List of people on stamps of Brazil
This article lists people who have been featured on the postage stamps of Brazil, including the dates of their stamp appearances. Occasionally a stamp will commemorate a person and not include his/her portrait; in which case the list indicates what is shown on the stamp.
- Casimiro de Abreu, poet (1989)
- Afonso I, King of Portugal (1940)
- Akihito, Emperor of Japan (1967)
- Albert I, King of Belgium (1920)
- Luís de Albuquerque, colonial governor (1952)
- Aleijadinho, sculptor
- Pedro Aleixo, politician (2001)
- José de Alencar, novelist (1965)
- Benedetto Aloisi Masella, cardinal (1955)
- Rodrigues Alves, President of Brazil (1917)
- Álvaro Alvim, radiologist (1963)
- Jorge Amado, novelist (2002, 2012)
- Ubaldino do Amaral, politician (1943)
- Pedro Américo, painter (1943, 1993)
- José Américo de Almeida, writer (1987)
- Alceu Amoroso Lima, journalist (1993)
- José de Anchieta, missionary (1934, 1941, 1980, 1997, 2007)
- Hans Christian Andersen writer (2005)
- Ribeiro de Andrada, politician (1945)
- José Bonifácio de Andrada, politician (1909, 1959, 1963, 1988, 2008)
- Mário de Andrade, poet (1993)
- Ivo Andrić, writer (2011)
- Saint Anthony of Padua (1995)
- Osvaldo Aranha, politician (1931, 1994)
- Fernando de Azevedo, professor (1994)
- Robert Baden-Powell, founder of Scouting (1957, 2007)
- Manuel Bandeira, poet (1986)
- Adoniran Barbosa, musician (1994)
- Ruy Barbosa, politician (1925, 1949, 1956, 1960, 1999)
- Barbosa Lima Sobrinho, politician (2001)
- Lima Barreto, writer (1981)
- Tobias Barreto, poet (1989)
- João Ribeiro de Barros, aviator (1929)
- Ary Barroso, musician (2003)
- Francisco Barroso, Baron of Amazonas, military personnel (1954, 1965, 2008)
- Bastos Tigre, poet (1982)
- Baudouin, King of Belgium (1965)
- Saint Paschal Baylon (1955)
- Luis Batlle Berres, President of Uruguay (1948)
- Pope Benedict XVI (2007)
- Rodolfo Bernardelli, sculptor (1952)
- Artur Bernardes, President of Brazil (1967)
- Clóvis Beviláqua, jurist (2001)
- Olavo Bilac, poet (1967, 1988)
- Hermann Blumenau, founder of Blumenau (1969)
- Francisco de Azevedo, Baron of Bocaína, farmer (1956)
- Quintino Bocaiuva, politician (1962)
- Simón Bolívar, politician (1983)
- José Bonifacio, politician (1909, 1959, 1963, 1988, 2008)
- Borges de Medeiros, politician (1963)
- Irineu Bornhausen, politician (1996)
- Saint John Bosco (1983)
- Francisco Braga, musician (1968)
- Rubem Braga, writer (1995)
- Louis Braille, inventor of Braille (2009)
- Venceslau Brás, President of Brazil (1919, 1968)
- Vital Brazil, scientist (1965)
- Louis Breguet, physicist (1983)
- Amador Bueno, politician (1941)
- Maria Bueno, tennis player (1960)
- Júlio Brandão, politician (1958)
- Pedro Álvares Cabral, explorer (1900, 1968, 1984)
- João Caetano, actor (1951, 1963)
- Joaquim Caetano, diplomat (1958)
- Caldas Júnior, journalist (1968)
- Pandiá Calógeras, politician (1970)
- Hélder Câmara, archbishop (2009)
- Luís da Câmara Cascudo, anthropologist (1998)
- Felipe Camarão, military personnel (1954)
- Milton Campos, politician (2000)
- Campos Sales, President of Brazil (1906, 1967, 1991)
- David Canabarro, military personnel (1945)
- Gustavo Capanema, politician (2000)
- Guilherme Schüch, Baron of Capanema, engineer (1952)
- Capistrano de Abreu, historian (1953, 2003)
- Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil (2003)
- Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden (1984)
- Carlos I, King of Portugal and the Algarves (1908)
- J. Carlos, designer (1996)
