List of official trips made by Matteo Renzi

This is a list of official trips made by Matteo Renzi, the 56th and current Prime Minister of Italy.

Summary of international trips

Further information: Foreign relations of Italy
Map of international trips made by Matteo Renzi as Prime Minister:
  Country visited
Number of visits Country
1 visit Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Republic of Congo, Germany, Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam.
2 visits Egypt, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States
4 visits France


The following international trips were made by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in 2014:

Country Areas visited Date(s) Notes
Tunisia Tunisia Tunis 4 March Prime Minister Renzi's state visit to Tunisia was his first trip outside Italy as head of the government. He chose Tunisia as the first foreign trip of his premiership in a demonstration of his new foreign policy towards Africa. Renzi met President Moncef Marzouki and Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa.[1]
France France Paris 15 March Renzi's visit to France was his first trip in a country of the European Union. In Paris, Prime Minister Renzi met French President François Hollande.[2]
Germany Germany Berlin 17 March Matteo Renzi went to Berlin where he met the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom discussed about the Crimean Crisis and the economic policies of the EU.[3]
United Kingdom United Kingdom London 1 April Renzi met in London the UK Prime Minister David Cameron, the leader of the Labour Party David Miliband and the Mayor of London Boris Johnson.[4]
Belgium Belgium Bruxelles 4–5 April Prime Minister Renzi went in Bruxelles to participated to the 40th G7 summit. The first one after the suspension of Russia from the G8. The main topics where the Pro-Russian protests in Ukraine and the economic crisis.[5]
Vietnam Vietnam Hanoi 9–10 June With his wife Agnese Landini, Renzi started his official trip to Asia, from Vietnam. He met President Trương Tấn Sang and Prime Minister Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, as well as Communist Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng. In doing so, Renzi became the first Italian Prime Minister to officially visit Vietnam since 1973, when diplomacy first began between Italy and North Vietnam.[6]
China China Beijing 10–12 June In Beijing Renzi met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, who congratulated him for the "important reforms" being undertaken by his government. Xi also stated that China would continue cooperation with Italy ahead of Expo 2015 in Milan.[7]
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Astana 12 June Prime Minister Renzi met Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev in Astana, where they discussed withdrawal of Italian troops from Afghanistan.[8]
France France Ypres 26 June Matteo Renzi visisted Ypres for the commemoration of the centenary from the First World War.[9]
Mozambique Mozambique Maputo 19 July Prime Minister Renzi's started a major trip to Africa, meeting the Mozambique President Armando Guebuza, with whom signed economic pacts to create investments by the Italian government-onwned oil company Eni in the African country for 50 bilion dollars.[10]
Republic of the Congo Republic of Congo Brazaville 20 July Matteo Renzi visited the Republic of Congo where he met President Denis Sassou Nguesso, with whom he signed a cooperation for the extraction of oil in the country.[11]
Angola Angola Luanda 20 July Renzi met with Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos in Luanda; it was the final stage of his trip to Africa.[12]
Egypt Egypt Cairo 2 August Matteo Renzi met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Cairo, holding talks about a variety of issues, including the Israel-Gaza conflict. Renzi stated that Italy would support the Egyptian truce proposal, with the two leaders calling for an immediate cease-fire and the beginning of peace treaties.[13]
Iraq Iraq Baghdad 20 August Renzi met the Head of State Fuad Masum, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his immediate predecessor Nouri al-Maliki to discussed about the insurgency of the Islamic State.[14]
Iraqi Kurdistan Iraqi Kurdistan Erbil 20 August In Erbil Renzi met the President of Iraqi Kurdistan Mas'ud Barzani and Prime Minister Nechervan Barzani.[15]
United States United States New York 21–26 September On 22 September, Renzi visited Silicon Valley, California, where he met young Italian emigrants who created startups in the USA.[16] He also visited the headquarters of Twitter, Google and Yahoo! to hold talks with chief executives. Renzi was accompanied by former US Secretaries of State, Condoleezza Rice and George Shultz, and by the former American Ambassador to Italy, Ronald P. Spogli.[17]

The following day, Renzi spoke at a United Nations summit in New York City, focussing on the problem of climatic change.[18] Following the summit, Renzi met former US President Bill Clinton and his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.[19] At the end of his trip, Renzi participated in a reception offered by President Barack Obama.[20]

United Kingdom United Kingdom London 2 October Renzi met in London the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron.[21]
Romania Romania Bucarest 13 November With his wife, Agnese Landini, Renzi met in Bucarest the Prime Minister of the Romania Victor Ponta.[22]
Australia Australia Brisbane 15–16 November Matteo Renzi partecipated with his wife Agnese Landini to the G20 summit in Brisbane. Renzi had also a bilateral meeting with the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.[23]
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Ashgabat 18 November In Ashgabat, with Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Renzi signed a number of economic pacts securing increased gas supply.[24]
Austria Austria Vienna 24 November Matteo Renzi met the Austrian Prime Minister Werner Faymann in Vienna.[25]
Algeria Algeria Algiers 2 December Renzi met in Algiers the Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal. With the two leaders of the country, Renzi discussed the Libyan crisis, immigration from North Africa, and also about gas imports from Algeria as an alternative to Russian imports, following the tensions between the European Union and Russia.[26]
Turkey Turley Istanbul 11 December On 11 December Renzi then travelled to Ankara for a second meeting with Erdoğan, during which Renzi expressed his support for Turkish accession to the European Union. On the same day he met Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.[27]
Albania Albania Tirana 30 December Prime Minister Renzi met in Tirana the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and the President Bujar Nishani.[28]


