List of terrorist incidents, 2008

This is a timeline of incidents in 2008 that have been labelled as "terrorism" and are not believed to have been carried out by a government or its forces (see state terrorism and state-sponsored terrorism).

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Number of terrorist incidents 2008


Date Dead Injured Location and description
3 January 27 68 Turkey Diyarbakir. PKK militants were suspected by Turkish authorities to be behind a car bomb explosion.[1][2]
7 January ≈19 ≈50 Iraq Baghdad. Six bombings.[3]
10 January ≈23 ≈58 Pakistan Lahore. One suicide bomber blew himself up in a police crowd.[4]
13 January 2 ≈5 Burma Yangon. A bomb exploded in a public toilet in a railway station, injuring one woman. This was the third bombing incident in three days. One other took place on Friday, in a railway station toilet in Nay Pyi Taw, killing one woman. Another man died, and four people were injured, when a bomb exploded in Pyu, north of Rangoon.[5]
14 January 11 ≈55 Pakistan Karachi. A bomb exploded in Karachi during President Pervez Musharraf's visit.[6]
14 January ≈6 ≈6 Afghanistan Kabul. A suicide bomber kills six at the Kabul Serena Hotel.[7]
15 January 3 ≈22 Lebanon Beirut. A bomb targeting a US Embassy vehicle detonates, killing bystanders and injuring the occupants.[8]
15 January 0 ≈39 Thailand South Thailand. Suspected Islamist separatist bombed a market.[9]
16 January 30 65 Sri Lanka Buttala: A civilian bus was bombed, and the fleeing passengers were gunned down and the feeing gunmen also attacked farmers, killing at least 30 people.[10][11] The Sri Lankan government claimed that the gunman belonged to LTTE.
16 January 9 6 Iraq Khan Bani Saad: A woman wearing a vest lined with explosives blew herself up near Shiite worshippers in turbulent Diyala province north of the capital Wednesday, killing nine of them.[12]
18 January 0 8 Israel Sderot ;Western Negev, Israel. In 72 hours, more than 120 Qassam rockets and 65 mortars were fired towards the Western Negev, an exceptionally high number. More than 8 Israelis are injured by the rocket attacks.[13]
18 January 4 4 Yemen Hadhramaut Governorate. Gunmen opened fire on a group of tourists, killing two Belgian women, their Yemeni driver and a Yemeni man believed to be a tourist guide. Belgian tourist and a Yemeni were wounded in the incident. Al-Qaida suspected.[14]
20 January 0 0 Greece Athens. A Chilean diplomatic car was destroyed by an IED. An organization calling itself “Radical Solidarity” claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had been in support of Chile’s indigenous population.[15]
21 January 18 22 Iraq Al-Hajaj. Suicide bomber kills 18 in a funeral tent .[16]
24 January 1 4 Israel Judea, Israel. Two Palestinians infiltrated a religious seminary and stabbed 3 students in the West Bank settlement of Kfar Etzion before being shot dead. The same day, Palestinian gunmen opened fire at Israelis outside the Shuafat refugee camp on the outskirts of Jerusalem, killing a border police officer and seriously wounding a female officer.[17]
26 January 4 ≈36 Lebanon Beirut. A powerful car bomb killed one of Lebanon’s top terrorism investigators and three other people in eastern Beirut.[18]
29 January 4 20 Algeria Thenia. Four people killed and 20 wounded in an attack by a suicide bomber on a police station at Thenia, 50 kilometres (31 mi) east of Algiers.[19]
30 January ≈6 ≈18 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah. Taliban insurgents were blamed for a suicide bomb attack in a mosque, killing at least six including a provincial deputy governor, Per Mohammad.[20][21]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
1 February  6 0 Pakistan North Waziristan. A suicide bomber rammed an explosive-laden car into a Pakistani security force checkpost in the North Waziristan tribal region on Friday, killing six men.[22]
1 February 0 3 Mauritania Nouakchott. Gunmen opened fire on Israel's embassy in Mauritania, wounding three French nationals[23]
1 February 98 ≈200 Iraq Baghdad. Two mentally disabled women were strapped with explosives and sent into busy Baghdad markets, where they were blown up by remote control. The bombs killed at least 98 people and wounded more than 200 at two popular pet markets[24]
2 February 20 50 Sri Lanka Dambulla. A bus carrying civilians bombed.[25]
3 February 12 ≈100 Sri Lanka Colombo. Suspected Tamil Tiger suicide bomber blew herself up outside a train at the main railway station in Colombo.[26]
3 February ≈8 ≈9 Somalia Mogadishu. A mini-bus destroyed by a landmine .[27][28][29]
4 February 1 9 Israel Dimona. A Palestinian suicide bomber detonates an explosion belt in a shopping center and kills one woman and injures nine other people. A second suicide bomber is hurt in the blast and shot to death by Israeli police before he could detonate his own belt.[30][31] See Dimona attack.
4 February 13 20 Sri Lanka Weli-Oya and Colombo. Suspected Tamil Tiger rebels killed 13 people with two roadside bombs on Monday, just hours after the government celebrated the island's 60th anniversary of independence with a parade of military might in the capital.[32]
5 February 25 ≈90 Somalia Bossaso. Two separate bombs went off in northern Somalia, killing at least 25 civilians and wounding more than 90 others[33]
9 February 27 50 Pakistan Charsada, Peshawar province. The bombing of a political gathering killed 27 and wounded more than 50 people.[34]
11 February ≈25 ≈40 Iraq Balad, Iraq is struck by a car bomb. See 2008 Balad bombing.[35]
11 February 10 13 Pakistan North Waziristan. A suicide bomber killed at least ten people, including an election candidate, and wounded 13 others[36]
12 February 1 10+ Syria Damascus, Syria Hezbollah senior commander killed in car explosion.[37]
16 February 39 ≈100 Pakistan Parachinar. A suicide bomber attacked supporters of assassinated Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.[38]
17 February 65 ≈50 Afghanistan Kandahar. Taleban suspected of a suicide bomb attack at a dog-fighting competition.[21][39][40][41]
18 February 37 30 Afghanistan Near Pakistan border. A suicide bomber targeted a foreign military convoy.[42]
19 February 1 3 Afghanistan Kandahar car bomb kills 1.[43]
20 February 0 0 India Panvel. A small explosion occurred in a movie theater screening Jodhaa Akbar, a controversial film found by ethnic Rajputs to be "offensive".[44][45]
26 February 5 0 Afghanistan Roadside bomb kills 5 policemen[46]
27 February 1 0 Israel A student at Sapir College was killed when a Kassam rocket exploded in a parking lot near the Sderot campus. He died shortly after sustaining massive wounds to his chest. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack[47]
29 February 27 40 Pakistan Suicide bomb at Pakistan funeral kills 27[48]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
6 March 0 0 United States New York City. A bomb goes off outside an empty military recruiting station in Times Square.[49]
6 March 54 ≈130 Iraq Baghdad. In a popular market in the Karada shopping area, a roadside bomb detonates. As a crowd gathered around the site of the blast, a few minutes later a suicide bomber blew himself up which killed dozens and wounded scores.[50]
6 March 8 11 Israel Jerusalem. Eight students of the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem were killed when an attacker armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle entered the yeshiva and opened fire in the library with about 80 people in attendance, most of them teenagers. Eleven others were wounded, including three who were in critical danger. The attacker, a resident of East Jerusalem, was killed by an IDF officer.[51]
10 March 3 0 Iraq Kanaan. A female suicide bomber entered the home of Sheik Thaeir Ghadhban al-Karkhi, a prominent Sunni who had turned against al-Qaeda, and blew herself up, killing al-Karkhi, his 5-year-old niece, and a security guard.[52]
21 March 0 1 Spain Calahorra. A car bomb explodes outside a Guardia Civil barracks in Calahorra, La Rioja, injuring one policeman lightly and causing extensive property damage.[53]
21 March 0 0 Spain Azpeitia. Two small bombs exploded near Azpeitia with minor damage near a television transmitter. No injuries were reported.[54]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
8 April  1 0 Somalia A Shabaab suicide bomber rammed a car into the gate of the complex that housed peacekeepers from Burundi; one soldier was killed.[55]
12 April  13 ~200 Iran Shiraz. A bomb exploded inside of the Shohada Hosseiniyeh mosque at around 9 pm during a sermon by a cleric well known for criticism of Wahhabism and Bahaii. Tehran blamed Western-backed monarchists for the attack.[56][57] On its website, a group called Anjoman-e Padeshahi-e Iran (API), or Soldiers of the Kingdom Assembly of Iran, claimed responsibility.[58]
15 April  ~53 ~90 Iraq Baquba. At least 53 died and another 90 were injured when explosives packed in a bus detonated outside a restaurant near a court in Baquba, north of Baghdad.[59]
15 April  13 Iraq Ramadi. 13 were killed in a suicide bombing at a kebab restaurant where policemen were eating in Ramadi[59]
17 April  0 7 Spain Bilbao. A bomb blast outside the office of Spain's ruling Socialist party in Bilbao, was blamed on Basque separatist group ETA after a traditional phone call to DYA, and caused serious damage to the building but no casualties. However, 7 policemen were injured.[60]
