 6 other family members in Baiji, north of the capital.[42]
10 Truck bomb, shootings 13 74 Iraq Mosul, Iraq A truck bomb exploded at a Shiite mosque near Mosul, killing 5 and injuring at least 70 others. Gunmen shot dead 4 Sunni tribal militia members near Dujail and killed a city council member in Haditha, injuring his 2 brothers. A roadside bomb north of Baghdad killed 3 policemen and injured 2 others.[43][44][45]
10 Shootings, IED 13 3 Afghanistan Helmand Province, Afghanistan A person in an Afghan police commander uniform, along with several others, shot and killed three U.S. Marines and another three foreign soldiers were killed in a shooting attack in the south. A roadside blast killed seven civilians and injured three others.[46]
12 Raid 21 2 Nigeria Maiduguri, Nigeria Nigerian troops killed at least 20 suspected Boko Haram militants during a raid in the northern city of Maiduguri. At least one soldier was killed and two others wounded during the operation. The Islamist group denied the reports, while accusing the military of murdering innocent civilians.[47] Military of Nigeria
14 Suicide bombings, IED, shootings 56 167 Afghanistan Zaranj and Kunduz Province, Afghanistan Three suicide bombers struck in the city of Zaranj, near the border with Iran, killing 36 and injuring around 130 others. A motorcycle bomb in Kunduz Province killed 12 and left 30 wounded. A district governor and his four guards were killed in an ambush in Badakhshan Province and four children were killed in a blast in Paktika Province[48][49]
16 Suicide bombings, car bombs, shootings 128 417 Iraq across Iraq At least 52 people were killed and 177 killed in attacks across Baghdad, with most casualties from two car bombings in the predominantly Shi'ite districts of Zaafaraniya and Sadr City. Numerous other attacks took place across the central and northern parts of the country, killing 76 and injuring 240 others.[50][51][52]
18 Suicide bombing, shooting 20+ 13 Yemen Aden, Yemen Militants attacked the central intelligence headquarters with a car bomb, grenades and automatic weapons, killing 20 security officers and injuring 13 others. Government authorities said they expected to find more bodies beneath the rubble.[53] Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suspected
18 Suicide bombing 5 0 Pakistan Quetta, Balochistan A suicide bomber detonated explosives in his car at a road checkpoint after he was stopped. The casualties were members of the paramilitary Frontier Corps.[54]
18 Drone bombing 5 3 Pakistan North Waziristan, Pakistan A U.S. drone fired two missiles at a compound in the village that reportedly led to the deaths of allies of the local militia commander Hafiz Gul Bahadur. Pakistan's foreign ministry condemned the attack.[54] United States' Central Intelligence Agency
19 Air strike 13-46 10 Afghanistan Kunar province, Afghanistan ISAF troops, along with ANA soldiers, had seen a large group of "insurgents" in the area before a "precision air strike" was called, which was later confirmed by locals. According to local officials, the militants had arrived in dozens of vehicles to "possibly execute people." As a result of the strike, two reportedly senior Taliban commanders were killed. Though Kunar officials said 46 militants died in the attack, the Taliban said 13 were killed and 10 wounded.[55] ISAF
19 Car bombings 2 2 Libya Tripoli, Libya At least two car bombs exploded in the Libyan capital Tripoli, killing two and injuring two others. The blasts were situated close to the Interior Ministry and a former women's police academy, that has been converted to an interrogation center. A third unexploded car bomb was also found. This was the first such incident since the end of the Libyan Civil War.[56]
19 Suicide bombing 7 15 Russia Ingushetia, Russia At least seven people were killed and 15 injured after a suicide bomber blew himself up at a policeman funeral in Ingushetia.[57]
20 Car bombing 9 69 Turkey Gaziantep, Turkey A remote-controlled car bomb exploded outside a police station close to the border with Syria. At least nine people were killed and more than 60 injured, most of them police officers. Security officials suspected the PKK was behind the attack, although the group later denied this.[58][59]
