List of power stations in Bolivia

Bulo Bulo, Cochabamba 2 X 45 MW LM6000 gas turbines Natural gas

Bulo Bulo was built by a joint venture of NRG Energy, Vattenfall, and Pan American Energy LLC. It went commercial on 30 Jun 2000 with a 30yr generation license. In May 2003, Petrolera Chaco purchased the plant.

Entre Rios, Cochabamba 4 X 30 MW SGT-700 gas turbines natural gas

This project is a 60:40 JV of Ende and PDVSA and was the result of an Aug 2007 between Presidents Evo Morales and Hugo Chávez. It cost about $80mn and connects to the 230kV grid. Commercial operation was on 22 Jul 2010.

Guaracachi, Santa Cruz 210-MW, 2+1 CCGT plant with 6001FA gas turbines Natural gas

In Oct 2010, two 6FA gas turbines at Guaracachi in Santa Cruz were converted to combined-cycle operation. In addition to the HRSGs and steam set, the installation included a new 5-cell mechanical draft tower and a demineralized water treatment plant. The plant was 50%-owned by Rurelec PLC when nationalized by Bolivian President Evo Morales in Feb 2010.

See also
