List of painted churches in Cyprus

There are over sixty churches in Cyprus with Byzantine and post-Byzantine wall paintings.[1][2] Of these, ten that are situated in the Troodos Mountains have been inscribed jointly on the UNESCO World Heritage List as the Painted Churches in the Troodos Region.[3][4]


The origins of Christianity on the island may be traced to the visit of St. Paul, St. Barnabas and St. Mark around AD 46.[2] After the fall of the western Roman Empire, Cyprus came under the sway of Byzantium, although the timely discovery of Barnabas' relics helped the Church of Cyprus uphold its autocephaly.[1] The crusader Kingdom of Cyprus outlived the Fall of Constantinople by a generation; the subsequent sale of the island to Venice led to a brief period of Italo-Byzantine painting.[1] In 1571 Cyprus fell to the Ottomans and the practice of ecclesiastic wall painting largely came to an end.[1]

Organization of space

Subject to the layout of each church, the iconographic schema typically accords with the classic Byzantine tripartition, evident also in Byzantine mosaic decoration, the three zones comprising: (1) the dome and conch of the apse; (2) the pendentives, squinches and upper vaults; and (3) the lower, secondary vaults and walls. The first is reserved for depictions of the holiest persons, the Christ Pantokrator and the Virgin; the second for scenes from the Life of Christ and the festival cycle; and the third for the choir of intercessory saints.[2][5]


Since the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, a number of churches in the north have been looted and their wall paintings detached to supply the international antiquities trade.[6][7] Among them is the Church of St. Evphemianos in Lysi: the thirteenth-century Pantrokrator and surrounding angels were detached, leaving their feet behind; the paintings were then acquired for the Menil Collection and displayed at the Byzantine Fresco Chapel in Houston, Texas before their repatriation to the south in 2012.[7][8][9] Meanwhile, many churches in the south been the subject of conservation interventions, conducted by the Department of Antiquities, Dumbarton Oaks and the Courtauld Institute of Art, aimed at reconciling the competing demands of stability, legibility and authenticity within the framework of ongoing devotional practice.[10]


Church Municipality Exterior Comments Interior Coordinates Ref.
Panagia Kanakaria
Παναγία Κανακαριά
Our Lady Kanakaria
Lythrangomi sixth-century wall mosaics were looted in the 1970s; some have been recovered from art dealers[7] 35°28′42″N 34°09′58″E / 35.47846°N 34.166021°E [1]
Panagia Aggeloktisti
Παναγία η Αγγελόκτιστη
Virgin Mary Built by the Angels
Kiti 34°50′51″N 33°34′14″E / 34.847630°N 33.570517°E
Panagia Kyra
Παναγιά Κυρά
Most Holy Lady
Livadia 35°23′53″N 34°01′30″E / 35.398°N 34.025°E [1]
Agios Nikolaos tis Stegis
Άγιος Νικόλαος της Στέγης
St. Nicholas of the Roof
Kakopetria included in UNESCO inscription[11] 34°58′38″N 32°53′22″E / 34.977289°N 32.889537°E
Panagia Theotokos
Παναγία Θεοτόκος
Most Holy Mother of God
Kakopetria 34°59′13″N 32°54′04″E / 34.987°N 32.901°E [1]