28 Suicide bombing 7 0 Russia Dagestan, Russia A female suicide bomber blew herself up at the home of Sufi leader Said Afandi in Chirkei, killing him and six others, including an 11-year-old boy. He was known for his criticism of Wahhabism.[60]
29 Car bombing 12 48 Syria Damascus, Syria At least 12 people were killed and 48 others injured after a car bomb exploded at a funeral procession for two government supporters in the mainly Druze and Christian suburb of Jaramana.[58][59]


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Ambush 1 0 United Kingdom County Armagh, United Kingdom A prison officer was shot dead by gunmen on the M1 motorway between Lurgan and Portadown. It was reported that another then car drove up beside him and fired a number of shots at him, causing the car to swerve into a ditch. Dissident republicans were blamed for the attack.[61]
1 Suicide bombings 14 50 Afghanistan Saydabad District, Afghanistan Twin suicide bombings near an ISAF base in Saydabad District killed 8 Afghan civilians and 4 policemen, while leaving more than 50 others injured. Two U.S. soldiers were killed in another incident in the eastern Ghazni Province.[62][63] Afghan Taliban
2 Shootings 13 7 Turkey Beytüşşebap, Turkey Around 100 suspected PKK fighters simultaneously attacked four government and security buildings in the small town of Beytüşşebap, near the border with Syria. At least 10 soldiers and 3 attackers were killed during the assault, while 7 soldiers were injured.[64] Kurdistan Workers' Party
7 Bombings 5 3 Syria Damascus, Syria A motorcycle bomb exploded as worshippers were leaving a mosque in the north of Syria's capital, killing five soldiers and injuring several others. Two other blasts were reported, including a car bomb near the main courthouse in downtown Damascus. Neither of those blasts caused any casualties.[64]
8 Suicide bombing 6 4 Afghanistan Kabul, Afghanistan A teenage suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed at least 6 civilians and injured 4 others near the main gate of the ISAF headquarters in the capital Kabul. The Afghan Taliban claimed responsibility for the blast, saying it was in retaliation for recent moves by US officials to designate the Haqqani Network as a terrorist group.[65][66] Afghan Taliban
9 Bombings, shootings 108 371 Iraq across Iraq A wave of attacks across Iraq left more than 100 dead and hundreds injured. Car bombs and shootings erupted across numerous Iraqi cities, while insurgents assault a small Iraqi Army base near Dujail. Two early blasts in Baghdad killed four, before a late night series of car bombings shook the capital, killing 32 and leaving 102 injured just hours after fugitive Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi was sentenced to death in absentia for his alleged involvement in "death squads".[67][68][69] Islamic State of Iraq
9 Car bombing 30 64 Syria Aleppo, Syria A small truck, reportedly rigged with 1,000 kg of explosives, was detonated near two hospitals in Syria's largest city. According to state television, 30 people were killed and 64 injured, most of them civilians. Local activists reported the hospitals were recently converted to barracks and treatment facilities for regime troops.[70]
10 Car bombing 14 45 Pakistan Parachinar, Pakistan A car bomb exploded at a market in Pakistan's tribal northwest, killing 14 and injuring 45 others. A previously unknown organisation, the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Ghazi Group, claimed responsibility and said the blast was aimed at members of the country's Shi'ite minority.[71]
10 Suicide bombing 16 30 Afghanistan Kunduz, Afghanistan A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest in the urban capital of Kunduz Province, killing 10 policemen and 6 civilians. At least 30 others were injured in the blast, which authorities believed specifically targeted security forces.[72] Afghan Taliban
11 Suicide bombing, mortar attack 8 8 Afghanistan Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan Insurgents fired mortars at Bagram Airfield, destroying a NATO helicopter and killing 3 Afghan intelligence officers. Two other Afghans, as well an unspecified number of ISAF troops, were injured in the attack. In the northwest Kushki Kuhna District, a teenage suicide bomber killed 5 people, including a local militia leader, and injured 6 others.[73] Afghan Taliban
