List of reptiles of Pakistan

There are around 170 species of reptiles living in Pakistan.

Order Crocodilians

Mugger crocodile is the national reptile of Pakistan
Gharial is found along the banks of Indus River

There are only 2 species endemic to Pakistan.

Order Squamata

Around 153 species of squamata are found in Pakistan.

Suborder Lacertilia

Hardwick's Spiny-tailed Lizard
Ceylon Chameleon
Persian Spider Gecko
Leopard Gecko
Mediterranean House Gecko
Bronze Mabuya
Yellow Monitor
Thar Desert Monitor

There are 86 species of Lacertilia (lizards and relatives) in Pakistan.

Suborder Serpentes

Buff Striped Keelback
Chequered Keelback
Indian Cobra
Yellow-bellied Sea Snake

There are 67 species of serpentes (snakes) found in Pakistan.

Order Testudines

Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Indian Roofed Turtle
Indian Star Tortoise

There are 15 species of testudines that represent Pakistan.


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