- Óscar Carmona, President of Portugal (1940)
- Eleazar de Carvalho, conductor (2001)
- Carlos Castelo Branco, writer (1994)
- Castelo Branco, President of Brazil (1968, 1972)
- Plácido de Castro, politician (1973, 2002, 2008)
- Castro Alves, poet (1947, 1997)
- Di Cavalcanti, painter (1997)
- Joaquim Arcoverde, archbishop (1950)
- Luís de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias, politician (1935, 1939, 1944, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1971, 1980, 2003, 2008)
- Dorival Caymmi, songwriter (1994)
- Cazuza, musician (1991)
- Vicente Celestino, musician (1994)
- Saint Marcellin Champagnat (1954, 1956)
- Camille Chamoun, President of Lebanon (1954)
- Assis Chateaubriand, media mogul (1992)
- Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom(1965)
- Saint Clare of Assisi (1994)
- Grover Cleveland, President of the United States (1939)
- Coelho Neto, writer (1964)
- Jaime Luiz Coelho, archbishop (2011)
- Lindolfo Collor, politician (1990)
- Christopher Columbus, explorer (1984, 1992)
- Auguste Comte, philosopher (1957)
- Benjamin Constant, politician (1906, 1939, 1954)
- Nicolaus Copernicus, astronomer (1973)
- Cora Coralina, writer (1989)
- Serzedelo Correia, politician (1978)
- Manuel Francisco Correia, politician (1978)
- Afrânio da Costa, sport shooter (1992)
- Lucio Costa, architect (2002)
- Costa e Silva, President of Brazil (1972)
- Costa Lima, entomologist (1966)
- Vasco Coutinho, Captain of Espírito Santo, explorer (1935)
- Francisco Craveiro Lopes, President of Portugal (1957)
- Luís Cruls, astronomer (1992)
- Cruz e Sousa, poet (1998, 2012)
- Oswaldo Cruz, physician (1950, 1954, 1972, 2000)
- Euclides da Cunha, writer (1966)
- Pio Giannotti "Damião", friar and candidate for sainthood (1998)
- Saint Damien of Molokai (1952, 1989–92)
- Rubén Darío, poet (1966)
- Jean-Baptiste Debret, painter (1968)
- Orville A. Derby, geologist (1951)
- Henrique Dias, military personnel (1954, 1962)
- Fernão Dias Pais, politician (1974)
- Carlos Drummond de Andrade, poet (1995, 2002)
- Dulce Pontes, nun and candidate for sainthood (1993)
- Gaspar Dutra, President of Brazil (1947, 1948)
- Fabiola, Queen consort of Belgium(1965)
- Diogo Antônio Feijó, politician (1952)
- Baltasar Fernandes, politician (1954)
- Fernandes Vieira, politician and military personnel (1954)
- Oscar Lorenzo Fernández, composer (1997)
- Adhemar Ferreira da Silva, athlete (triple jump) (2002)
- Jackson de Figueiredo, philosopher (1991)
- João Figueiredo, President of Brazil (1984)
- Pedro Américo, painter (1943, 1993)
- Hércules Florence, painter and inventor (1992)
- Nísia Floresta, writer and activist (1954)
- Deodoro da Fonseca, President of Brazil (1906, 1939)
- Hermes da Fonseca, President of Brazil (1913, 1955)
- Polidoro Jordão, Viscount of Santa Teresa, politician (1952)
- Cândido Fontoura, pharmacist (1985)
- Tasso Fragoso, President of Brazil (1969)
- Saint Francis of Assisi (1976, 1982)
- Itamar Franco, President of Brazil (1995)
- Gilberto Freyre, sociologist (2000)
- Paulo de Frontin, politician (1960)
- Saint Galvão (1998)
- Basílio da Gama, poet (1991)
- Mohandas Gandhi, activist (1969)
- Anita Garibaldi, activist (1967, 1971)
- Giuseppe Garibaldi, politician (2007)
- Emílio Médici, President of Brazil (1972)
- Charles de Gaulle, President of France (1964)
- Ernesto Geisel, President of Brazil (1978)
- Khalil Gibran, writer (2009)
- Zacarias de Góis, politician (1954)
- Antonio Carlos Gomes, composer (1936, 1970, 1978, 1986, 1996)
- Eduardo Gomes, military personnel (1982)