11 Suicide bombing 1 7 Turkey Istanbul, Turkey A suicide bomber hurled a grenade at a police station, before detonating his vest in western Istanbul's Sultangazi neighborhood. One officer was killed and four injured, in addition to 3 civilians. The leftist group Dev Sol claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement published online.[74] Dev Sol
11 Terror attack 4 - Libya Benghazi, Libya Heavily armed Islamist militants stormed and burned the American Consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi, killing the United States ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, and three others: Sean Smith, a Foreign Service Officer, and Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty, both former members of the Navy SEALs who helped protect diplomatic personnel[75] Ansar al-Shariah
11 Car bombing 12 15 Yemen Sana'a, Yemen A car bomb exploded near the convoy of Yemeni Defense Minister Gen. Mohammed Nasser Ahmed in the heart of the capital Sana'a, killing 7 bodyguards and 5 civilians and injuring 15 others. The blast came one day after the government announced the death of AQAP number-two operative Said al-Shihri in a US drone strike.[76] Ansar ash-Shari'a
12 Suicide bombings 5 9 Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia At least two suicide bombers struck at the entrance to a building where newly elected Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the Kenyan Foreign Minister Sam Ongeri were holding a press conference. Five people were killed in the attacks, including 3 soldiers. The militant group al-Shabaab claimed responsibility.[77][78] al-Shabaab
15-16 IED, shooting 12 9 Turkey Bingol Province, Turkey A roadside bombing in Turkey's southeastern Bingol Province killed 8 soldiers and injured 9 others, less than a day after 4 officers were killed in an attack near the borders with Iran and Iraq.[79][80] Kurdistan Workers' Party
16 Roadside bombing 14 7 Pakistan Lower Dir, Pakistan Fourteen people were killed and seven wounded when a van carrying villagers to a local market hit a roadside bomb in Pakistan's northwest.[81]
17 Suicide bombing 8 31 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq A suicide bombing near the entrance to Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone killed 8 and injured 31 others. Three security officers were among the dead, while 8 others were injured. A spokesman for the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council confirmed that MP Habib al-Turfi and his 2 bodyguards were wounded.[82]
18 Ambush 10 60+ Turkey Bingol Province, Turkey A group of suspected PKK fighters attacked a Turkish Army convoy with rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire in the country's southeast. At least one bus was completely destroyed, killing 10 soldiers and leaving more than 60 others injured. Witnesses later reported seeing military F-16 jets taking off from the air base in Diyarbakir.[83] Kurdistan Workers' Party
18 Suicide bombing 14 13 Afghanistan Kabul, Afghanistan A female suicide bomber slammed an explosives-filled vehicle into a bus carrying foreign workers near Kabul International Airport, killing eight South Africans and four Afghans. Eleven civilians and 2 policemen were also injured in the blast. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and his Hezb-e-Islami group later claimed responsibility in a statement, saying the attack was in response to recent protests over a controversial US movie.[84][85] Hezb-e-Islami
18 Bombings 10 29 Pakistan Karachi and Quetta, Pakistan Two separate bombings in Pakistan's commercial capital Karachi killed 7 and injured 20 others. In Quetta, a blast underneath a bus carrying Iranian pilgrims killed 3 and injured 9 others.[81]
19 Car bombing 12 25 Pakistan Peshawar, Pakistan At least 12 people were killed and 25 others injured when a car bomb targeting an Army patrol exploded on the outskirts of Peshawar in Pakistan's northwest.[86]
20 Suicide bombing 15 ~20 Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia At least 15 people were killed and dozens injured in a twin suicide bombing at a well-known restaurant close to the Presidential Palace in Mogadishu. Among the victims were 3 prominent journalists, including the news director of the national television.[87]