Agios Georgios Perachoritis
Άγιος Γεώργιος ο Περαχωρίτης
St. George Perachoritis
Kakopetria 34°59′13″N 32°54′04″E / 34.987°N 32.901°E [1]
Agios Sozomenos
Άγιος Σωζόμενος
St. Sozomenos
Galata 34°59′49″N 32°53′53″E / 34.997°N 32.898°E
Panagia Theotokos
Παναγία Θεοτόκος / Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
Most Holy Mother of God or Archangel Michael
Galata 34°59′49″N 32°53′53″E / 34.997°N 32.898°E
Panagia Podithou
Παναγία Ποδίθου
Our Lady of Podithou
Galata included in UNESCO inscription[11] 34°59′49″N 32°53′53″E / 34.997°N 32.898°E
Agia Paraskevi
Αγία Παρασκευή
St. Paraskevi
Galata 34°59′49″N 32°53′53″E / 34.997°N 32.898°E
Agioi Ioachim kai Anna
Αγίοι Ιωακείμ και Άννα
Saints Joachim and Anna
Kaliana 35°00′45″N 32°53′03″E / 35.012520°N 32.884086°E
Archangelos Michael
Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
Archangel Michael
Vyzakia 35°04′37″N 33°00′50″E / 35.077°N 33.014°E
Panagia Phorbiotissa
Παναγία Φορβιώτισσα / Παναγία της Ασίνου
Virgin Mary Phorbiotissa or Our Lady of Asinou
Nikitari included in UNESCO inscription[11] 35°02′47″N 32°58′24″E / 35.046270°N 32.973254°E
Panagia Chrysokourdaliotissa
Παναγία Χρυσοκουρδαλιωτισσα
Virgin Mary Chrysokourdaliotissa
Spilia also known as the Church of the Dormition, Kourdali; submitted in 2002 as an extension to the UNESCO inscription and currently on the Tentative List; the timber roof is a reconstruction of the 1960s[12] 34°58′27″N 32°57′02″E / 34.974243°N 32.950530°E
Timios Stavros
Τίμιος Σταυρός
Holy Cross
Agia Eirini 34°58′52″N 32°58′08″E / 34.981°N 32.969°E [1]
Panagia tou Arakos
Παναγία του Άρακος
Our Lady of Arakos
Lagoudera included in UNESCO inscription[11] close examination during conservation and restoration work has indicated the use of the fresco technique for the 1192 paintings, with plaster joins revealing the giornate[13][14] 34°57′55″N 33°00′25″E / 34.965416°N 33.007023°E
Stavros tou Agiasmati
Σταυρός του Αγιασμάτι
Holy Cross of Agiasmati
Platanistasa included in UNESCO inscription[11] 34°56′46″N 33°02′38″E / 34.946°N 33.044°E
Timios Stavros
Τίμιος Σταυρός
Holy Cross
Kyperounta 34°56′21″N 32°58′34″E / 34.939238°N 32.976124°E [1]
Timios Stavros
Τίμιος Σταυρός
Holy Cross
Pelendri included in UNESCO inscription[11] 34°53′46″N 32°58′01″E / 34.896°N 32.967°E
Panagia Katholiki
Παναγία Καθολική
Virgin Mary the Catholic
Pelendri 34°53′46″N 32°58′01″E / 34.896°N 32.967°E
Timios Stavros
Τίμιος Σταυρός
Holy Cross
Kouka 34°51′00″N 32°53′10″E / 34.850°N 32.886°E
Agia Mavra
Αγία Μαύρα
St. Mavra
Koilani 34°50′38″N 32°51′36″E / 34.844°N 32.860°E
Agios Georgios
Άγιος Γεώργιος
St. George
Monagri 34°48′31″N 32°54′35″E / 34.808571°N 32.909734°E [1]
Archangelos Michael
Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
Archangelos Michael
Monagri 34°50′38″N 32°51′36″E / 34.844°N 32.860°E
Panagia Amasgou
Παναγία της Αμασγούς
Our Lady Amasgou
Monagri 34°48′34″N 32°54′36″E / 34.809575°N 32.910082°E
Agios Mamas
Άγιος Μάμας
St. Mamas
Louvaras 34°50′10″N 33°02′17″E / 34.836°N 33.038°E
Tou Soteros
Μεταμόρφωση του Σωτήρος
Transfiguration of the Saviour
Palaichori included in UNESCO inscription[11] 34°55′23″N 33°05′38″E / 34.923°N 33.094°E