19 April  0 13 Israel Kerem Shalom. Three explosive-laden vehicles approached under heavy morning fog the Kerem Shalom central humanitarian crossing. Bombers triggered the explosives in the two jeeps, wounding thirteen IDF soldiers; one moderately-seriously, two moderately and eight lightly. Four bombers were killed in the incident, their attempts to detonate the third vehicle failed. The bombing attack was combined with a barrage of 15 mortar shells fired at the area.[61]
19 April  0 0 Spain Elgoibar. For the second time in three days, a bomb went off in northern Spain Sunday preceded by a warning call by the Basque separatist group ETA. The blast damaged the recreation center of the ruling Socialist Party in the Basque town of Elgoibar. No one was hurt.[62]
25 April  26 64 Sri Lanka Piliyandala. The bombing of a commuter bus in a suburb of Colombo killed 26 and injured at least 64. See 2008 Piliyandala bus bombing
25 April 0 0 United States San Diego. A pipe bomb exploded inside a Federal Express distribution facility in San Diego. The blast did little damage to the building a second pipe bomb was found the parking lot and was safely defused. No one was killed or injured in the blast.[63]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
2 May  ~15 ~55 Yemen Yemen, Sa'dah Governorate. 15 are killed and 55 are injured in a bombing at the Ben Salman mosque.[64]
5 May  5 0 Russia Grozny, Chechnya, Russia A roadside bomb in Chechnya's capital city has killed five policemen. This attack has been considered as one of the most lethal attacks to occur in recent months.[65]
10 May  11 29 Sri Lanka Ampara. A bomb attributed to Tamil Tiger rebels ripped through a cafe, 11 killed, 29 injured.[66]
13 May  80 216 India Jaipur. A simultaneous bomb blast at eight different sites, including a crowded shopping site and a Hanuman temple, a self-styled Indian Mujahideen, (a collaboration of LeT & SIMI) has claimed responsibility.[67]
14 May  1 4 Spain Legutiano, Alava. A powerful bombing outside a civil guard, blamed on Basque separatist ETA group, killing one guard.[68]
16 May  9 93 Sri Lanka Downtown Colombo. A suicide bomb exploded near the Sri Lankan president residence,carried out by the LTTE .[69]
18 May  13 20 Pakistan Mardan. A bomb exploded a bakery shop near Pakistani Army site, which blamed on Taliban militants.[70]
19 May  0 0 Spain Getxo. At 00:50 CET, a bomb placed in a van exploded in front of the Real Club Marítimo in the neighborhood of Las Arenas – Areeta in Getxo, Biscay, usual meeting point of businessmen and politicians, causing no human losses.[71]
20 May  6 0 Ethiopia Addis Ababa. a bomb went off on minibus near Ethiopian Foreign Ministry, where blamed on Oromo Liberation Front.[72]
22 May  0 1 United Kingdom Exeter. See 2008 Exeter bombing
26 May  8 72+ Sri Lanka Colombo. A packed commuter train carrying 200 passenger on board which time bombing exploded at Dehiwela railroad station, carried out by the LTTE.[73]
28 May  3 5 Ethiopia Negele Boran. A bomb blast at Kidane Mihret and Shuferoch hotel, Islamic militants suspected.[74]
29 May  2 21 Philippines Zamboanga. Two people were killed and up to 21 injured in a bomb attack outside a Philippine Air Force base where US soldiers, training local troops in anti-terrorism warfare, maintain a small camp in Zamboanga City. The blast coincided with sporadic fighting between Muslim rebels and soldiers in nearby Basilan island and the damaged building also houses the headquarters of Zamboanga City Representative Maria Isabelle Climaco. Reports said the bomb, hidden in a bag, was apparently left outside the building where a crowd of passengers, mostly military dependents, were waiting for a C130 transport plane that would take them to Manila.[75] No group claimed responsibility for the attack though military officials are eyeing the possible involvement of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.[76]
31 May 0 0 India Navi Mumbai. Police defused a small explosive at a movie theater screening Jodhaa Akbar, a controversial film found by ethnic Rajputs to be "offensive".[77][78]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
1 June  0 2 Spain Zarautz. Following a warning call, at around 2:30 am early Sunday morning, a blast occurred outside the headquarters of a construction company, Construcciones Amenabar, in the town of Zarautz. There were no casualties, though two people suffered ear damage from the noise of the explosion.[79]
2 June  ~8 ~30 Pakistan Islamabad. A suicide car bombing blast occurred at around 1 pm local time outside of the Danish embassy. Nearby buildings also suffered damage. The attack is thought to be the work of fundamentalist terrorists.[80]
4 June  0 ~18 Sri Lanka Colombo. A bomb blast targeted a commuter train as it sped towards the capital. The explosive had been left along the track and detonated at around 7:10 am as the last car passed. Government sources implicated the LTTE.[81]
4 June  0 7 India Thane. A bomb exploded in the parking lot of an auditorium hosting a play that parodied the Mahabharat. Two men, ages 50 and 34, admitted guilt to the attack and others on 20 February and 31 May. Although the men claimed membership in Hindutva groups, they stated that they acted alone without support.[77][78]
6 June  21 47 Sri Lanka Moratuwa suburb of Colombo. A roadside bomb blast targeted a crowded state-run commuter bus at about 7:35 am The government quickly placed blame upon LTTE, who had yet to claim responsibility. See 2008 Moratuwa bus bombing[82]
6 June  2 20 Sri Lanka Kandy district. The Sri Lankan government blamed LTTE militants for a bomb explosion that occurred aboard a commuter bus only a few hours after a similar attack near the capital. See 2008 Polgolla bus bombing[82]
8 June  0 0 Spain A bomb detonated at the presses of El Correo near the port city of Bilbao at about 3 a.m damaging the printing facilities of the Basque newspaper as people worked inside, but no one was reported injured. While ETA have not yet laid claim to this attack, it is rumored to be the doing of ETA.[83]
9 June  12 Algeria Boumerdès Province. Two explosions kill 13 in the town of Beni Amrane, Algeria. Islamic militants suspected.[84]
15 June  2 ~12 Nepal Rautahat District. A group calling itself the Tarai Army claimed responsibility for an explosion in a crowded bus station in southern Nepal. The bomb had been hidden in a wheat sack.[85][86]
15 June  0 8 Turkey Istanbul. An explosion in a cafe in the Büyükçekmece district on the European side of the Bosporus was attributed to a bomb.[87]
16 June  12 40+ Sri Lanka Northern Province, Sri Lanka. Explosives in a motorcycle is detonated in front of a police station in Vavuniya, killing 12 members of police and injuring 40, including children.[88]
17 June  63+ 75+ Iraq Baghdad. A minibus packed with explosives detonated near a marketplace in the Huriya district during the evening business rush. The predominantly Shiite crowd blamed Sunni extremists although the U.S. military believed that radical Shiite militants caused the attack in an attempt to reignite sectarian tensions or to target nearby coalition forces.[89][90]
20 June  6 4 Afghanistan Gereshk, Helmand. A suicide bomber attacked a military convoy as it passed by a market during the morning hours. The blast killed 5 civilians and 1 coalition member.[91]
22 June  15 40+ Iraq Baquba, Diyala. A female suicide bomber struck at a government outpost.[92]
24 June  0 10 Thailand Muang district, Yala province. A bomb hidden in a bike exploded at a market around 7 am. Six civilians and four soldiers were injured. A remote control detonated the explosive.[93]
26 June  18 25 Iraq Al-Karmah, Anbar province. A suicide bomber attacked a meeting of tribal sheikhs. U.S. troops, who were in attendance, were among the injured. It is believed that AQI was behind the attack.[94]
26 June  18 80+ Iraq Mosul. A car bomb exploded in a busy market minutes after a previous explosion.[94]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
2 July  3 50+ Israel Jerusalem A driver of a bulldozer on the Jaffa Road between the Central Bus Station and the Mahane Yehuda market drove into cars and pedestrians as well as two public buses carrying some 50 passengers. Police shot and killed the driver[95][96]
3 July  0 0 Indonesia Palembang, Sumatra. Police arrested 12 militants who are accused of planning to bomb a cafe in Bukittinggi, a city popular among tourists. Several of the arrested have links to Jemaah Islamiyah.[97]
4 July  0 50+ Belarus Minsk. A home-made bomb explodes in Belarus' capital at an outdoor Independence Day concert, injuring around 50 people. President Alexander Lukashenko was also attending the concert. No one has claimed responsibility yet, but government spokespersons blames the attack on "hooligans".[98]
6 July  11 ~22 Pakistan Islamabad. A suicide-bomber targeted a group of police officers near the Lal Masjid almost a year after a deadly siege and raid on the mosque.[99]
7 July  58 150+ Afghanistan Kabul. A suicide-bomber drove an explosives-laden automobile into the front gates of the Indian embassy.[100]
9 July  3 3 Turkey Istanbul. Four men, believed to be Turkish citizens, attacked the American consulate around 1100 local time. Three of the four began shooting and were soon met with police fire. The three gunmen, as well as three police officers, were killed in the exchange. The fourth assailant, the driver, escaped the scene. Injuries occurred to two other people.[101][102]
15 July  35 63 Iraq Diyala. Two men detonated explosive-laden belts seconds apart in a crowd of Army recruits at the Saad military base. The two bombers had disguised themselves as recruits.[103]