21 Bombing 6 40 Thailand Sai Buri District, Thailand At least six people were killed and 40 others injured by a bomb explosion near a market in southern Thailand's Pattani Province.[88]
25 Bombing 7 5+ Turkey Tunceli, Turkey An explosive device hidden in a car exploded as an Army patrol was passing by in the eastern Turkish city of Tunceli, killing 6 soldiers and a civilian. Several others were injured in the blast, which authorities blamed on the PKK.[89] Kurdistan Workers' Party
26 Bombings 4 14 Syria Damascus, Syria Two powerful bombs were detonated near the Damascus headquarters of the Syrian Army. Four guards were killed and 14 others injured, and at least 2 floors of the building were completely engulfed in flames.[90]
30 Suicide bombing 4-8 15 Syria Qamishli, Syria A suicide car bombing at a Syrian security service building in Qamishli killed at least 4 people and injured 15 others. The blast was the first such incident in the mainly Kurdish northern city since the beginning of the conflict.[91]
30 Shooting, grenade attack 3 3 Kenya Nairobi and Garissa, Kenya Two police officers were shot to death in the northern city of Garissa, hours after unknown assailants threw a grenade at a church during a Sunday school session. One child was killed and three others wounded in the first incident. Authorities suspected that the Somali group al-Shabaab was behind the attacks.[92]
30 Car bombs, shootings 37 90 Iraq across Iraq A string of attacks across Iraq killed at least 37 and left 90 others injured, most of them civilians. The deadliest attacks were a series of five car bombings in Taji and Baghdad that killed 14 and left 55 wounded. Additional attacks took place in Kirkuk, Khan Bani Saad, Tuz Khormato, Madain, Kut and Tarmiyah.[93] Islamic State of Iraq


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Suicide bombing 19 59 Afghanistan Khost, Afghanistan A suicide bomber killed 3 US soldiers, 6 Afghan policemen and 10 civilians after he detonated his explosives vest in the eastern city of Khost. More than 50 others were injured in the attack, most of them civilians.[94] Afghan Taliban
2 Massacre 24 0 Nigeria Mubi, Nigeria Unknown assailants attacked a hostel near Federal Polytehnic campus in the northeastern Nigerian city of Mubi near the border with Cameroon. The gunmen went door-to-door for more than an hour, killing 22 students, a soldier and a security guard.[95]
3 Suicide bombings 48 100 Syria Aleppo, Syria Three suicide car bombings struck Aleppo's main Saadallah Al-Jabiri Square, killing 48 and leaving around 100 others injured. Two attacks took place near the officers' club and a prominent hotel, destroying large parts of the buildings, while a third bomb exploded near one of the gates to the Old City. The Al-Nusra Front later claimed responsibility for the blasts in a written statement.[96] Al-Nusra Front to Protect the Levant
8 Shootings 11 0 Thailand southern Thailand Suspected Islamic militants staged a number of attacks in three southern Thai provinces (Patani, Songkhla and Yala), killing at least 11 people. The victims included 3 paramilitary rangers, as well as 2 Muslims killed in a drive-by shooting.[97]
14 Car bombing 15 30 Pakistan Darra Adam Khel, Pakistan A car bombing at a market in Pakistan's northwest killed at least 15 people and left dozens injured. The attack was close to the offices of a local pro-government militia. A suicide bombing at a mosque in the same town killed more than 70 people in 2010.[98]
19 Car bombing 8 110 Lebanon Beirut, Lebanon A car bomb exploded at Sassine Square in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing at least 8 people (including a top intelligence officer) and wounding 110 others. Lebanese officials said the targer was Wissam al-Hassan, the head of the intelligence branch of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces and a prominent Sunni figure in the country. This was the first car bombing in Beirut since 2008.[99]
19 Car bombing, shooting 24 29 Yemen Abyan Governorate, Yemen Suspected Islamic militants set off a car bomb at an army base in southern Yemen, sparking a heavy firefight with security forces. Sixteen soldiers and 8 militants were killed during the raid, while at least 29 soldiers were injured.[100][101] Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
