List of surfaces
This is a list of surfaces, by Wikipedia page.
See also List of algebraic surfaces, List of curves, Riemann surface.
Minimal surfaces
- Catalan's minimal surface
- Costa's minimal surface
- Catenoid
- Enneper surface
- Gyroid
- Helicoid
- Lidinoid
- Riemann's minimal surface
- Saddle tower
- Scherk surface
- Schwarz minimal surface
- Triply periodic minimal surface
Ruled surfaces
- Catalan surface
- right conoid
- Conical surface
- helicoid
- Hyperboloid of one sheet (doubly ruled)
- Hyperbolic paraboloid (doubly ruled)
- Rational normal scroll
Non-orientable surfaces
- Sphere
- Spheroid
- Oblate spheroid
- Cone (geometry)
- Ellipsoid
- Hyperboloid of one sheet
- Hyperboloid of two sheets
- Hyperbolic paraboloid (a ruled surface)
- Paraboloid
Pseudospherical surfaces
Algebraic surfaces
See the list of algebraic surfaces.
- Cayley cubic
- Barth sextic
- Clebsch cubic
- Monkey saddle (saddle-like surface for 3 legs.)
- Torus
- Dupin cyclide (inversion of a torus)
- Whitney umbrella