20 July  0 1 Spain Laredo and Noja. ETA claimed responsibility for four bomb blasts in resort areas along the northern coast.[104]
21 July  2 13 China Kunming, Yunnan. Two bomb explosions occurred on board separate passenger buses during the early morning commute. The first blast happened at about 7:00 am and the second came about an hour later.[105][106]
22 July  0 18+ Israel Jerusalem Almost three weeks to day of a bulldozer attack in the city, another tractor driver went on a rampage on the King David Street in the afternoon. The police reported that the perpetrator was shot dead, while at least 18 people were injured in the incident, one sustaining moderate to serious wounds.[107]
24 July  ~8 ~24 Iraq Baqouba. Iraqi police said at least eight people have been killed in a female suicide bombing against a checkpoint manned by US-allied Sunni guards northeast of Baghdad.[108]
24 July  3 ~24 Philippines Davao City. A bomb exploded on board a Metro Shuttle Bus parked at a terminal while on its way to Davao City from Bansalan, killing 3 people and injuring 24 others.[109] The mobile phone-activated bomb was placed inside a bag and exploded 10 minutes after it reached the Digos City Overland Terminal. Four of the injured victims were taken to the Davao Medical Center in critical condition and a four-year-old boy was among those hit by shrapnel.[109] In response police and military checkpoints were established in and around Davao City.
25 July  2 20 India Bangalore. A series of nine blasts kills 2 and injures 20 people.[110]
25 July  6 15+ State of Palestine Gaza City. At least six people, including senior Hamas member, were killed after bomb exploded at major Gaza intersection; explosive device planted near Hamas police parking site.[111]
26 July  56 200 India Ahmedabad. A series of seventeen blasts killing 49 and injuring 160 people.[112]
27 July  0 6 India Godda, Jharkhand. At least six people were injured when a bomb exploded at a bus stand in Jharkhand's Godda district.[113]
27 July  ~17 150+ Turkey Istanbul. Two bombs kill 17 people and wound at least 150 in Istanbul.[114]
28 July  32+ 102 Iraq Baghdad. Three female suicide bombers and a roadside bomb targeted Shi'ite pilgrims headed towards Kazimiyah.[115][116]
28 July  25 185 Iraq Kirkuk. A bomb explosion occurred at a large protest against a provincial elections law. The US military initially believed the explosion to be a suicide attack. The majority of the victims were Kurds.[116]
28 July 0 0 Spain Orio, Basque Country. The regional government claimed that ETA caused a bomb explosion at a road construction site near the town of Orio. No workers were present at the time so no injuries occurred.[117]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
3 August  0 25 Algeria Tizi Ouzou, Kabylie. A suicide car bomber targeted the local police force. The explosion injured 25 people, 4 of whom were police. No one has claimed responsibility.[118]
4 August  16 16 Pakistan Sibi, Balochistan. A bomb attached to a parked motorcycle exploded in the main bazaar. The bomb was detonated by remote. Three of the killed were said to be members of a tribe supporting the Islamabad government.[119]
8 August  21+ ~70 Iraq Tal Afar. A bomb exploded in a crowded vegetable market.[120]
10 August  0 10 Colombia Bogota. An explosion in the north of Colombia’s capital Bogotá left ten people wounded. The police blame rebel group FARC for the attack.[121]
13 August  18+ 45 Lebanon Tripoli. A bomb, hidden in a briefcase, exploded at a crowded civilian bus stop at around 7:45 am. Most of the dead were reported to be soldiers, who seemed to be the target of the attack. A remote control detonated the explosive. Initial suspicion fell upon Fatah al-Islam although political turmoil and sectarian strife could implicate any number of groups.[122][123]
15 August  7 50 Colombia Ituango, Antioquia. Seven people were killed and more than 50 wounded when a bomb detonated in a small town. FARC denies responsibility on the attack, blaming Colombian State.[124][125]
17 August  3 13 Azerbaijan Baku. A young man reportedly threw a grenade into the Abu Bakr mosque during evening prayers while as many as 200 worshiped. Three people were killed and 13 injured.[126]
18 August  12 22 Afghanistan Khost. A suicide bomber drove a car towards the gates of an American military base. The explosion killed no American military personnel, but did harm workers outside of the base. The forces repelled a second attacker, who fled. The attacks came on Afghanistan's Independence Day, which celebrates the end.[127]
19 August  32 35 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan. A suicide bomber struck outside of a hospital, where a large crowd Shiite mourners had gathered.[128]
19 August  43 45 Algeria Issers, Boumerdès Province. A suicide bomber drove a vehicle into a large group of military recruits gathering for exams. Although no one has claimed responsibility, such attacks are usually blamed upon Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb.[129][130]
19 August  0 19 Turkey Mersin. Investigators believe that an individual was attempting to conduct a suicide attack when he attempted to avoid a police checkpoint. The man detonated explosives after his car was stopped, and the explosion killed him and wounded 19 officers. The PKK and the TAK both claimed responsibility for the attack.[131]
20 August  11+ 31 Algeria Bouira. Two car bombs were detonated by remote control. The first explosion targeted the military and reportedly injured 4 soldiers. The second explosion, which occurred about a minute later next to a downtown hotel, killed 11 people and injured 27. Most of the casualties from the second blast were civilians on board a passing bus.[132]
21 August  63 81 Pakistan Wah, Attock District. Twin suicide bombings kill 63 people and injure 81 people targeting Pakistan's main munitions factory, the Pakistan Ordnance Factories. The Pakistani Taliban claims responsibility in retaliation for Pakistan Army attacks in the War in North-West Pakistan.[133]
23 August  8 Pakistan Swat, Pakistan. A suicide bomber drives and detonates a vehicle into a checkpoint, killing 8 policemen and injuring several others.[134]
23 August  0 19 Turkey Izmir. At about 7:45 am, a car bomb exploded in a residential area as vehicles carrying security personnel approached. The blast injured seven police, three soldiers and six civilians. The PKK and the TAK both claimed responsibility for the attack.[131]
24 August  30 42 Iraq Abu Ghraib. A suicide bomber detonates his explosives at the home of a tribal sheikh who celebrated the release of his son from US detention. The dinner was also attended by members of the Awakening movement.[135][136]
26 August  28 45 Iraq Jalawla, Diyala Governorate. 28 people were killed outside a police station by a suicide bomber.[137]
30 August  0 48 Sri Lanka Colombo. Nearly 50 people suffered injuries when a hidden bomb detonated in a commercial district. The government blames LTTE operatives.[138]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
1 September  4 26 Colombia Cali. Four people were killed and around 26 more wounded by a car bomb in the Colombian city of Cali in one of the worst urban attacks this year. Police said they believed FARC guerrillas were responsible for the attack.[139]
1 September  7 34+ Philippines Digos City, Mindanao. A powerful explosion on board a passenger bus killed at least 7 and wounded around 34. Witnesses described the powerful blast nearly tearing off the roof of the bus as it sat in the terminal.[140] Investigators believe a woman left the explosive device on the bus[141] and connect the blast to al-Khobar, an extortionist group that had threatened the bus company the week before the attack and who has carried out similar attacks in the past few years. The group is believed to have loose ties to various insurgent groups, such as Abu Sayyaf and the New People's Army.[140]
2 September  7 7+ Iraq Mosul. A suicide car bomber struck an army checkpoint in the city of Mosul in Nineveh province, killing at least 7 and injuring at least 7.[142]
2 September  6 4 Afghanistan Khost. Six people, including two policemen, were killed in a roadside bomb attack and a Taliban ambush.[143]
3 September  6 24 Ethiopia Addis Ababa. A bomb exploded in a bar, killing 6 and injuring many more.[144]
6 September  50+ 80+ Pakistan Peshawar. Two bombs exploded in the city of Peshawar. The first occurred when suicide bomber in a pickup truck, detonated near a paramilitary checkpoint, killing 16.[145] Two hours later, a suicide bomber struck a police post, killing 30 and injuring dozens.[146]
6 September  0 3 Burma Yangon. An explosion on a passenger bus in Yangon on 9 September wounded three people.[147]
12 September  28 40 Iraq Salah ad Din. 28 people killed and 40 injured in a suicide car bombing in Dujail. The attack happened around 1800 (1500 GMT), when a suicide bomber drove and detonated a vehicle into a police station.[148]
13 September  30 90 India Delhi. A series of 5 bombs exploded in Delhi, killing 30 and injuring 90.[149]
14 September  0 0 Indonesia Timika, Papua. A bomb exploded near the Moses Kilangin airport.[150] This was the third such explosion in the past week. All incidents have occurred on roads leading towards the Grasberg mine run by Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.[151] The Free Papua Movement claimed responsibility and demanded the mine be closed.[152]