19 Roadside bombing 19 14 Afghanistan Balkh Province, Afghanistan A roadside bombing in Afghanistan's northern Balkh Province killed 19 civilians, most of them women and children heading to a wedding. At least fourteen others were injured in the blast, which locals blamed on the Taliban.[102] Afghan Taliban
21 Car bombing 13 29 Syria Damascus, Syria A taxi rigged with explosives was detonated near a police station in Damascus' mainly Christian district of Bab Touma, killing at least 13 people and injuring 29 others.[103]
24 Shooting 3 0 Russia Kazan, Russia At least two suspected Islamic militants and a member of the security forces were killed in a shootout in Russia's eighth most populous city of Kazan.[104]
26 Suicide bombing 41 50 Afghanistan Maymana, Afghanistan A suicide bomber wearing a police uniform detonated his explosive vest near the entrance of a mosque in Maymana, capital of Afghanistan's Faryab Province. At least 41 people were killed, including 19 members of the security forces. More than 50 others were injured.[105]
27 Suicide bombings, IEDs, shootings 46 123 Iraq across Iraq Insurgents launched a string of deadly attacks across central and northern Iraq during the Eid al-Adha holiday, killing 46 and leaving 123 injured. At least 31 were killed in four separate bombings in Baghdad, while 6 died in Taji in two other blasts. Shootings and attacks occurred in Mosul, Tuz Khormato and Muqdadiyah as well.[106] Islamic State of Iraq
27-28 Shooting ambush 14 0 Philippines Patikul, Philippines At least 10 suspected Abu Sayyaf insurgents and four Marines from the Philippine Army were killed after a six-hour shootout. The attack took place as the Army is on the offensive against several armed groups.[107] Abu Sayyaf / Philippine Army
28 Suicide bombing 10 100 Nigeria Kaduna, Nigeria A suicide bomber drove his vehicle into a Catholic church in northern Nigeria, killing 8 and injuring more than 100 others. Shortly after the blast, armed Christian youths killed two people in reprisal attacks.[108] Boko Haram
29 Car bombing 10 41 Syria Damascus, Syria At least 10 people were killed and 41 others injured in a car bombing near a bakery in the Syrian capital Damascus. The attack took place in the predominantly Christian and Druze neighborhood of Jaramana.[109]


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
2 Shooting 18 0 Pakistan Khuzdar, Pakistan Police said that gunmen opened fire on a bus carrying civilians while it was at a petrol pump, killing all 16 occupants and 2 by-standers. As a result of the firing the station caught fire. Among the dead were eight women and three children.[110]
2 Ambush 4 0 Philippines Davao, Philippines Suspected NPA insurgents ambushed an army patrol in the south of the Philippines, killing 4 soldiers.[111] New People's Army
5 Bombings 2 1 Bahrain Manama, Bahrain At least five homemade bombs exploded in the nation's capital, killing 2 Asian workers and injuring another.[112]
6 Car bombing 31 50 Iraq Taji, Iraq A car bombing outside an army base in Taji killed 31 people and injured at least 50 others, most of them soldiers. The blast struck as troops were leaving the base and potential recruits were lining up for job interviews.[113][114] Islamic State of Iraq
8 Suicide bombing, IEDs 18 10 Afghanistan across Afghanistan A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed 3 policemen and injured 3 others at a checkpoint near Kandahar. Five Afghan soldiers were killed after their convoy struck a landmine in Laghman Province, while a roadside blast in Helmand Province killed 10 civilians and injured 7 others.[115] Afghan Taliban
14 Bombings, shootings 29 194 Iraq across Iraq Insurgents staged a number of attacks on the eve of the Islamic New Year, killing 29 and injuring almost 200 others. The deadliest incidents took place in Kirkuk and Hilla, where at least seven bombings killed 19 and left 129 wounded. Other attacks took place in Baghdad, Mosul, Kut, Fallujah and Baqubah.[116] Islamic State of Iraq
16 Roadside bombing 17 14 Afghanistan Farah Province, Afghanistan A minivan full of civilians going to a wedding party struck a roadside bomb in Afghanistan's western Farah Province. The attack killed 17 people and injured 14 others. Local officials blamed Taliban insurgents for planting the explosives.[117] Afghan Taliban