- Gomes Carneiro, military personnel (1944, 1946)
- Bento Gonçalves, politician (1935)
- Gonçalves Dias, writer (1965, 1973)
- Ademar Gonzaga, film producer (1990)
- Chiquinha Gonzaga, musician(1977)
- Luiz Gonzaga "Gonzagão", musician (2012)
- Tomás Antônio Gonzaga, poet (1994)
- González Videla, President of Chile (1947)
- Grande Otelo, actor (1998)
- Paulo Gracindo, actor (2011)
- Giovanni Gronchi, President of Italy (1958)
- Ulysses Guimarães, politician (1993)
- Guimarães Rosa, novelist (2008)
- Alexandre de Gusmão, politician (1954, 1995)
- Bartolomeu de Gusmão, priest (1930, 1944, 1985)
- Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (1965)
- Francisco Montezuma, Viscount of Jequitinhonha, politician (1995)
- Clementina de Jesus, musician (1998)
- Joana Angélica, nun (1967)
- Joel, prophet (1958)
- João III, King of Portugal and the Algarves (1932)
- João VI, King of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves (1958, 1959, 2008)
- Saint John XXIII (1964)
- Saint John Paul II (1980, 1991, 1997, 2005)
- Joséphine-Charlotte, Grand Duchess consort of Luxembourg (1965)
- Gustavo de Lacerda, journalist (2008)
- Henrique Lage, industrialist (1982)
- Mário Lago, actor (2011)
- Chico Landi, F1 driver (2000)
- Grigory Langsdorff, explorer (1992)
- Alejandro Lanusse, President of Argentina (1972)
- Otto Lara Resende, writer (1994)
- Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle (1951)
- Le Corbusier, architect (2009)
- Michel Leiris, writer (1998)
- Leopoldina, Empress consort of Brazil (1962)
- Claude Lévi-Strauss, French anthropologist (2009)
- José Lins do Rego, writer (2001)
- Clarice Lispector, writer (1998)
- Rita Lobato, physician (1967)
- Aristides Lobo, politician (1906)
- Adolfo López Mateos, President of Mexico (1960)
- Heinrich Lübke, President of West Germany (1964)
- Washington Luís, President of Brazil (1968)
- Auguste and Louis Lumière, filmmakers (1995)
- Peter Wilhelm Lund, paleontologist (2010)
- Martin Luther, founder of Lutheranism (1983)
- Adolfo Lutz, physician (1955)
- Gilka Machado, poet (1993)
- Machado de Assis, writer (1940, 1958, 1989)
- Couto de Magalhães, politician (1938)
- Ferdinand Magellan, explorer (1991)
- Anita Malfatti, artist (1989)
- Emílio Mallet, Baron of Itapevi, military personnel (1968)
- Otávio Mangabeira, politician (1986)
- Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of radio (1995)
- Rodrigo Melo Franco, writer (998)
- Marilyn Monroe, actress (1996)
- Mariz e Barros, military personnel (1966)
- Joaquim Lisboa, Marquis of Tamandaré, politician (1954, 1957, 1997, 2008)
- Manuel Marques de Sousa, Count of Porto Alegre, military personnel (1941)
- Carl von Martius, naturalist (1994)
- Roberto Burle Marx, architect (1995)
- Teresa de Marzo, aviator (2000)
- Mascarenhas de Morais, military personnel (1983)
- Francisco "Ciccillo" Matarazzo, industrialist (1989)
- Luís de Matos, founder of Christian rationalism (1960)
- Gregório de Mattos, poet (1986)
- Irineu de Sousa, Viscount of Mauá, politician (1963, 2010)
- Humberto Mauro, filmmaker (1985)
- Mazzaropi, actor (1998)
- Cecília Meireles, poet (2001)
- Murilo Mendes, poet (2001)
- Mãe Menininha do Gantois, mãe-de-santo (1994)
- Júlio de Mesquita, politician (1962)
- Michiko, Empress consort of Japan (1967)
- Francisco Mignone, musician (1997)
- Carmen Miranda, singer and actress (1990, 2009)
- Monteiro Lobato, writer (1955, 1973)
- Dulcina de Moraes, actress (1998)
- Prudente de Moraes, President of Brazil (1906, 1942, 1991)
