List of rivers of China

This list of rivers that flow through China is organized according to the body of water into which each river empties, beginning with the Sea of Japan in the northeast, moving clockwise on a map and ending with the Arctic Ocean.

Sea of Okhotsk

Amur River basin

Sea of Japan

Bohai Sea

Liao River Basin
Wei RivFer Basin
Yellow River Basin

Yellow Sea

Huai River basin

East China Sea

Han River Basin of Hubei, southern Shaanxi and southwestern Henan
Lake Dongting and the Lishui, Yuan, Zi, Xiang and Miluo Rivers of Hunan.
Jialing River Basin of Chongqing, eastern Sichuan and southern Gansu
Min River of central Sichuan
Yalong River of western Sichuan and southern Qinghai

Taiwan Strait

South China Sea

Pearl River Basin
Lancang (Mekong) River watershed

From Hainan Island

Nandu River (map), Hainan Province

Andaman Sea

Bay of Bengal

Map of the Ganges (yellow), Brahmaputra (violet), and Meghna (green) drainage basins.

Arabian Sea

Arctic Ocean

Ob-Irtysh watershed

Endorheic basins

Tarim Basin

Tarim Basin
Ili Basin

Dzungarian Basin

Juyan Lake Basin

Lake Balkhash

Lake Alakol


See also


    External links

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Rivers of China.