List of monastic houses in Cumbria

Appleby Whitefriars
Armathwaite Nunnery
Calder Abbey
CARLISLE (see below)
Cartmel Priory
Chapel-le-Wood Cell
Conishead Priory
Dacre Abbey (prob. site)
Furness Abbey
Hawkshead Grange
Holmcultram Abbey
Holme Eden Abbey
Lanercost Priory
Nunnery near Kirkoswald
Penrith Friary (site)
Preston Patrick Abbey (poss. site)
Ravenstonedale Priory
St Bees Priory
Seaton Priory
Shap Abbey
Wetheral Priory
Locations of monastic houses in Cumbria
Carlisle Cathedral Priory
Dominican Friary
Franciscan Friary
Locations of monastic houses in Carlisle

The following is a list of monastic houses in Cumbria, England, a modern county including all of the former Cumberland and Westmorland and parts of Lancashire.

In this article alien houses are included, as are smaller establishments such as cells and notable monastic granges (particularly those with resident monks), and also camerae of the military orders of monks (Templars and Hospitallers). The numerous monastic hospitals per se are not included here unless at some time the foundation had, or was purported to have the status or function of an abbey, priory, friary or preceptory/commandery.

The name of the county is given where there is reference to an establishment in another county. Where the county has changed since the foundation's dissolution the modern county is given in parentheses, and in instances where the referenced foundation ceased to exist before the unification of England, the kingdom is given, followed by the modern county in parentheses.

The geographical co-ordinates provided are sourced from the details provided by English Heritage Pastscape and Ordnance Survey publications.

A Monastic Glossary follows the listing, which provides links to articles on the particular monastic orders as well as other terms which appear in the listing.

Abbreviations and key

The sites listed are ruins unless indicated thus:
* indicates current monastic function
+ indicates current non-monastic ecclesiastic function (including remains incorporated into later structure)
^ indicates current non-ecclesiastic function (including remains incorporated into later structure) or redundant intact structure
$ indicates remains limited to earthworks etc.
# indicates no identifiable trace of the monastic foundation remains
~ indicates exact site of monastic foundation unknown
identification ambiguous or confused

Locations with names in italics indicate probable duplication (misidentification with another location)
or non-existent foundations (either erroneous reference or proposed foundation never implemented)
or ecclesiastical establishments with a monastic appellation but lacking monastic connection.

Trusteeship denoted as follows:
EH English Heritage
LT Landmark Trust
NT National Trust

Alphabetical listing of establishments

Foundation Image Communities & Provenance Formal Name or Dedication
& Alternative Names
Online References & Location
Appleby Whitefriars # Carmelite Friars
founded 1281 (c.1290-3) by Lords Vescy, Percy, and Clifford;
dissolved 1539

54°34′52″N 2°29′23″W / 54.5812325°N 2.4897417°W
Armathwaite Nunnery Benedictine nuns
founded before 1200 (6 January 1089 dubiously purported), endowed by William Rufus;
dissolved 1537; granted to William Gryme or Carleil 1552/3
(church dedicated to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Armethwaite Nunnery

54°46′43″N 2°43′17″W / 54.7787245°N 2.721439°W
Bleatarn Grange Cistercian monks
grange dependent on Byland, Yorkshire;
founded during the reign of Henry II
Calder Abbey Savignac monks — from Furness;
founded 10 January 1135-1137 by Ranulf Meschin, first Lord of Cumberland;
community released from jurisdiction of Furness to that of Savigny; establishment ruined;
transferred to Hood 1138;
Savignac monks — from Furness;
refounded c.1142-3, rebuilt;
Cistercian monks
orders merged 17 September 1147;
dissolved 1536; granted to Thomas Leigh 1538/9;
now in private ownership without public access
Caldre Abbey [5][6][7]

