List of protected areas of Burkina Faso

Overview of IUCN Protected area - WAP (W, Arli, Pendjari) area - Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin based on the central World Database on Protected Areas / UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), 2007. (4) W (5) Singou (6) Arli NP (7) Arli (9) Pama (10) Madjoari (11) Kourtiagou

The following is a list of protected areas of Burkina Faso.

National parks

Burkina Faso has four national parks:

Unesco Biosphere reserve

Ramsar sites

Complete reserves

Additionally, it has 3 complete reserves:

Partial reserves

Partial Reserve of Pama
Sylvo-Pastoral and Partial Faunal Reserve of the Sahel: Tiger bush

And, 6 partial reserves:

Other reserves from IUCN-Categories I-VI

Protected forests

Forêt classée de la Kou
Forêt classée du Pic de Nahouri

Burkina Faso also has several protected forests:


External links