15 September  22 32 Iraq Diyala. A female suicide bomber detonates herself at a party, killing 22 and injuring 32.[153]
15 September 7+ 101 Mexico Morelia, Michoacán. A series of grenades are detonated in crowds gathered to celebrate Independence Day.[154][155]
15 September  0 0 Republic of Ireland Dublin. A bomb was left outside of the downtown offices of Shell E&P Ireland. The explosive, described as "home-made, crude and highly dangerous," was discovered at around 10:30 pm and was destroyed in a controlled explosion about 50 minutes later.[156] Protesters have recently been demonstrating against the Corrib gas pipeline. The Shell to Sea group denied any involvement.[157]
15 September 0 0 Colombia Bogota, and Huila. Huila witnesses say two men launched a mortar to the Huila water company and then took off on a motorcycle. A bomb exploded on the corner of Caracas avenue and Calle 24 in Bogotá. According to El Espectador, the bomb was hidden in a plastic bag. Authorities were not able to say who were held responsible for the attack.[158]
17 September 16+ 16+ Yemen San‘a’. A car bomb exploded outside the U.S. Embassy and was ambushed by militants.[159] The attackers, reportedly dressed as policemen, also exchanged rocket and gun fire. A group calling itself Islamic Jihad in Yemen claimed responsibility.[160]
20 September 60+ 250+ Pakistan Islamabad. The Marriott Hotel is attacked by a massive suicide car bomb, killing over 60 and injuring 250.[161] The blast caused a natural gas leak fire, which destroyed the hotel further. Hours before the blast, President Asif Ali Zardari addressed a joint session of Parliament and promised to root out terrorism.[162]
21 September 1 12 Spain Basque Country. Three car bombs detonate in a 24-hour period killing one (a military personnel) and injuring 12. The ETA is confirmed by authorities as responsible.[163]
22 September 0 ~17 Israel Jerusalem. At least 19 people were wounded when a Palestinian drove his car into a crowd of Israel Defense Forces soldiers at a busy intersection in the capital.[164] The driver was shot and killed at the scene by an Israeli soldier.[165]
24 September 0 1 Israel Jerusalem. Israeli historian Zeev Sternhell, known for his criticism of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, was injured when a bomb exploded at his home. Peace Now, an Israeli rights group devoted to ending the occupation of the Palestinian territories, blamed extreme right-wing groups for the attack.[166]
25 September 0 7 Burma Yangon. A small bomb exploded at a bus stop near the city hall in a busy downtown area. The blast came about a year after anti-government protests were suppressed.[147][167]
27 September 17 14 Syria Damascus. At least 17 people been killed and 14 hurt by a car bomb on the outskirts of Syria's capital. The target of the blast was unclear, but it struck close to an important Shia shrine and a security post.[168]
27 September 3 23 India South Delhi. Two weeks from the day of serial blasts killing 30, another bomb was detonated in a market in the Mehrauli district killing three and injuring 23.[169]
28 September 34 100+ Iraq Baghdad. Several blasts occurred across Baghdad in what turned out to be the deadliest day in the city during Ramadan. The first attack was planted inside a minibus, in the Shurta neighborhood, killing 12 and injuring at least 30. Minutes later, a car bomb exploded in the Hay al-Amil district, killing one. Later, a suicide bomber wearing an explosives vest detonated minutes after a bomb in a parked car exploded. A roadside bomb also occurred within the time frame.[170] An Iraqi government security spokesperson said "the insurgents want to show there is no security in Baghdad".[171]
28 September 4 10 Ethiopia Gigiga. A roadside bomb exploded near a taxi station and harmed several civilians. Authorities blamed the ONLF, who denied responsibility.[172]
28 September 7 30 Lebanon Tripoli, Lebanon. A car bomb targeting a military bus carrying soldiers is detonated, killing 7 and injuring 30.[173]
28 September 3 6 Algeria Dellys. A suicide car bomber attacked the coastal town of Dellys in the Takdemt district killing 3 people.[174]
29 September 0 5 Sri Lanka Colombo. A bomb placed underneath a van exploded in the Pettah market area. The government immediately blamed the LTTE.[175]
29 September 1 15 India Ahmedabad. A low-intensity bomb exploded at a market packed with Muslims breaking their Ramadan fast, killing one and wounding 15.[176]
30 September 8 30 India Gujarat and Maharashtra. Three bombs explode in western parts of India killing 8 and injuring 30.[177]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
1 October  ~4 100 India Agartala. Three bombs exploded in the insurgency-racked North-East India. Police said they suspected Muslim militant groups based in Bangladesh for the blasts in the Radhanagar and Gulbazar areas of Tripura's capital.[178][179]
1 October  1 1 Turkey Diyarbakır. PKK militants attacked Turkish soldiers.[180]
2 October  20+ 60 Iraq Baghdad. Suicide bombers targeting the Eid ul-Fitr celebrations killed at least 20 people in attacks on two Shiite mosques during early morning prayers.[181][182]
2 October  4 7 Pakistan Peshawar. A suicide bomber targeted the home of Asfandyar Wali Khan, the chief of the Awami National Party, on the second day of Eid al-Fitr during a gathering at his house in the town of Charsada, near Peshawar.[183][184]
3 October  7 8 Georgia (country) Tskhinvali. A car full of explosives blew up near a Russian military base.[185][186]
3 October  0 0 Spain Tolosa. At about 1:15, 10 kg worth of explosives detonated in front of the Tolosa court house causing minimal damage.[187]
6 October  27+ 80+ Sri Lanka Anuradhapura. A suicide bomb exploded in the office of the United National Party near a bus stand. A former senior general, Janaka Perera, who had been serving as a regional leader for the party was among the dead. The Tamil Tigers were quickly blamed.[188]
6 October  17+ 2 Somalia Mogadishu. Mortar rounds slammed into a market after a failed insurgent attack on the presidential palace. A remote-controlled land mine also killed a Somali driver and wounded two aid workers – an Italian and a Somali.[189]
6 October  25 60 Pakistan Bhakkar. A suicide bomber set off his explosives as he tried to force his way into an opposition politician's home during a celebration marking Eid al-Fitr. The target was Rashid Akbar Khan Nawani, a member of Pakistan's minority Shiite Muslim community, who was injured but survived the attack.[190][191]
7 October  1+ 5 Iraq Baghdad. Two blasts went off near Baghdad's Green Zone outside the Foreign Ministry, as US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, was to hold a press conference about his visit to Iraq.[192]
8 October  0 5+ India Guwahati. A bomb exploded near a crowd gathered for Durga Puja festivities. A police spokesman said the low-intensity blast took place near the Japorigog area at around 20:30.[193]
8 October  4 22 Turkey Diyarbakir. Three police trainees and a civilian were killed, with 22 others also wounded, in an attack on a police bus. Unidentified assailants armed with guns and explosives attacked the vehicle on a busy street outside the city of Diyarbakir. Of the injured at least 11 of the wounded were trainee police officers and the others were civilians. Though there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, Kurdish separatist guerrillas frequently target Turkey's armed forces and police in the mainly Kurdish southeast; the attack also came shortly before the parliament in Ankara was scheduled to approve a government request to extend a mandate to launch military operations against PKK rebels based in northern Iraq.[194]
8 October  7–10 ? Iraq Baquba. A female suicide bomber detonated explosives near the front of the Court of Appeals on a street that has a number of government buildings in the provincial capital. She was the 17th woman to detonate a suicide bomb in Diyala this year. The street has been attacked by suicide bombers at least 16 times in the last five years, including three times this year by women. The American military had a slightly lower toll than the Iraqi police, but some bodies may have been taken away before the Americans arrived at the scene.[195]
9 October  8 8 Pakistan Islamabad. A suicide bomber attacked a main police headquarters. The targeted area is the main police complex in Islamabad, containing training and residential facilities for police officers. Thousands of police are based at the center.[196][197]
9 October  11 0 Pakistan Dir District, NWFP. A bomb explosion occurred near a police van carrying prisoners. Four schoolchildren in a passing bus were also among the dead.[198]
9 October  1+ 3 Sri Lanka Colombo. A suicide bomb attack targeted a convoy carrying the agriculture minister near a Buddhist temple in the Borelesgamuwa suburb.[199]
10 October  up to 4 81 Pakistan Bajaur. Taliban militants beheaded four tribal elders who had attended a pro-government meeting in the insurgency-hit region of Bajaur. The victims were abducted when heading home after a jirga, which the Charmang tribe had called to plan action against Taliban militants in their area.[200]
10 October  113 100+ Pakistan Orakzai. A suicide bomber drove his car into a meeting of 600 people which was being held in open ground and blew himself up. The meeting was a council of local leaders discussing to raise a militia to evict Taliban from the region.[201][202][203]