- Vinicius de Moraes, musician and poet (1993)
- Leonardo Mota, writer (1991)
- Sérgio Motta, politician (1998, 2002)
- Landell de Moura, priest (2011)
- Lauro Müller, politician (1964)
- Joaquim Murtinho, politician (1954)
- Joaquim Nabuco, activist (1949, 1999)
- Maurice of Nassau, politician (2009)
- Ana Néri, physician (1967)
- Rogério Neuhaus, friar (1983)
- Tancredo Neves, President of Brazil (1985, 2010)
- Oscar Niemeyer, architect (2005, 2008)
- Manuel da Nóbrega, priest (1949)
- Dorina Nowill, philanthropist (2012)
- José Maurício Nunes Garcia, musician (1973)
- Manuel Odría, President of Peru (1953)
- Bernardo O'Higgins, President of Chile (1909)
- Olav V, King of Norway (1967)
- João do Pulo, athlete (long jump, triple jump) (1975)
- Francisco de Orellana, explorer (1991)
- Oscarito, actor (1990, 1998)
- Manuel Luís Osório, Marquis of Erval, politician (1958, 1970)
- Henrique Oswald, musician (1952)
- Teófilo Ottoni, politician (2007)
- Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran (1965)
- Guilherme Paraense, Olympic medalist (1992)
- José Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco, politician (1913, 1944, 1945, 1969, 1995)
- Saint Paschal Baylon (1955)
- Louis Pasteur, chemist (1995)
- José do Patrocínio, activist (1953)
- Paul VI, Pope of the Catholic church (973)
- Nilo Peçanha, President of Brazil (1910, 1967)
- Raul Pederneiras, cartoonist (1974)
- Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil and King of Portugal and the Algarves (1965, 1972, 1984, 1998, 2008)
- Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil (1866, 1939, 1952, 1966, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991)
- Floriano Peixoto, President of Brazil (1906, 1941)
- Pelé, footballer (1969, 1970)
- Afonso Pena, President of Brazil (1906, 1908)
- Bernardo de Vasconcelos, politician (1987)
- Epitácio Pessoa, President of Brazil (1920, 1965)
- Fernando Pessoa, writer (2012)
- João Pessoa, politician and namesake for João Pessoa (1931)
- Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, friar (1954)
- Menotti Del Picchia, poet and painter (1992)
- Antônio Botelho, Count of Pinhal, politician (1957)
- Anésia Pinheiro, aviator (2000)
- Israel Pinheiro, politician (1996)
- Pinto Martins, aviator (1951)
- Pirajá da Silva, physician (1959)
- Pixinguinha, musician (1993, 1997)
- Raul Pompeia, writer (1988)
- Cândido Portinari, painter (2003, 2004)
- Francisco Prestes Maia, politician (1996)
- Manuel Sousa, Count of Porto Alegre, military personnel (1941)
- Francisco Varnhagen, Viscount of Porto Seguro, politician (1966)
- João Ramalho, explorer (1932, 1953)
- Graciliano Ramos, writer (1992)
- Elis Regina, musician (1998)
- Aarão Reis, engineer (1953)
- José Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco, politician (1913, 1944, 1945, 1969, 1995)
- Glauber Rocha, filmmaker (1986, 1998)
- Henrique da Rocha Lima, physician (1966)
- Rodrigues Alves, President of Brazil (1906)
- João Barbosa Rodrigues, botanist (1943)
- Nelson Rodrigues, writer (2004)
- Joaquim Torres, Viscount of Itaboraí, politician (1953)
- Ada Rogato, aviator (2000)
- Cícero Batista, priest and candidate for sainthood (1994)
- Sílvio Romero, poet (1951)
- Cândido Rondon, military personnel and explorer (1958, 1965, 1985)
- Wilhelm Röntgen, inventor of X-ray (1995)
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States (1940, 1949)
- Noel Rosa, musician (1977)
- Johann Moritz Rugendas, painter (1992)
- Estácio de Sá, politician (1965)
- Salvador de Sá, politician (1940)
