List of rulers of the Akan state of Adanse

List of Rulers of the Akan state of Adanse

Tenure Incumbent Notes
Fomase Akyerekyere
c.1480Foundation of Fomase Akyerekyere state
Adabostate renamed
? to c.1650  
Adansestate renamed
c.1650 to 1700  
Adansehene (Rulers)
Asine Dynasty
1700 to 1735Nana Abu Bonsra, Adansehene 
Koona Dynasty
? to 1874Kwadwo Oben, FomenaheneRegent
1874 to December 1874Kwadwo Oben, Adansehene 
December 1874 to February 1876Interregnum 
February 1876 to 1886Kwaku Nansa Berofon, Adansehene 
ante/c.1950 to post/c.1950Kwadwo Amoako Agyeman, Adansehene 
ante/c.1960 to post/c.1960Adjaye Bonsra II, Adansehene 

See also