List of monastic houses in Greater Manchester

Kersal Priory
Marland Grange (approx: loc. unknown)
Warburton Priory
Locations of monastic houses in Greater Manchester

The following is a list of monastic houses in Greater Manchester, England.

In this article alien houses are included, as are smaller establishments such as cells and notable monastic granges (particularly those with resident monks), and also camerae of the military orders of monks (Templars and Hospitallers). The numerous monastic hospitals per se are not included here unless at some time the foundation had, or was purported to have the status or function of an abbey, priory, friary or preceptory/commandery.

The name of the county is given where there is reference to an establishment in another county. Where the county has changed since the foundation's dissolution the modern county is given in parentheses, and in instances where the referenced foundation ceased to exist before the unification of England, the kingdom is given, followed by the modern county in parentheses.

The geographical co-ordinates provided are sourced from the details provided by English Heritage Pastscape and Ordnance Survey publications.

A Monastic Glossary follows the listing, which provides links to articles on the particular monastic orders as well as other terms which appear in the listing.

Abbreviations and key

The sites listed are ruins unless indicated thus:
* indicates current monastic function
+ indicates current non-monastic ecclesiastic function (including remains incorporated into later structure)
^ indicates current non-ecclesiastic function (including remains incorporated into later structure) or redundant intact structure
$ indicates remains limited to earthworks etc.
# indicates no identifiable trace of the monastic foundation remains
~ indicates exact site of monastic foundation unknown
identification ambiguous or confused

Locations with names in italics indicate probable duplication (misidentification with another location)
or non-existent foundations (either erroneous reference or proposed foundation never implemented)
or ecclesiastical establishments with a monastic appellation but lacking monastic connection.

Trusteeship denoted as follows:
EH English Heritage
LT Landmark Trust
NT National Trust

Alphabetical listing of establishments

Foundation Image Communities & Provenance Formal Name or Dedication
& Alternative Names
Online References & Location
Kersal Priory hermitage
Cluniac monks
alien house: cell dependent on Lenton, Nottinghamshire;
founded 1145-53: granted after 1143 by Ranulph 'de Gernon', Earl of Chester;
became denizen: independent from 1392;
dissolved 1538
St Leonard
Kershall Priory

53°30′36″N 2°17′19″W / 53.5101221°N 2.2885573°W
Marland Grange ~ Cistercian monks
grange of Stanlow, Cheshire, then of Whalley;
founded before 1212

53°35′43″N 2°11′52″W / 53.595383°N 2.1978235°W (approx: location unknown)
Warburton Priory # Premonstratensian Canons
cell, daughter of Cockersand, Lancashire;
founded c.1200
church of St Mary and St Werburgh granted to Cockersand by Adam of Dutton;
abandoned before 1271
Warburton Cell [3]

53°24′08″N 2°27′26″W / 53.4021174°N 2.457279°W


Map link to lists of monastic houses in England by county

See also