Panagia Chrysopantanassa
Παναγία η Χρυσοπαντάνασσα
Virgin Mary Chrysopantanassa
Palaichori 34°55′20″N 33°05′34″E / 34.922094°N 33.092794°E
Timios Prodomos
Τιμιος Προδρομος
St. John the Precursor
Askas 34°55′44″N 33°04′41″E / 34.929°N 33.078°E
Agia Christina
Αγία Χριστίνα
St. Christina
Askas 34°56′28″N 33°04′29″E / 34.941058°N 33.074598°E
Agios Ioannis Lampadistis
Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Λαμπαδιστής
St. John Lampadistis
Kalopanagiotis included in UNESCO inscription[11] 34°59′32″N 32°49′49″E / 34.992237°N 32.830195°E
Agioi Andronikos kai Athanasia
Αγίoi Ανδρόνικοs και Αθανασία
Saints Andronicus and Athanasia
Kalopanagiotis 34°59′31″N 32°49′41″E / 34.992°N 32.828°E
Panagia tou Moutoulla
Παναγία του Μουτουλά
Our Lady of Moutoullas
Moutoullas included in UNESCO inscription[11] 34°59′02″N 32°49′30″E / 34.984°N 32.825°E
Archangelos Michael
Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
Archangel Michael
Pedoulas included in UNESCO inscription[11] 34°58′01″N 32°49′44″E / 34.967°N 32.829°E
Timios Stavros
Τιμιος Σταυρος
Holy Cross
Palaiomylos 34°56′06″N 32°49′23″E / 34.935°N 32.823°E [1]
Panagia Kardiovastouza
Παναγία η Kαρδιοβαστάζουσα
Virgin Mary who Holds the Heart
Kaminaria 34°55′41″N 32°47′02″E / 34.928°N 32.784°E
Agios Vasilios
Άγιος Βασίλειος
St. Basil
Kaminaria 34°55′41″N 32°47′02″E / 34.928°N 32.784°E
Katakomba Agia Solomoni
Κατακόμβη Αγίας Σολομωνής
Catacomb of St. Solomoni
Paphos 34°45′42″N 32°24′45″E / 34.761623°N 32.412500°E [1]
Enkleistra kai Monasteri tou Agiou Neophytou
Εγκλείστρα και Μοναστήρι του Αγίου Νεοφύτου
Enkleistra and Monastery of Agios Neophytos
Tala see Neophytos of Cyprus[15] 34°50′47″N 32°26′47″E / 34.846424°N 32.446404°E
Agia Paraskevi
Αγία Παρασκευή
St. Paraskevi
Yeroskipou 34°45′34″N 32°27′11″E / 34.759516°N 32.452980°E
Panagia Katholiki
Παναγία Καθολική
Virgin Mary the Catholic
Kouklia 34°42′26″N 32°34′30″E / 34.707204°N 32.575096°E
Palaia Enkleistra
Παλαιά Εγκλείστρα
Palaea Enkleistra
Kouklia 34°41′53″N 32°35′35″E / 34.698°N 32.593°E [1]
Agios Nikolaos
Άγιος Νικόλαος
St. Nicholas
Galataria 34°52′37″N 32°37′55″E / 34.877°N 32.632°E [1]
Agios Theodosios
Άγιος Θεοδόσιος
St. Theodosius
Akhelia 34°44′17″N 32°29′10″E / 34.738°N 32.486°E [1]
Panagia Chryseleousa
Παναγία Χρυσελεούσα
Virgin Mary Chryseleousa
Emba 34°48′00″N 32°25′01″E / 34.800°N 32.417°E [1]
Agios Kirykos
Άγιος Κήρυκος
St. Kirykos
Letymvou 34°51′18″N 32°30′47″E / 34.855°N 32.513°E [1]
Archangelos Michael
Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
Archangel Michael
Kholi 34°58′44″N 32°26′42″E / 34.979°N 32.445°E [1]
Agioi Apostoloi
Άγιοι Απόστολοι
Holy Apostles
Pera Chorio 35°00′47″N 33°23′35″E / 35.013°N 33.393°E [1]
Agios Demetrianos
Άγιος Δημητριανός
St. Demetrianus
Dali 35°00′47″N 33°23′35″E / 35.013°N 33.393°E
Agia Aikaterini
Αγία Αικατερίνη
St. Catherine
Pyrga 34°55′35″N 33°25′49″E / 34.926405°N 33.430152°E
Agia Marina
Αγία Μαρίνα
St. Marina
Pyrga 34°55′29″N 33°25′55″E / 34.924821°N 33.431826°E
Agios Antonios
Άγιος Αντώνιος
St. Anthony
Kellia 34°58′30″N 33°37′19″E / 34.975°N 33.622°E
Agios Georgios
Άγιος Γεώργιος
St. George
Xylofagou 34°58′37″N 33°51′00″E / 34.977°N 33.850°E [1]