The following international trips were made by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in 2015:

Country Areas visited Date(s) Notes
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 8 January Renzi made his first official trip of the year when he met Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi to address issues of foreign policy and economic issues such as Alitalia-Etihad. The two leaders discussed joint co-operation domains and enhancing trade exchange and cooperation in the energy and aerospace fields.[29]
France France Paris 11 January Matteo Renzi participated, with more than 40 world leaders and three million people, in the Republican March organised by President François Hollande after the Charlie Hebdo shooting.[30]
Switzerland Switzerland Davos 21 January Prime Minister Renzi partecipated to the World Economic Forum in Davos.[31]
France France Paris 24 February Prime Minister Renzi participated to a bilateral meeting in Paris with the French President François Hollande[32]
Ukraine Ukraine Kyev 4 March Renzi met in Kyev the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko; the meeting was focused on the War in Donbass. During the press conference, Renzi stated that: "Italy and the EU will continue to work together to implement the Minsk accord and doing all we can to return to peace with the respect of the integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."[33]
Russia Russia Moscow 5 March Matteo Renzi met Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow. The talks between the leaders was focused on international issues, such as settlement of the crisis in Ukraine, the situations in the Middle East and in Libya, as well as fighting terrorism. Putin guaranteed Russian support in case of a UN intervention in Libya against the Islamic State[34]
Egypt Egypt Sharm el-Sheik 13 March Renzi partecipated to the Egypt Economic Development Conference with the President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.[35]
Tunisia Tunisia Tunis 29 March Renzi partecipated in a march organised by the Tunisian government after the Bardo National Museum attack.[36]
Malta Malta Valletta 8 April Matteo Renzi visisted Malta, where he met the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, discussing about the illegal immigration in the Mediterranean Sea.[37]
United States United States Washington D.C. 17 April


  1. Visita del Presidente del Consiglio in Tunisia
  2. Visita del Presidente Renzi all'Eliseo
  3. Berlino: Renzi al vertice italo-tedesco
  4. Visita del Presidente Renzi a Londra
  5. Renzi a Bruxelles per il G7 del 4-5 giugno
  6. Renzi e la missione Asia, tappa ad Hanoi
  7. Renzi in Cina: dobbiamo aprirci di più
  8. Renzi in Vietnam, Cina e Kazakistan
  9. Renzi a Ypres per commemorazione Centenario Prima Guerra Mondiale
  10. Renzi in Mozambico: «Da Eni un investimento da 50 miliardi». Descalzi assicura: «Non andremo via da Gela»
  11. Renzi arrivato in Congo Brazaville
  12. Visita di Renzi in Mozambico, Congo-Brazaville e Angola
  13. Renzi in Egitto per gli incontri istituzionali
  14. Visita di Renzi in Iraq
  15. Visita di Renzi in Iraq
  16. cervelli italiani emigrati nella Silicon Valley: “Spiegheremo a Renzi come attirare i talenti
  17. Cena a Stanford per Renzi, poi un tour digitale nelle sedi di Twitter, Yahoo e Google
  18. Renzi al summit di New York: "I cambiamenti climatici sono la sfida del nostro tempo
  19. Renzi a New York, incontro con i coniugi Clinton e l'assemblea dell'Onu
  20. Renzi a New York: Via al vertice Onu su clima e incontro con Ban Ki-moon
  21. Renzi in visita a Londra
  22. Renzi a Bucarest incontra il Primo Ministro della Repubblica di Romania
  23. Renzi al G20 a Brisbane
  24. Turkmenistan: Renzi, con Ashgabat "amicizia" anche oltre il gas
  25. Visita del Presidente del Consiglio a Vienna
  26. Visita Renzi in Algeria
  27. Renzi in visita in Turchia
  28. Renzi in visita a Tirana
  29. Renzi in visita negli Emirati Arabi Uniti
  30. Renzi a Parigi per la manifesta Je suis Charlie
  31. Renzi al World Economic Forum
  32. Renzi a Parigi per il vertice italo-francese
  33. Renzi a Kiev incontra Poroshenko
  34. Renzi a Mosca, incontri con Medvedev e Putin
  35. Renzi in Egitto
  36. A migliaia a Tunisi contro terrorismo: "Le monde est Bardo". Ucciso leader jihadista
  37. Renzi in visita nella Repubblica di Malta