List of post-nominal letters (Malaysia)

Office Post-nominal Title Wife's title Ribbon
Warrior of Supreme Valour Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa SP
The Most Exalted and Most Illustrious Royal Family Order of Malaysia
Darjah Kerabat Diraja Malaysia
The Most Exalted Order of the Crown of the Realm
Darjah Utama Seri Mahkota Negara
The Most Distinguished Order of the Defender of the Realm - Darjah Yang Mulia Pangkuan Negara
Grand Commander Seri Maharaja Mangku SMN Tun Toh Puan
Commander Panglima Mangku PMN Tan Sri Puan Sri
Companion Johan Mangku JMN
Officer Kesatria Mangku KMN
Member Ahli Mangku AMN
Medal Pingat Pangkuan PPN
The Distinguished Order of Loyalty to the Crown of Malaysia - Darjah Yang Mulia Setia Mahkota Malaysia
Grandee Seri Setia SSM Tun Toh Puan
Commander Panglima Setia PSM Tan Sri Puan Sri
Companion Johan Setia JSM
Order of Merit Darjah Bakti DB
The Distinguished Order of Meritorious Service: - Darjah Yang Mulia Jasa Negara
Commander Panglima Jasa Negara PJN Datuk Datin
The Most Distinguished Royal Family Order of Loyalty - Darjah-darjah Yang Amat Dihormati Setia Diraja
Commander Panglima Setia Diraja PSD Datuk Datin
Companion Johan Setia Diraja JSD
Officer Kesatria Setia Diraja KSD
Herald Bentara Setia Diraja BSD
Gallantry Award
Award for the Gallant and Brave Commander Panglima Gagah Berani PGB
Federal Award for Bravery and Merit Jasa Perkasa Persekutuan JPP
Air Force Medal Pingat Tentera Udara PTU
Mention in Dispatches Kepujian Perutusan Keberanian KPK
Nobility Award
Dedication Medal Pingat Kebaktian PK
Dedicated Service Medal Pingat Khidmat Berbakti PKB
Loyal Service Medal Pingat Perkhidmatan Setia PPS
General Service Medal Pingat Perkhidmatan Am PPA
Malaysia Commemorative Medal Pingat Peringatan Malaysia PPM
United Nations Overseas Service Medal Pingat Negara Bangsa PNBB
Coronation Medal ' PP
Malaysia Service Medal ' PJM
The Order of the Royal Malaysia Police Force
Gallant and Brave Commander PGPP
Faithful Commander ' PSPP
Warrior ' PPP
Officer ' KPP
Herald ' BPP
Police Bravery Medal ' PKP
The Order of Warriors of the Military Forces
Gallant Commander ' PGAT
Faithful Commander ' PSAT
Warrior ' PAT
Officer ' KAT
Herald ' BAT


1. Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa SP
2. Darjah Kerabat Diraja Malaysia DKM
3. Darjah Utama Seri Mahkota Negara DMN
4. Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara SMN Tun
5. Seri Setia Mahkota Malaysia SSM Tun
6. Darjah Bakti DB
7. Panglima Mangku Negara PMN Tan Sri
8. Panglima Setia Mahkota PSM Tan Sri
9. Panglima Jasa Negara PJN Datuk
10. Panglima Setia Diraja PSD Datuk
11. Johan Mangku Negara JMN
12. Johan Setia Mahkota JSM
13. Johan Setia Diraja JSD
14. Kesatria Mangku Negara KMN
15. Kesatria Setia Diraja KSD
16. Ahli Mangku Negara AMN
17. Pingat Pangkuan Negara PPN
18. Bentara Setia Diraja BSD
19. Panglima Gagah Berani PGB
20. Jasa Perkasa Persekutuan JPP
21. Pingat Tentera Udara PTU
22. Pingat Kebaktian PK
23. Pingat Khidmat Berbakti PKB
24. Pingat Perkhidmatan Setia PPS
25. Kepujian Perutusan Keberanian KPK
26. Pingat Perkhidmatan Am PPA
27. Pingat Peringatan Malaysia PPM
28. Pingat Negara Bangsa ----

List of post-nominal letters of the Federal Territory of Malaysia

See also Federal Territory Day

Grade [3] Post-nominal Title Wife's title Ribbon
The Order of The Territorial Crown - Darjah Mahkota Wilayah
Chief Knight Grand Commander Seri Utama Mahkota Wilayah SUMW Datuk Seri Utama
Knight Grand Commander Seri Mahkota Wilayah SMW Datuk Seri
Knight Commander Panglima Mahkota Wilayah PMW Datuk
Commander Johan Mahkota Wilayah JMW
Officer Kesatria Mahkota Wilayah KMW
Member Ahli Mahkota Wilayah AMW
Medal Pingat Pangkuan Mahkota Wilayah PPW

See also

Post-nominal letters of Sultanates :

Post-nominal letters of States :


  1. Table and details
  2. General visual table of decrations
  3. Malaysia 1 & Malaysia 2