Agios Georgios tis Arperas
Άγιος Γεώργιος της Άρπερας
St. George of Arpera
Tersefanou 34°51′14″N 33°32′46″E / 34.854°N 33.546°E [1]
Archangelos Michael
Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
Archangel Michael
Kato Lefkara 34°51′43″N 33°18′54″E / 34.862°N 33.315°E
Agia Mavra
Αγία Μαύρα
St. Mavra
Kyrenia 35°20′20″N 33°19′16″E / 35.339°N 33.321°E [1]
Kyrenia 35°20′20″N 33°19′16″E / 35.339°N 33.321°E
Agios Ioannis Chrysostomos
Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος
St. John Chrysostom
Koutsovendis the wall paintings in the chapel of the Holy Trinity, dating to c. 1100, were documented and conserved by a team from Dumbarton Oaks under Cyril Mango in the 1960s; they have been whitewashed and covered in large sheets of paper since 1974[16] 35°16′27″N 33°25′06″E / 35.274108°N 33.418436°E
Panagia Aphendrika
Παναγία Αφέντρικα
Our Lady of Aphendrika
Koutsovendis 35°16′26″N 33°25′05″E / 35.274°N 33.418°E [1]
Χριστός Αντιφωνητής
Christ Antiphonitis
Kalograia some of the paintings, including most of the Tree of Jesse, were detached in the 1970s and have been found in the hands of private collectors[7] 35°19′38″N 33°37′08″E / 35.327101°N 33.618851°E [1]
Panagia Theotokos
Παναγία Θεοτόκος
Most Holy Mother of God
Trikomo 35°17′02″N 33°53′24″E / 35.284°N 33.890°E [1]
Agios Evphemianos
Άγιος Ευφημιανός
St. Euphemianos
Lysi the detached thirteenth-century Pantrokrator was acquired for the Menil Collection and displayed at the Byzantine Fresco Chapel in Houston, Texas before its repatriation in 2012[7][8][9] 35°05′09″N 33°39′53″E / 35.08575°N 33.664722°E [1]
Agios Ioannis Evangelistis
Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Ευαγγελιστής
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Nicosia 35°10′24″N 33°22′04″E / 35.173243°N 33.367833°E [1]
Agios Sozomenos
Άγιος Σωζόμενος
St. Sozomenos
Potamia 35°02′31″N 33°26′42″E / 35.042°N 33.445°E [1]
Agios Andronikos
Αγίos Ανδρόνικοs
St. Andronicus
Polis Chrysochous 35°02′20″N 32°25′26″E / 35.039°N 32.424°E
Agioi Barnabas kai Ilarion
Αγίοι Βαρνάβας και Ιλαρίων
Saints Barnabas and Hilarion
Peristerona 35°07′48″N 33°04′55″E / 35.130°N 33.082°E
Panagia Pergaminiotissa
Παναγία Περγαμηνιώτισσα
Our Lady Pergaminiotissa
Akanthou 35°23′02″N 33°45′50″E / 35.384°N 33.764°E
Agios Photios
Άγιος Φώτιος
St. Photius
Yialousa 35°32′06″N 34°11′17″E / 35.535°N 34.188°E
Agia Solomoni
Αγία Σολομωνή
St. Solomoni
Koma tou Yialou 35°25′23″N 34°07′30″E / 35.423°N 34.125°E
Agios Nikolaos
Άγιος Νικόλαος
St. Nicholas
Koma tou Yialou 35°25′23″N 34°07′30″E / 35.423°N 34.125°E
Agia Mavri
Αγία Μαύρή
St. Mavra
Rizokarpaso 35°37′05″N 34°24′29″E / 35.618°N 34.408°E
Agios Philon
Άγιος Φίλων
St. Philon
Rizokarpaso 35°37′44″N 34°26′28″E / 35.629°N 34.441°E
Agios Prokopios
Άγιος Προκόπιος
St. Procopius
Sygkrasi 35°17′06″N 33°51′25″E / 35.285°N 33.857°E
Panagia Avgasida
Παναγία Αυγασίδα
St. Augasida
Aloa 35°12′43″N 33°49′44″E / 35.212°N 33.829°E
Panagia Apsinthiotissa
Παναγία Αψινθιώτισσα
Our Lady Apsinthiotissa
Sichari some of the Byzantine wall paintings have been detached since 1974 and have since appeared on the antiquities market[7] 35°17′00″N 33°23′22″E / 35.283392°N 33.389425°E
