List of synagogues in Bucharest

This is a list of synagogues in Bucharest.

Name Romanian name Year built Address Notes
Beit Hamidrash Synagogue Sinagoga Bet Hamidraș 18th century Calea Moșilor
Cahal Grande Synagogue (Great Spanish Temple) Sinagoga Cahal Grande (Templul Mare Spaniol) 1818 Văcărești destroyed during the 1941 Bucharest pogrom
Cahal Cicu Synagogue (Small Spanish Temple) Sinagoga Cahal Cicu (Templul Mic spaniol) 1846 Str. Banu Maracine, nr. 37 destroyed during the 1941 Bucharest pogrom
Faith Temple (Hevrah Amuna) Templul Credința 1926 Str. Toneanu Vasile 48
Great Synagogue (Polish) Sinagoga Mare (Poloneză) 1845 Str. Vasile Adamache nr. 11 Active Saturday service.
Details: Yehuda Livnat +40-73-470-8970
Holy Union Temple Templul Unirea Sfântă 1836 Str. Mămulari nr. 3
Malbim Synagogue Sinagoga Malbim 1864 Strada Bravilor nr.4 demolished in the 1980s
Choral Temple Templul Coral 1866 Str. Sf. Vineri, nr. 9-11 Active weekday service.
Details: Yehuda Livnat +40-73-470-8970
Yeshua Tova Synagogue Sinagoga Eșua Tova 1827 Str. Take Ionescu nr. 9
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