10 October  15 39 Iraq Baghdad. Three bombs detonated in Baghdad.
  • The first was a bomb that exploded next to a mini bus, killing one and injuring 12.[204]
  • The second occurred when a vehicle exploded at about 16:30 in the main market area of Abu Dshir leaving 13 dead and 27 others injured in the Bayaa district in Abu Dshir, south of Baghdad, a Shia enclave in the Sunni dominant district of Dora.[205][206]
  • Another bomb killed an anti-American Shia MP, Saleh al-Ogayly, in Sadr City. The Sadrist MP became the first Iraqi legislator to be killed since the 12 April 2007 suicide bombing of the national parliament in which one politician and seven others died.[207]
11 October  0 0 Mexico Monterrey. Unknown assailants shot at the U.S. consulate building and threw a grenade that failed to explode. Two men attacked the consulate around midnight when it was closed. Though nobody was hurt in the assault, the gate was pockmarked and six spent .45-caliber casings were found at the scene. It was not clear if the attack was related to a wave of violence by drug gangs; there was no evidence it was related to political terrorism.[208]
12 October  13 20 Iraq Baghdad. Multiple attacks around the city killed and wounded several.
  • A parked car bomb detonated in an outdoor market killing nine civilians and wounding 13 others. The attack happened in the Shiite neighborhood of Bayaa, in southwestern Baghdad, around 13:30.
  • Sniper fire killed two Iraqi soldiers in the Mansour neighborhood.
  • In the eastern Baghdad neighborhood of Zaiyouna, a roadside bomb injured seven people, including five police officers.
  • In southern Baghdad's Dora neighborhood, unknown armed men killed two members of the Sons of Iraq.[209]
12 October  1 7 Colombia Neiva. Authorities blamed FARC for two attacks on hotels in the center of Neiva in the south west of Colombia. .[210]
13 October  1 6 Iraq Baghdad. Two attacks killed one and wounded more.
  • A roadside bomb exploded as an Iraqi police patrol was in the area in northeastern Baghdad, wounding five people, including three police officers.
  • A Christian businessman was killed and his nephew was wounded in a drive-by shooting as they were standing near their house in the Kazraj neighborhood.[211]
13 October  0 5 Pakistan North-West Frontier Province. A remote-controlled bomb detonated near the vehicle of a secular political leader, who was injured along with four others. This follows a string of attacks against lawmakers and government officials; and was also the second this month aimed at the Awami National Party. The attack apparently targeted Shamin Khan, a member of the ANP, at 18:30.[212]
14 October  3 0 Nepal A woman and her two children died in a bomb explosion in the Terai, a region that has seen constant ethnic unrest for nearly two years. Shortly afterwards two separate militant groups both said they were responsible. Each claim to fight for the rights of the Madhesi ethnic group.[213]
14 October  19 1 Afghanistan Kabul. A roadside blast in the east of the country where U.S. soldiers operate killed three NATO troops; while two separate roadside bombs in the southern Uruzgan province killed 16 Afghan civilians.[214][215]
16 October  4 0 Pakistan Mingora, Swat Valley. A suicide bomber rammed an explosives-laden vehicle into a police station. The attack was the latest addition to a string of bombings against security forces in the northwest of Pakistan, where the government is waging a military campaign against al-Qaeda and Taliban-linked fighters. The police chief said that the "huge blast" killed three security force personnel and one policeman and destroyed the police station.[216]
17 October  3 7 Iraq Baghdad. Officials said a bomb planted near a mosque in north Baghdad killed three Shiite worshipers as they were leaving Friday prayers and damaged surrounding homes. The blast happened in the primarily Shiite neighborhood of Sha'ab.[217]
17 October  1 4 United States Dalton, Georgia An explosion at a personal injury law firm in downtown Dalton, Ga., injured four people, including at least one lawyer, and resulted in the death of the apparent bomber in what a federal law enforcement spokesman described as a suicide attack.[218]
19 October  4 6 Pakistan Balochistan. A separatist group, Baloch Republic Army, claimed responsibility for a bomb blast in northwestern Balochistan province. The blast occurred in a bazaar of the Dera Bugti district, and the remote-controlled bomb was planted in a motorcycle.[219][220]
19 October  2 27 Iraq Baghdad. Two bombs went off in the city. The first injured 16, while the second, a roadside bomb targeting an Iraqi police patrol, went off in southeastern Baghdad, leaving two people dead and 11 more wounded. Police and medical officials said the blast occurred near a fuel station in the Zafaraniya neighborhood. The powerful blast damaged several nearby civilian cars. Sources also added that the dead were civilian, while three policemen were among the wounded.[221][222]
12–19 October  40+ 0 Afghanistan Southern Afghanistan. Authorities in Kabul said that Taliban militants hijacked a bus in southern Afghanistan last week and killed as many as 40 passengers, although only six bodies were discovered.[223]
20 October  13+ 12 India Chhattisgarh. Naxalites allegedly killed Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel in the Bijapur District following the announcement of two-phase Assembly elections in Chhattisgarh. The attack also left 12 personnel of CRPF and the Border Roads Organisation, who were carrying out road construction work in the area, injured. The attack took place at about 13:30 between Modukpal and Kongupalli in the district. According to reports, one of the attackers was also killed in the exchange of fire that followed.[224][225]
20 October  0 2 Pakistan Quetta. Two journalists were injured when a bomb planted in a gas geyser went off outside the offices of local newspapers in Universal Complex. An editor and photographer of Daily Awwam suffered minor injuries as a result of the blast, while windows of nearby buildings, shops and a medical complex were smashed as a result of the blast.[226]
20 October  4 7 Iraq Baghdad. Civilians were killed and seven others were injured when a roadside bomb struck a bus in the Iraqi capital. The blast took place in the eastern, Shia-dominated neighbourhood of al-Fadiliya, Mashtal when it was hit by a roadside bomb according to the news agency Voices of Iraq. Police said the bus was carrying employees from the country's Housing Ministry, and that the bomb blast damaged nearby vehicles and buildings.[222][227]
20 October  7 2 Afghanistan Kunduz province. Five children and two foreign soldiers died in a suspected suicide bomb attack, according to the International Security Assistance Force. The German Defense Ministry said the attack had targeted a convoy of German soldiers. The explosion ripped apart one of the vehicles killing two German soldiers and injuring one more; a group of children were playing beside the road near the explosion. Five children were killed and one child was very seriously wounded. A Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility but denied that any children were casualties in the attack.[228]
21 October  0 0 Finland Helsinki. Finnish police say an Embassy employee was injured in an arson attack on the Turkish embassy building in central Helsinki. Officers said the front door was burned in the attack and the fire spread indoors before it was extinguished by fire fighters. The early morning attack came hours after a peaceful anti-Turkey protest the day before outside the embassy by a few dozen Kurdish demonstrators. Police said four men had been detained on suspicion of the attack, and that the attack could have been politically motivated and that some of the men had a Turkish-Kurdish background.[229]
21 October  0 1 Thailand Bangkok. A bomb blast hit the residence of the Supreme Administrative Court of Supreme Administrative Court president Akrathorn Chularat in Chatuchak district in the early hours of the morning. Akrathorn was not in his residence in Soi Lat Phrao 25, Phahonyothin Road, as he was on an overseas trip. Police were alerted to the bomb blast at about 1:00 where they found a 10-centimetre deep pit about four meters wide on the grounds within the compound. Witnesses said they heard the sound of motorcycles in front of the house shortly before the bomb exploded.[230]
21 October  17+ 30+ India Imphal. A bomb was suspected to have been planted on a moped near the Manipur police commando complex at Minuthong in Imphal at 19:30. Police said none of the Manipur police commando personnel staying at the barrack complex were among the casualties. Unconfirmed reports, however, said a surrendered militant may be among the dead.[231]