21 Bombings 3 0 Russia Dagestan, Russia Two police officers and a civilian were killed in successive terrorist bombings in a village in Dagestan. The second bomb detonated when officers arrived to investigate the scene of the first blast.[118]
21 Bombing 0 28 Israel Tel Aviv, Israel An explosion on a passenger bus near the defense ministry in Tel Aviv injured 28 people, three of them seriously. The blast came hours before an Egyptian-brokered truce was called to halt the Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip. This was the first serious bombing in Israel's commercial capital since 2006.[119][120]
21 Suicide bombing, bombing 18 41 Pakistan Rawalpindi and Quetta, Pakistan A suicide bomber killed at least 13 and injured 25 others during evening Shi'ite processions in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, where the national Army headquarters are stationed. Earlier, a blast in Quetta killed 3 soldiers and 2 civilians, while 16 others were wounded.[121]
25 Suicide car bombings 11 30 Nigeria Kaduna State, Nigeria A pair of suicide bombers killed at least 11 and injured more than 30 others at a military church inside Jaji Barracks in Nigeria's northern Kaduna State. An explosives-laden bus drove into the church during services, followed by a second blast as rescuers arrived at the scene. Authorities placed the blame on Islamist sect Boko Haram.[122] Boko Haram Suspected
27 Car bombings 33 126 Iraq Baghdad, Kirkuk and Anbar Province, Iraq A string of car bombings during the height of Ashoura processions struck several Iraqi cities, killing at least 33 and leaving 126 others injured. The deadliest attacks occurred in Baghdad, where three blasts left 23 dead and 72 injured. Other bombings in Kirkuk, Ramadi and Fallujah killed 10 and injured 54.[123][124] Islamic State of Iraq
28 Car bombings 54 120 Syria Jaramana, Syria Twin car bombings killed at least 54 and injured more than 120 others in the mainly Christian and Druze city of Jaramana, near the Syrian capital Damascus. The city has been the target of three similar attacks since August.[125]
29 Roadside bombing 10 8 Afghanistan Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan A roadside bomb exploded under a passenger van in Afghanistan's southern Uruzgan Province, killing 10 civilians and injuring at least 8 others. Most of the victims were women and children.[126] Afghan Taliban
29 Car bombings, IEDs 48 208 Iraq across Iraq A series of bombings in Iraq killed at least 48 and left more than 200 others injured. The deadliest incident was in Hilla, where a suicide car bombing at a restaurant killed 32 and wounded 138 others. Other attacks took place in Karbala, Fallujah, Baghdad and Mosul.[127][128] Islamic State of Iraq


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
2 Bombing, shooting 15 -- Afghanistan Jalalabad, Afghanistan A team of Taliban militants attacked Jalalabad Airport, setting off explosives at the main gate and sparking a 2-hour firefight. All 9 attackers were killed, in addition to 4 Afghan soldiers and 2 civilians.[129] Afghan Taliban
2 Massacre 10 0 Nigeria Borno State, Nigeria Suspected Islamic militants killed at least 10 people with guns and machetes in an attack at a remote village in Nigeria's northeastern Borno State. All of the victims were Christian, and reports said the attackers were setting houses on fire prior to the assault.[130] Boko Haram Suspected
7 Grenade attack 5 37 Kenya Nairobi, Kenya At least 5 people were killed and 37 others injured after unknown attackers threw a grenade outside a mosque in Nairobi's predominantly Somali Eastleigh neighborhood. Among the wounded was Kenyan MP Abdi Yusuf Hassan, the district's representative.[131]
8 Ambush 17 0 Yemen Ma'rib Governorate, Yemen Suspected AQAP militants ambushed a military patrol inspecting a damaged oil pipeline in central Yemen, killing 17 soldiers. Among the dead was Major-General Nasser Mahdi Farid, chief of staff for Yemen's central military region.[132] AQAP Suspected
13 Car bombing 16 25 Syria Qatana, Syria At least 16 people were killed and 25 others injured after a car bombing in Qatana, about 25 km southwest of the Syrian capital Damascus. The area had been the scene of fierce clashes between rebels and government forces in recent weeks.[133]