- Albert Sabin, physician (1994)
- Augustin Saint-Hilaire, botanist (1953)
- Saldanha da Gama, military personnel (1946)
- Vicente do Salvador, religious figure and historian (1967)
- Antônio de Sampaio, military personnel (1967)
- José de San Martín, hero of independence (Argentina, Peru) (1909)
- Santa Rita Durão, poet (1981)
- Cármen Santos, actress (1990)
- Edgard Santos, politician (1994)
- Santos Dumont, aviator (1929, 1951, 1969, 1973, 1981, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2008)
- Bernardo Saião, politician (2001)
- Giuseppe Saragat, President of Italy (1965)
- José Antônio Saraiva, politician (1952)
- José Sarney, President of Brazil (1990)
- Bidu Sayão, opera singer (2006)
- Alfredo Scherer, religious figure (2004)
- Guilherme Schüch, Baron of Capanema, engineer (1952)
- Raul Seixas, musician (1991)
- Léopold Sédar Senghor, President of Senegal (1964)
- Lasar Segall, artist (1991)
- Ayrton Senna, race car driver (1989, 1994, 2000)
- Augusto Severo, politician (1929)
- Zalman Shazar, President of Israel (1966)
- Luís de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias, politician (1935, 1939, 1944, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1971, 1980, 2003, 2008)
- Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil (2011)
- Francisco Manuel da Silva, composer (1945)
- José da Silva Lisboa, Viscount of Cairu, politician (1936)
- José da Silva Paes, politician (1937)
- Tiradentes, hero of independence (Brazil) (1948, 1965, 1992, 2008)
- Nise da Silveira, psychiatrist (2005)
- Simões Filho, politician (1986)
- Lauro Sodré, politician (1958)
- Anastasio Somoza, President of Nicaragua (1953)
- Gabriel Soares de Souza, explorer (1987)
- Irineu de Sousa, Viscount of Mauá, politician (2010)
- Martim Afonso, explorer (1932, 1982)
- Betinho, sociologist (1998)
- Tomé de Sousa, politician (1949)
- Sukarno, President of Indonesia (1959)
- Anne Sullivan, activist (1980)
- Rabindranath Tagore, poet (1961)
- Joaquim Lisboa, Marquis of Tamandaré, military personnel (1954, 1957, 1997, 2008)
- Adrien Taunay, painter (1992)
- Anísio Teixeira, writer (2000)
- Teles de Menezes, religious figure (1969)
- Saint Teresa of Ávila (1982)
- Mother Teresa, candidate for sainthood (1998)
- Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (1973)
- Tibiriçá, Amerindian figure (1932)
- Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslav president (1963)
- Tiradentes, hero of independence (Brazil) (1948, 1965, 1992, 2008)
- Américo Tomás, President of Portugal (1972)
- Harry S. Truman, President of the United States (1947)
- Fagundes Varela, poet (1991)
- Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, military personnel (1966)
- Darci Vargas, First Lady of Brazil (1967)
- Getúlio Vargas, President of Brazil (1931, 1938, 1958)
- Érico Veríssimo, writer (2005)
- Amerigo Vespucci, explorer (2010)
- Gaspar Viana, physician (1962)
- Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms (1990)
- António Vieira, religious figure (1940, 1997)
- André Vidal, politician (1954)
- João Carlos Vilagran Cabrita, military personnel (1955)
- Orlando Villas-Bôas, activist (2004)
- Heitor Villa-Lobos, musician (1977, 1987)
- Ramón Villeda Morales, President of Honduras (1958)
- Saint Vincent de Paul (1982)
- Eliseu Visconti, painter (1966)
See also
List of people on stamps of South America |
| Sovereign states | |
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- Falkland Islands
- French Guiana
- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands