List of people from Evanston, Illinois

The following list includes notable people who were born or have lived in Evanston, Illinois. For a similar list organized alphabetically by last name, see the category page People from Evanston, Illinois.




Politics and war

Sports figures

Writers, thinkers, artists, scientists, and cultural figures


  1. "John Donahoe". Irish America. Retrieved 3 November 2014.
  2. D.A. Pennebaker biography
  3. June Skinner Sawyers (2012). "Steve Goodman". Chicago Portraits: New Edition. p. 133. ISBN 0810126494.
  4. 'The Convention of 1846,' Milo Milton Quaife, Wisconsin Historical Society: 1919, Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Browne, pg. 762-753
  5. "The tallest building ever--brought to you by Chicago; Burj Dubai's lead architect, Adrian Smith, personifies city's global reach". Chicago Tribune. January 2, 2010.