22 October  0 10+ Nepal Janakpur. A home-made bomb went off at a government office in the southeast of the country. The blast occurred at a land revenue office. The Terai National Liberation Army claimed responsibility.[232][233]
22 October  3 3 India Belpahari, West Bengal. Three members of a mobile medical team were killed in a blast triggered by Maoists. The Maoists, however, issued an apology for the killing of the health staff and stated that they were not the intended target. Two people have been arrested in connection with the blast though locals claimed that the duo were innocent of the charges.[234]
23 October  11 22 Iraq Baghdad. In the Bab al-Sharji area of central Baghdad, a suicide bomber rammed his car into Iraqi labor Minister Mahmoud Mohammed al-Radhi's convoy. Al-Radhi was not actually in the convoy.[235][236][237]
23 October  1 1 Afghanistan Kandahar. The provincial police chief narrowly escaped a donkey-borne bomb attack which left one of his officers dead and one wounded. The attack took place shortly after noon on a road outside Kandahar City as the police chief, Matiullah Achakzai, was headed to the Zhari district in a two-truck police convoy. Achakzai was, however, not injured in the attack. A spokesman for the provincial governor, said the bomb had been attached to a donkey by the side of the road and was detonated by remote control. The first truck was destroyed in the blast, while the second truck drove into the crater created by the blast.[238]
23 October  0 0 Indonesia Aceh. A grenade exploded outside the office of the former separatist rebels, Free Aceh Movement (GAM), in the once-restive Aceh province, although no one was reported injured. The blast damaged two cars and the office windows of the Aceh Transitional Commission (KPA) office. Police were questioning four witnesses in regard to the blast. The explosion occurred about two weeks after the GAM founder, Hasan di Tiro, returned home from more than 30 years' exile in Sweden.[239]
23 October  0 16 Colombia Bogota. Police blame FARC for a series of blasts occurring throughout the capital. The explosives had been left in waste bins in six separate residential areas.[240] Witnesses described the blasts as "not high-powered," and the injuries were minor.[241]
24 October  0 0 Greece Athens. At about 4:00 am police were able to defuse a homemade explosive that had been left outside the offices of Royal Dutch Shell. They had received an anonymous phone call warning of the device's location. Authorities usually attribute similar attacks to extreme leftists and anarchists.[242]
25 October  3 0 Afghanistan Kabul. A security guard working for the international shipping company, DHL, opened fire and killed the company's country director and his deputy before turning the gun on himself. The shooting took place in front of the DHL office in downtown Kabul, with one Briton and one South African casualty, according to the British Foreign Office and South African governments. The preliminary investigation found one of the Afghan security guards protecting the DHL compound had opened fire on the car carrying the two foreigners when it pulled into the company headquarters. The guard then put a Kalishnikov rifle to his own head and killed himself. The guard had, apparently, been hired about a month ago from a Pashtun area just north of Kabul, where the Taliban draws many of its fighters from the Pashtun ethnic group, however, police had no conclusive evidence linking him to any insurgent organization. A Taliban spokesman denied involvement in the attack.[243]
25 October  2 1 Georgia (country) Near Abkhazia. Giorgi Mebonia, governor of the Tsalenjikha district of Georgia, was killed in an explosion close to the border with Abkhazia. A citizen also died in the attack and a police officer was wounded in the village of Mujava. The Georgian interior ministry said Mebonia's car was hit by an explosive device and his convoy was fired at, but it was not known who had fired the shots.[244]
28 October  4 5 India Gadchiroli. Four policemen, including a sub-inspector, were killed in an encounter with Naxalites in the Korepile forest in Aheri Taluka of Gadchiroli district. Five other policemen also received bullet injuries. The police party came under attack during routine patrolling.[245]
28 October  11 0 Pakistan Mohmand Agency. A suicide bombing at a security checkpoint came just days after Pakistan's parliament condemned any incursion on Pakistani soil. A man drove a vehicle carrying explosives into a checkpoint in the village of Ghalani.[246]
28 October  2+ 12 Pakistan Quetta. A car bomb exploded in the provincial capital of Quetta. The blast at a busy road in the government offices area of the gas-rich Baluchistan province, also destroyed several rickshaws, cars and a pick-up truck. The police chief said that the bomb exploded during rush hour.[247][248]
29 October  56 80 Somalia Five suicide attacks on multiple facilities, three suicide car bombers struck the presidential palace, the United Nations Development Program compound, and the Ethiopian Consulate in the city of Hargeisa in Somaliland and two suicide bombers on foot targeted two intelligence facilities in the city of Bosasso in Puntland in coordinated suicide attacks.[249]
30 October  84+ 470+ India Assam. A series of 13 blasts occurred in and around Guwahati.[250]
30 October  0 21 Spain Pamplona. A car bomb exploded at the University of Navarra. The explosion occurred at a time when students would have been walking near the lot where the car had been parked. Most of the injuries were a result of flying glass shards, while rainy weather may have prevented more casualties. Authorities blamed ETA, who had yet to claim responsibility.[251]
30 October  5 21 Afghanistan Kabul. A suicide bomber who stormed the Ministry of Information and Culture successfully detonated his explosives on the ground floor. Five of the wounded were described as being in critical condition. The Taliban claimed responsibility through a phone call within minutes of the blast.[252]
31 October  0 4 India Srinagar. Four security personnel were injured when militants hurled a grenade at a police station in the Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir. The blast, at about 11:20, landed inside the compound of the Baramulla police station, injuring two CRPF personnel and two policemen in the explosion. No militant outfit had claimed responsibility for the attack so far. This was the first attack on security forces in the Kashmir valley since the announcement of election schedule legislative assembly elections by Election Commission on 19 October.[253]
31 October  0 17+ India Bastar, Chhattisgarh. At least 17 policemen sustained minor injuries when Maoist guerrillas detonated a powerful land mine in front of their vehicle in the southern Bastar region of Chhattisgarh. The incident took place on a highway in Narayanpur district, some 250 km south of the capital Raipur.[254]
31 October  9 21 Pakistan Mardan, NWFP. A senior police official's home was hit by a blast in Mardan. The suicide bomber blew himself up close to a security convoy escorting, Mardan's deputy inspector, Akhtar Ali Shah, near his home just after 13:30. At least three police guards including the driver were killed in the high-security zone, while the other casualties have not yet been identified.[255][256]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
1 November  13+ 7 Pakistan Swat valley. At least 11 people were killed, allegedly all civilians, and seven others injured in a mortar attack targeting a security check post in the troubled northwestern Swat valley, where troops were conducting operations against the local Taliban. The mortar shell landed near Wanay check post, where a large number of people had gathered before the lifting of curfew restrictions in the morning. It was not immediately clear who had fired the mortar shell though authorities suspected the attack was carried out by militants.[257]
1 November  2 0 Pakistan Mohmand Agency. Two persons, including a child, were killed when a mortar shell struck a house.[257]
2 November  0 6 India Salboni, West Midnapur district, West Bengal. A landmine blast targeted West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya. Six policemen travelling in the last car of a convoy escorting Indian steel minister, Ram Vilas Paswan, and the CM were wounded. Eight villagers were arrested for possible links with Maoist insurgents who triggered the blast. Seven police officials, including an Additional Superintendent of Police of the Purbo Medinipur district were issued show cause notices and asked to explain their role in the supervision of security along the stretch of road at Kalaichandi in Paschim Medinipur district after the CM's convoy passed through.[258][259][260][261] Bhattacharya specifically implicated the Sasadhar Mahato-led Lalgarh squad of the Maoists.[262]