Agios Georgios ton Hellenon
Άγιος Γεώργιος των Ελλήνων
St. George of the Greeks
Famagusta 35°07′26″N 33°56′37″E / 35.123932°N 33.943575°E [2]

See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Churches in Cyprus.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 Stylianou, Andreas; Stylianou, Judith A. (1997). The Painted Churches of Cyprus: Treasures of Byzantine Art (2 ed.). A. G. Leventis Foundation. ISBN 9963-560-30-X.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 der Parthog, Gwynneth (2006). Medieval Cyprus: A Guide to the Byzantine and Latin Monuments (2 ed.). Moufflon Publications. ISBN 9963-642-23-3.
  3. "Painted Churches in the Troodos Region". UNESCO. Retrieved 30 July 2012.
  4. "Painted Churches in the Troodos Region: Evaluation". ICOMOS. Retrieved 2 August 2012.
  5. Demus, Otto (1947). Byzantine Mosaic Decoration: Aspects of Monumental Art in Byzantium. Kegan Paul. pp. 14–30.
  6. Jansen, Michael E. (2005). War and cultural heritage: Cyprus after the 1974 Turkish invasion. University of Minnesota Press.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 "Looting of Cultural Heritage". Department of Antiquities. Retrieved 2 August 2012.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Weyl Carr, Annemarie (1991). A Byzantine Masterpiece Recovered: The Thirteenth-Century Murals of Lysi, Cyprus. Menil Collection. ISBN 978-0-292-78118-4.
  9. 9.0 9.1 "The Repatriation of the Wall Paintings of the Church of Agios Euphemianos, Lysi". Department of Antiquities. Retrieved 6 July 2012.
  10. Solomidou-Ieronymidou, Marina; Rickerby, Stephen (2010). "The Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Wall Paintings of Cyprus: Conservation Practice in a Context of Continuing Religious Use, in: Conservation and the Eastern Mediterranean: Contributions to the 2010 IIC Congress". International Institute for Conservation. pp. 231–6.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 "State of Conservation of World Heritage Properties in Europe: Painted Churches in the Troodos Region". UNESCO. Retrieved 2 August 2012.
  12. Brebbia, C. A. (et al.), ed. (2011). Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XII. WIT Press. p. 53. ISBN 978-1-84564-526-7.
  13. Winfield, David; Winfield, June (2000). The Church of the Panaghia tou Arakos at Lagoudhera, Cyprus: The Paintings and their Painterly Significance. Dumbarton Oaks. pp. 322–5. ISBN 978-0-884-02257-2.
  14. Nicolaïdès, Andréas (2006). "The Church of the Panaghia tou Arakos at Lagoudhera, Cyprus: The Paintings and their Painterly Significance (Review)". American Journal of Archaeology (Archaeological Institute of America) 110 (3): 1–2. doi:10.3764/ajaonline1103.nicolaides.
  15. Kakoulli, Ioanna; Fischer, Christian. "An innovative noninvasive and nondestructive multidisciplinary approach for the technical study of the Byzantine wall paintings in the Enkleistra of St. Neophytos in Paphos, Cyprus". Dumbarton Oaks. Retrieved 2 August 2012.
  16. Parani, Maria G. "The Monastery of St. Chrysostomos at Koutsovendis, Cyprus: The Wall-Paintings". Dumbarton Oaks. Retrieved 2 August 2012.

External links