13 Suicide car bombing 3 21 Afghanistan Kandahar, Afghanistan A suicide bomber detonated his car as an ISAF convoy was entering Kandahar Airfield, killing a US soldier and 2 Afghan civilians. At least 21 others were injured in the blast, including 3 US soldiers. US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta had been on a scheduled visit to the base earlier in the day.[134][135] Afghan Taliban Suspected
14 Suicide car bombing 2 7 Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia Members of al-Shabaab staged a suicide car bombing in Somalia's capital Mogadishu that left 2 civilians dead and 7 injured. The group said the target of the attack was an AMISOM convoy carrying a high-ranking US counter-terrorism official, who they claimed was injured in the blast. American diplomats refrained from comments.[136] Al-Shabaab
15 Raid 4 45 Pakistan Peshawar, Pakistan Four civilians were killed and 45 others injured after a team of Taliban attackers staged a night raid on Bacha Khan International Airport, launching rockets, as well as setting off a car bomb near a perimeter wall. All 5 attackers were killed after a 30-minute firefight, and reports indicate none got into the complex.[137] Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
16 Bombings, IEDs 19 77 Iraq northern Iraq A string of attacks across northern Iraq killed 19 civilians and left almost 80 others injured. Most of the casualties were from a series of blasts in Kirkuk, where at least 11 died and 65 others were injured. Other incidents took place in Mosul, Tarmiyah, Jalula and Diwaniyah.[138] Islamic State of Iraq
17 Bombings, IEDs, shootings 92 227 Iraq across Iraq A second day of attacks rocked central and northern Iraq, killing at least 92 and injuring 227 others. Twin bombings north of Baghdad killed 12 and wounded 44, while other blasts in Tuz Khormato killed 11 and injured 45. Numerous other incidents took place in Mosul, Kirkuk, Dujail, Tikrit and Baqubah, among others. Most of the attacks appeared to target police officers and members of the Iraqi Army.[139][140] Islamic State of Iraq
17 Car bombing 21 80 Pakistan Jamrud, Pakistan A car bombing at a market in Pakistan's Khyber Agency killed 21 civilians and injured at least 80 others. The blast took place close to the offices of the local administration.[141][142]
22 Suicide bombing 9 30 Pakistan Peshawar, Pakistan A suicide bombing at a political rally killed 9 people and injured 30 others in Peshawar. Among the dead was Bashir Ahmad Bilour, a provincial minister in the regional assembly. Taliban spokesman Ihsanullah Ihsan claimed responsibility for the attack, adding the group would continue to target the Awami National Party.[143] Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
25 Shootings 12 unknown Nigeria Maiduguri, Potiskum Nigeria Two shootings in Nigeria occurred on Christmas Day church services in northern Nigeria on December 25, 2012, at churches in Maiduguri and Potiskum. At least twelve casualties were reported. Terror organization Boko Haram claimed not to be responsible, however is suspected to be.[144]
28 Shootings 15 unknown Nigeria Maiduguri, Potiskum Nigeria Three days after the Christmas Day attacks, on December 28, in the village of Musari fifteen Christians were killed. Attackers invaded the village and cut their throats while asleep. It concerns a traffic police officer and fourteen civilians.[145]
30 Suicide bombing, massacre 41 24 Pakistan near Quetta and Peshawar, Pakistan A suicide car bombing targeting a bus convoy near Quetta killed 20 Shi'ite pilgrims and left 24 wounded. Officials in Peshawar discovered the bodies of 21 local militia members kidnapped by insurgents a few days earlier. At least one of the soldiers has survived in critical condition, while another escaped earlier.[146] Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
31 Bombings, shootings 39 125 Iraq northern Iraq A string of shootings and bombings killed 39 and injured more than 120 others in Iraq. Attacks took place in Kirkuk, Mosul and the capital Baghdad, as well as Fallujah, Baqubah and at least a dozen other towns. The targets appeared to be Shi'ite pilgrims preparing for a religious festival.[147][148]


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