3 November  9 33 Iraq Baghdad. Three bomb attacks – two in Baghdad and one in Baigoba have left 9 people dead and 33 people wounded including a senior oil ministry official who was the intended targets of one of the Baghdad attacks, with one of the bombs going off in a bin.[263]
3 November  0 8 Thailand Yala. A blast went off in a market injuring five soldiers and three civilians in the Muslim-dominated southern region of Thailand.[264]
4 November  1 71+ Thailand Amphoe Sukhirin, Narathiwat Province. Two bombs attached to motorcycles exploded at around 11:15 am in a parking lot near a district office. Village leaders had gathered there to meet. A third explosion occurred minutes later at a tea shop. At least 30 of the injured persons were described as being in serious condition.[265]
4 November  2 9 Pakistan Doaba, North West Frontier Province. A bomber targeted an army check post early on Tuesday, officials said. One report said that the bomber drove up in a car and detonated explosives. No one has claimed responsibility. A police official told the AFP news agency that paramilitary soldiers and policemen had been injured in the blast.[266]
6 November  11 41 Russia Vladikavkaz. A bombing on a microbus has killed 11 people and injured 41 more. The attack occurred in the province of North Ossetia bordering war-scarred Chechnya as well as the disputed territory of South Ossetia.[267] Investigators stated that a female suicide bomber may have conducted the attack.[268]
6 November  4 0 Iraq Baghdad. Four people died in a morning rush hour double-bomb attack at a checkpoint in a Sunni-dominated area of the city. At least two of those killed were members of the Awakening Councils.[269]
6 November  1 4 Iraq Baghdad. A roadside bomb explosion near a mosque in Baghdad's central Bab al-Sheikh neighborhood killed one person and injured four others, police said.[269]
6 November  0 9 Iraq Baghdad. A roadside bomb targeting a government pick-up truck in Sadr City injured nine people, including five city employees.[269]
6 November  16 31 Pakistan Bajaur. A suicide bomber attacked an anti-Taliban jirga of the Salarzai tribe in the Batmali area. The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility.[270]
8 November  0 1 Canada Langley, British Columbia. A 39-year-old missionary was injured after a bomb exploded as he took a pink gift box-like package into his home. Neighbours were evacuated afterward, and RCMP police are seeking a motive. Recent bomb incidents have also occurred in the area, some of those explosives having been constructed by teenagers. The source of this explosive is not known at this time.[271][272]
9 November  28+ 68 Iraq Baghdad. A suicide bomber struck in a crowd that had gathered where a car bomb had exploded just moments earlier in the Adhamiyah district.[273][274] The New York Times reports that two car bombs exploded in the initial blast prior to the suicde bombing.[275]
10 November  2 3 South Ossetia Georgian-South Ossetian border. Two Georgian policemen were killed and three wounded by explosive devices near South Ossetia. The EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) patrolling the area called the attack an unacceptable breach of the ceasefire that could dangerously escalate tensions in the region. The risk of skirmishes and tit-for-tat attacks remained high with further violence likely.[276]
11 November  2+ 5+ Pakistan Peshawar. A suicide bomb exploded outside the Qayyam Stadium after inter-provisional games had concluded. Police speculated that the attack may have been intended for ANP member, Iftikhar Hussain, who was in the process of leaving at the time.[277]
12 November  2 0 Pakistan Peshawar. Gunmen corner and kill United States Agency for International Development contract employee Stephen D. Vance and his driver around 8:00 am local as they traveled from Vance's residence to work.[278]
12 November  6 23 Iraq Baghdad. A bomb exploded in a parked car in the bustling downtown al-Nasir Square in Baghdad killing four and wounding 15 others, including three police officers. A half-hour later, a roadside bomb blew up in a Shiite-dominated neighborhood in northern Baghdad. Seven people, including three policemen, were injured, though there were no deaths reported. Unidentified gunmen in the volatile northern city of Mosul also killed two sisters from a Christian family as they were waiting in front of their house for a ride to work. Their mother was injured in the attack. This was the third consecutive day of morning rush hour blasts in the capital. The explosions follow two days of rush hour bombings that killed more than 30 people and wounded some 70 others.[279]
12 November  3 28 Afghanistan Kandahar. A car bomb explosion ripped through an Afghan government office during a provincial council meeting in the former Taliban stronghold of Kandahar, killing at least three people and wounding 28. The blast also flattened two nearby homes and damaged the offices of the country's intelligence service, NDS. Ezatullah Khan, a police official, said no suicide attacker was involved in the attack. He said, the blast came as the provincial council was hearing constituent complaints, where two council members were wounded in the attack. Afghan police, soldiers and intelligence agents were also at the site, as were Canadian soldiers.[280]
13 November  0 15 Thailand Bangkok. At least 15 market traders were wounded when a bomb was thrown into a camp in Bangkok where they were staging a protest vigil against attempts to evict them. The explosion took place at 2:00 at Klong Toey market, next to the capital's biggest slum, where about 300 protesters were demonstrating against the new management of the site. The bomb was apparently tossed into the camp by an unidentified man on a nearby footbridge, while two people suffered serious injuries. The attack did not appear to be linked to an anti-government protest movement that had occupied Government House in Bangkok since late August, where there were a series of small bombings in the weeks preceding.[281]
13 November  1 0 Pakistan Peshawar. Gunmen kidnapped an Iranian diplomat, Hashmatullah Atharzadeh, and killed his local guard in the NWFP capital; this follows a recent surge in violence in Peshawar blamed on Islamic militants from the ousted Afghan Taliban regime, while Pakistani troops have increased operations along the country's porous border with Afghanistan. Atharzadeh was on his way to the Iranian consulate in Peshawar when unknown assailants attacked his car. Abdul Qadir, a police officer said: "The attackers sprayed bullets, forcing the car to stop and then dragged out the diplomat while his police guard was killed." Iran immediately made it clear that the diplomat's safety was Islamabad's responsibility as it raised the issue with the foreign ministry. Iranian ambassador to Pakistan, Mashallah Shakeri, said: "Based on the Vienna convention of political immunity of diplomats, the Islamabad government is responsible for the security of Iranian diplomats."[282]
14 November  3 4 India Kanker and Bastar, Chhattisgarh. Three policemen were injured in a landmine blast triggered by rebels at Injeram in Konta constituency, close to the Andhra Pradesh border; while several low-intensity explosions ripped through Chhattisgarh's Bastar region as the first phase of assembly elections began in 39 constituencies. There was a low electoral turnout following the murder of Trinath Thakur, the Dantewada block unit chief of the Congress, the previous night. Dantewada District Superintendent of Police Rahul Sharma said: "Rebels slit his throat and he died on the spot due to excessive bleeding." Soon after voting started, gunbattles erupted between policemen and Maoist guerrillas in about 15 places in the Sukma, Kistaram, Konta, Bhairamgarh, Antagarh, Pakhanjoor, Bijarpur, Dantewada and Antagarh constituencies. Despite the presence of 65,000 policemen, including paramilitary forces, Maoist guerrillas managed to block roads leading to polling booths in over 50 places.[283]

In another attack in Bijapur in the same Bastar district a non-commissioned officer of the Indian Air Force was killed, while a Squadron Leader was injured when suspected naxalites fired at their helicopter, airlifting electronic voting machines and polling staff, as soon as it took off from Bijapur in South Bastar. Sergeant Mustafa Ali received a bullet in the head and died on-the-spot while the pilot, Squadron Leader T.K. Chaudhury, also received bullet injuries from light machine gun firing. A volley of bullets also hit the wings, while some hit the passengers inside. The crew then flew to Jagdalpur, district headquarters of Bastar where the casualties count then came to light.

