List of newspapers in Norway

The number of national daily newspapers in Norway was 96 in 1950, whereas it was 83 in 1965.[1] A total of 191 newspapers was published in 1969.[2] There were 221 newspapers in the country in 1996.[3] The number of the newspaper was 233 in the country in 1999.[4] The Institute for Information and Media Science at the University of Bergen listed 296 newspapers in 2003. There were 297 titles in 2012.[2]


Norwegian newspapers fall into several categories:


Following is a sample of newspapers published in Norway.

Newspaper Category Average daily circulation (2003) Ranking Notes
Adresseavisen regional 86,570    6   
Aftenposten national 256,639    2    Circulation numbers are for the national morning edition.
The regional evening edition's circulation is 155,366 (ranked 4th).
Agder regional
Agderposten regional 24,834    26   
Akershus Amtstidende ("Amta") regional 8,931   
Andøyposten regional 2,262    180   
Askøyværingen regional
Avisa Nordland regional 26,360    24   
Bergens Tidende regional 90,087    5   
Bergensavisen regional 30,952    17   
Bladet Tromsø regional 11,071    53   
Bladet Vesterålen regional
Bondebladet weekly newspaper 82,995   
Brønnøysunds avis regional 4,688    122   
Budstikka regional 31,113    16   
Dag og Tid national 6,982    87    Nynorsk
Dagbladet national 186,136    3    tabloid
Dagen national 8,628    69    conservative Christian
Dagens Næringsliv national 69,262    8    business
Dagsavisen national 32,706    15    social democratic
Dalane Tidende regional 8,418   
Demokraten regional 11,523    50   
Drammens Tidende regional 45,271    9   
Driva regional 4,388    128   
Enebakk Avis regional
Fanaposten regional 4,599    124   
Finnmark Dagblad regional 9,561    63   
Finnmarken regional 7,332    63   
Firda Tidend regional
Firda regional
Firdaposten regional
Fiskaren national fisheries
Fiskeribladet national fisheries
Fjordabladet regional
Fjordenes Tidende regional
Fjordingen regional
Fjuken regional 3,883    140   
Framtid i nord regional 4,858    118   
Fredriksstad Blad regional 25,661    25   
Fremover regional 9,902    60   
Friheten national communist
Fædrelandsvennen regional 45,125    10   
Gjesdalbuen regional
Glåmdalen regional 20,603    30   
Grannar regional 3,883    139   
Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen regional 28,003    22   
Halden Arbeiderblad regional 9,494    64    social democratic
Hallingdølen regional
Hamar Arbeiderblad regional 28,490    21    social democratic
Hamar Dagblad regional 4,607    123   
Harstad Tidende regional 14,749    42   
Haugesunds Avis regional 34,811    13   
Helgeland Arbeiderblad regional 9,402   
Indre Akershus Blad regional 7,035    85   
Jarlsberg Avis regional 3,288    149   
Jærbladet regional
Klassekampen national 7,178    84    socialist
Koordinatoren online only
Kvinnheringen regional
Laagendalsposten regional 10,823    55   
Levanger-Avisa regional 4,706    121   
Lofotposten regional 8,208    72   
Lofot-Tidende regional
Magazinet national conservative Christian
Morgenbladet national 8,255    70    conservative
Moss Avis regional 16,169    35   
Moss Dagblad regional 7,551    80   
Møre-Nytt regional
Nationen national 16,987    34    agriculture
Nettavisen online only
Nordlys regional 29,437    19   
Norge Idag national conservative Christian
Ny Tid national 4,519    126    socialist
Nye Troms regional 4,957    116   
Opdalingen regional 3,019    157   
Oppland Arbeiderblad regional 28,890    20    social democratic
Osloposten regional online only music
Porsgrunns Dagblad regional
Rana Blad regional 10,923    54   
Ringerikes Blad regional 12,787    47   
Rjukan Arbeiderblad regional
Rogalands Avis regional 12,787    47   
Romerikes Blad regional 38,337    11   
Romsdals Budstikke regional 18,639    32   
Saltenposten regional 4,032    133   
Sandefjords Blad regional
Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad regional 15,916    37    social democratic
Sogn Avis regional 11,325    52   
Stavanger Aftenblad regional 70,101    7   
Strandbuen regional
Sunnhordland regional 8,179    73   
Sunnmørsposten regional 36,020    12   
Svalbardposten regional 3,224    152   
Telemarksavisa regional 22,503    28   
The Foreigner online only online, English
The Nordic Page national 10,000    English monthly
The Oslo Times online only online, English
Tidens Krav regional 15,485    38   
TradeWinds international 7,800    maritime business
Troms Folkeblad regional 7,796    77   
Trønder-Avisa regional 23,457    27   
Tysvær Bygdeblad regional
Tønsberg Blad regional 32,971    14   
Upstream international 6,500   
Varden regional 30,695    18   
Varingen regional
Verdens Gang national 380,190    1    tabloid
Vest Telemark Blad regional
Vesteraalens Avis regional 2,670    169   
VestNytt regional
Vårt Land national 26,782    23    Christian
Østkantavisa regional
Østlandets Blad regional
Østlands-Posten regional
Østlendingen regional

Online editions

The Institute for Journalism provides a directory of online newspapers.

All Daily Newspapers .


  1. Pippa Norris (Fall 2000). "Chapter 4 The Decline of Newspapers?". A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in Post-Industrial Societies (PDF). New York: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Production grants for news and current affairs media" (PDF). Ministry of Culture. 20 June 2013. Retrieved 21 January 2015.
  3. "Media in Norway" (GUIDELINE). Regjeringen. 31 August 1996. Retrieved 22 November 2014.
  4. "Norway". Press Reference. Retrieved 7 March 2015.