List of post-nominal letters (Brunei)

Office Post-nominal Title Ribbon
The Royal Family Order of the Crown of Brunei
Darjah Kerabat Mahkota Brunei - info
The Most Esteemed Family Order of Brunei - Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat di-Homati - info
Senior ( Darjah Kerabat Laila Utama ) DK .
Junior ( Darjah Kerabat Sri Utama ) DKII .
The Most Eminent Order of the Islam Religion of the State of Brunei - info
Darjah Sri Ugama Islam Negara Brunei Yang Amat Bersinar
1st Class ( Dato Paduka Seri Setia ) PSSUB .
2nd Class ( Dato Seri Setia ) DSSUB .
3rd Class ( Sri Setia ) SSUB .
4th Class ( Setia ) SUB .
5th Class ( Pingat ) PUB .
The Most Illustrious Order of Splendid Valour - info
Darjah Paduka Leila Jasa Keberanian Gemilang Yang Amat Chemerlang
1st Class ( Dato Paduka Seri ) DPKG .
2nd Class ( Dato Leila ) DLKG .
3rd Class ( Dato ) DKG .
The Most Exalted Order of Famous Valour - info
Darjah Paduka Keberanian Laila Terbilang Yang Amat Gemilang
1st Class ( Dato Paduka Seri ) DPKT .
2nd Class ( Dato Paduka ) DKLT .
3rd Class ( Dato ) DKT .
The Most Gallant Order of the Hero of the State of Brunei - info
Darjah Pahlawan Negara Brunei Yang Amat Perkasa
1st Class ( Dato Seri Pahlawan ) PSPNB .
2nd Class ( Dato Hamzah Pahlawan ) DHPNB .
3rd Class PNB
4th Class PJB
The Most Blessed Order of Loyalty to the State of Brunei - info
Darjah Setia Negara Brunei Yang Amat Bahagia
1st Class ( Dato Seri Sitia ) PSNB .
2nd Class ( Dato Sitia ) DSNB .
3rd Class SNB .
4th Class PSB .
The Most Distinguished Order of Merit of Brunei - info
Darjah Paduka Sri Laila Jasa Yang Amat Berjasa
1st Class ( Dato Paduka Sri Laila ) PSLJ .
2nd Class ( Dato Laila Jasa ) DSLJ
3rd Class SLJ
The Most Honourable Order of the Crown of Brunei - info
Darjah Sri Paduka Mahkota Brunei Yang Amat Mulia
1st Class ( Grand Commander or Dato Seri Paduka ) SPMB .
2nd Class ( Commander or Dato Paduka ) DPMB
3rd Class ( Companion ) SMB
The Most Faithful Order of Gallantry of Brunei - info
Darjah Perwira Agong Negara Brunei Yang Amat Setia
1st Class PANB .
2nd Class PNB .
Glossary :
  • Darjah : Grades - Order of chivalry
  • Dato' (Datuk, or more correctly, Datu): grandfather, grandsire.
    • 1) heritable title for great territorial chiefs or magnates.
    • 2) title conferred for life together with the first or second class of an order of chivalry.
  • Gemilang : Scintillating
  • Jasa : Merit
  • Kerabat : Family - Parent
  • Keberanian : Courage
  • Mahkota : Crown
  • Negara / Negri : State
  • Paduka : Lord, Excellency,
  • Pahlawan : Hero
  • Perkasa : Strong, brave, mighty
  • Pingat : Medal
  • Sri / Seri : High, Grand
  • Setia : Loyal, Faithful, Companion
  • Terbilang : Eminent, Regarded, Dinstinguished
  • Ugama : Religion
  • Utama : Main, chief, principal, special
  • Yang Amat Bersinar : : 'he who is most shining'.
  • Yang Amat Chemerlang : 'he who is most shining'.
  • Yang Amat Di-Hormarti : : 'he who is most honourable'.

to be completed ...