Earlier in the day, a Central Reserve Police Force personnel was killed after being hit by a sniper bullet at Antagarh in Kanker district. Elsewhere in Chhattisgarh there were 25 encounters between security service officials and naxalites, all of which were repulsed. Six polling booths were attacked but the security forces beat back the attackers. As many as 21 EVMs were also looted.[284]

14 November  0 0 Serbia/Kosovo Pristina. An explosive charge was thrown at the building housing the office of the European Union's special envoy to Kosovo, Peter Feith. No one was injured in the blast, which shattered the windows of the office of the International Civilian Office. On 20 November, Kosovo police arrested three German citizens suspected of having thrown the explosive charge.[285][286]
16 November  8 5 Eritrea Barentu. Eritrea blamed the TPLF for a roadside bomb explosion along the road between Barentu and Elala. The explosion occurred at about 8:30 am as citizens passed en route to an engagement party.[287]
19 November  0 0 Eritrea The IMC blamed the RIRA for the discovery of a coffee jar bomb near a PSNI station in Belfast.
20 November  1 29 Thailand Bangkok. A grenade attack on protesters occupying the prime minister's office killed one person and wounded 29. No one took responsibility for the blast, but the protest group, the People's Alliance for Democracy, blamed the government. The prime minister denied the charge.[288]
21 November  17+ 6 Somalia Mogadishu. Somali security forces and Islamic insurgents engaged in one of the fiercest gunbattles in recent weeks in the capital, killing at least 17 people and wounding six. The two-hour clash erupted when insurgents attacked the house of a local government official. One of them, Dahir Mohamed, said he counted 15 bodies of young men on the street after the skirmish was over, though it was not immediately clear if the dead were civilians or insurgents. A Police officer, Abdinur Salad, said that two soldiers were also killed in the clash, while another six soldiers were wounded.[289]
21 November  5+ 15+ Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan. Increasing sectarian violence in Pakistan was a result of an explosion that ripped through a funeral procession in northwestern Pakistan that killed at least five people and wounding at least 15 others. The funeral in the northwestern town of Dera Ismail Khan was for a local Shiite figure shot dead the day before in what appeared to be sectarian violence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. A police official, Khurshid Khan, said that "A funeral procession of a Shiite victim was on its way to the graveyard when a powerful explosion hit it, resulting in the death of five people and the injury of 15 others."[290]
22 November  0 0 Iraq Turk-Iraqi border. The PKK claimed responsibility for an explosion at an oil pipeline linking Iraq with southern Turkey. The PKK said the explosion was an act of sabotage, but a spokesman for Iraq's Oil Ministry says the pipeline will be out of action for about a week.[291]
22 November  0 8 Thailand Bangkok. The second grenade attack in three days targeted protesters occupying the Thai prime minister's compound in Bangkok. The blast occurred at 3:00 and injured eight people, one of them seriously. Chamlong Srimuang, one of the key protest leaders, said the grenade was launched from the headquarters of the Bangkok Metropolitan police about 500 feet (150 meters) away.[292]
24 November  18+ 6+ Iraq Baghdad. A roadside bomb blast destroyed a minibus carrying government employees. All of the deceased were female employees of Iraq's Trade Ministry.[293] A female suicide bomber also struck just outside the Green Zone. This attack came at a security checkpoint during the morning rush hour. Two of the deceased were confirmed to be female employees of Iraq's intelligence services, one of them had been pregnant.[293]
26–29 November 173 confirmed 327+ India Mumbai. Armed terrorists opened fire at eight different sites in a coordinated attack. They wielded automatic weapons and attacked locations including a train station, hotels, restaurants, a police station, and a hospital. Some terrorists took hostages and high military grade explosives (RDX) were found nearby; at least eight explosions were reported.
27 November  3 4 Yemen Sanaa. A bomb exploded aboard a minibus at the capital's al-Hasha station.[294]
28 November  11 19 Iraq Baghdad. A suicide car bomb in Baghdad killed 11 and wounded another 19 in a Shite section of the city[293]
28 November  7 4 Pakistan Bannu. A suicide car bomb killed four soldiers and three civilians and injured several others[295]


Date Dead Injured Location and description
1 December  7 1 Pakistan Swat Valley. A suicide car bomb targeting a military checkpoint detonated prematurely and killed seven civilians in two passing cars. One soldier was injured in the blast.[296]
1 December  10 27 Afghanistan Musa Qala district, Helmand province. A suicide bomber targeted a police vehicle in a crowded market. The resulting blast left 10 civilians dead and left another 27, including two policemen, injured.[297]
1 December  0 5 Turkey Istanbul. A bomb blast outside of a building used by the AK Party occurred in the Sutluce district at around 3 pm. Two of the injured were reported to be police.[298]
1 December  0 0 Bolivia La Paz. Unidentified assailants detonated dynamite on the door of the advertising office of the newspaper El Potosi at about 1:00 am. The newspaper believed that intimidation not robbery motivated the attack.[299]
2 December  3+ 29 India Diphu, Assam. A bomb exploded on board a passenger train as it pulled into the Diphu station. According to police, the device was set to a timer and left in a bag on an overhead rack. Suspicion fell on the Karbi Longri N.C. Hills Liberation Front (KLNLF), who is said to be one of three insurgent groups active in the area and the only not to agree to a cease-fire.[300]
2 December  2 0 India Assam. Police blame the Karbi Longri N.C. Hills Liberation Front (KLNLF) for taking two migrant workers from their homes in the village of Dolamara and shooting them.[300]
4 December  1 0 Afghanistan Khost. A suicide bomber detonated his explosives outside of an intelligence office. Militants disguised as Afghan military attacked the building immediately following the attack.[301]
5 December  6+ 12 Pakistan Orakzai Agency. A bomb exploded in a busy market located in a predominantly Shiia district. Reports conflicted as to whether the explosive was remotely detonated or was a suicide attack. One source claimed that the attack targeted a local tribal council.[302]
5 December  5 9 Thailand Narathiwat. A bomb blast killed five people and wounded nine others in the southernmost province of Narathiwat, in a region beset by insurgent attacks.[303]
5 December  29 100 Pakistan Peshawar. A car bomb is detonated near a Shia mosque in the central Kissa Khwani bazaar.[304]
5 December  0 0 Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo. An explosive device was thrown at a local Bosnian broadcaster, Independent Television NTV Hayat, although there were no injuries and only minor damage. The attack took place Thursday night, at the time when there were no staff but only a night guard. Local police, who protected the building through the rest of the night, started an investigation into the attack.[305]
11 December  55+ ~102 Iraq Kirkuk. A suicide bomber attacked a gathering of Arab and Kurdish leaders meeting over lunch during Eid al-Adha at a popular restaurant about 10 km north of Kirkuk. Arab tribal leaders were meeting with members of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. Officials said that the restaurant had been more crowded than usual due to the holiday and that many women and children were among the casualties because the explosion occurred in the family section.[306][307][308]
14 December  3 11 Afghanistan Kandahar. A bomb hidden in a wooden cart exploded in Afghanistan's largest southern city Sunday, killing three police officers and wounding 11 other people, a government official said. The attack targeted a police vehicle in the city of Kandahar, said Zalmai Ayubi, a spokesman for the governor. He said five police officers were among the 11 wounded.[309]
16 December  0 0 France Paris. Police discovered five sticks of dynamite left in a third-floor restroom of the department store Printemps after an unknown group, the Afghan Revolutionary Front, made claim to the AFP in a statement. The statement demanded the withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan by the end of February 2009 under threat of further acts against "capitalist department stores... without warning." No detonator was attached to the explosives.[310][311]
18 December  0 1 Zimbabwe The leader of Zimbabwe's air force – an ally of president Robert Mugabe – was shot and wounded in an attempt on his life, state media has said.[312]
19 December  2 47 PhilippinesIligan. Two explosions in the southern Philippine city of Iligan in a market packed with Christmas shoppers has killed two people and injured 47.[313]
19 December  0 2 IsraelSderot. Fifteen rockets were fired at Sederot two days before a cease-fire was to expire wounding two Israeli civilians. Israel responded with an airstrike in Gaza that resulted in zero casualties.[314]
20 December  0 9 RussiaMoscow. Nine people injured in a bomb blast in a bazaar at the entrance of a metro station in the south of Moscow.[315]
22 December  1 3 NigeriaAwka Iborn. Gunmen attacked two oil services vessels in separate incidents in Nigeria's restive Niger Delta on Thursday, kidnapping a Russian, a Mexican and seven Nigerians, security sources working in the industry said.[316]
24 December  1 4 PakistanLahore. A bomb has exploded on a main road in the Pakistani city of Lahore, killing at least one person and injuring four others, the police said.[317]
25 December  4 13 IraqBaghdad. "Four people were killed and 13 wounded when a car bomb that was parked on the side of the road blew up," an interior ministry official said, adding that women were among the wounded.[318]
25 December  1 14 IraqBaghdad. A bomb exploded in the Shiite neighborhood of Kadhimiyah in western Baghdad, the US military said. "A civilian was killed. Eleven civilians and three policemen were wounded in the attack," it said.[318]
29 December 4 12 IranSaravan. A suicide bomber belonging to the Sunni militant group Jundallah killed 4 and wounded 12 civilians.[319]
30 December 4 1 BhutanSingye. Members from the Communist Party of Bhutan ambushed and killed four forest rangers and took their weapons in Singye village, 155 miles away from the capital.[320]


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