54°26′39″N 3°27′55″W / 54.444053°N 3.465173°W
Carlisle Cathedral Priory + purported monastery of monks and nuns founded 686 on land granted by Ecgfrith, King of Northumbria;
destroyed in raids by the Danes c.875;
rebuilt before 1092 by William Rufus and Walter, a Norman priest;
secular canons from before 1092;
Augustinian Canons Regular
founded 1122 and built by Henry I;
Augustinian Canons Regular — Arroasian(?)[note 1] 1133;
dissolved 1540: last prior appointed as first dean of the cathedral;
episcopal diocesan cathedral
founded 1133; extant
The Priory Church of the Holy Trinity, Carlisle

The Cathedral Church of The Holy and Undivided Trinity, Carlisle (1133)
Carlilse Priory

54°53′41″N 2°56′19″W / 54.894713°N 2.938607°W
Carlisle Blackfriars Dominican Friars (under the Visitation of York)
founded (before?) 1233 outside the city walls, but ordered to be demolished for a highway; moved 1237;
dissolved 1539

54°53′34″N 2°56′10″W / 54.8928253°N 2.9360694°W
Carlisle Greyfriars Franciscan Friars Minor, Conventual (under the Custody of Newcastle)
founded 1233;
church destroyed by fire in 1292 and rebuilt;
dissolved 1539

54°53′35″N 2°56′02″W / 54.8931153°N 2.9338163°W
Cartmel Priory + Augustinian Canons Regular
founded 1189/94 by William Marshall, Baron of Cartmel and Earl of Pembroke;
dissolved 1536/7; granted to John Holcroft 1540/1;
church now in parochial use
Kertmel Priory [13]

54°12′04″N 2°57′08″W / 54.201157°N 2.952321°W
Chapel-le-Wood Cell Premonstratensian Canons
cell dependent on Cockersand

54°22′06″N 2°46′30″W / 54.3683054°N 2.7748954°W
Conishead Priory ^,
originally a hospital
founded 1160 (after 1154);
Augustinian Canons Regular
founded 1188 (before 1181) by Gamel de Pennington (or William de Lancaster II);
still occupied by canons at 16 October 1536;
country house named 'Conishead Priory' built on site: and currently the home of the Buddhist Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre
The Priory Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Conishead
Conisheved Priory

54°10′23″N 3°04′05″W / 54.1731427°N 3.0679321°W
Dacre Abbey monks
founded before 731;
destroyed c.875 by Vikings;
refounded before 926;
Parish Church of St Andrew built to the south of the site

54°37′56″N 2°50′17″W / 54.6322555°N 2.8380802°W (probable)
Furness Abbey Savignac monks — from Tulketh (Lancashire)
dependent on Savigny;
(founded 4 July 1124 at Tulketh by Stephen, Count of Boulogne);
transferred from Tulketh 1126 (1124-7);
Cistercian monks
orders merged 17 September 1147;
dissolved 1537; granted to Thomas Cromwell; (EH)
Furnes Abbey [17][18][19]

54°08′08″N 3°11′53″W / 54.135513°N 3.198145°W
Hawkshead Grange Cistercian monks
grange of Furness;
founded c.1160;
17th century Hawkshead Old Hall incorporates remains of grange;
currently in use as a farmhouse

54°22′49″N 3°00′12″W / 54.3803512°N 3.0034626°W
Holmcultram Abbey +,
Cistercian monks — from Melrose, Scotland
founded 30 December 1150 by Henry, son of David, King of Scotland;
dissolved 1538;
church in parochial use until destroyed in an arson incident 9 June 2006; roof and plasterwork replaced;
restoration ongoing, church in use again (2012)
Holm Cultram Abbey;
Holme Cultram Abbey

54°50′43″N 3°16′59″W / 54.8453699°N 3.2830641°W
Holme Eden Abbey Benedictine nuns
removed from Fort Augustus, Invernessshire 1921;
dissolved 1983;
formerly Holme Eden Hall;
altered for use as a nursing home
Priory of Saint Scholastica

54°54′18″N 2°49′31″W / 54.904928°N 2.825383°W
Kirkby Lonsdale Benedictine monks
manor of St Mary's Abbey, York incorrectly asserted to have been a cell
Kirkby Stephen Benedictine monks
estate of St Mary's Abbey, York incorrectly asserted to have been a cell
Lanercost Priory + Augustinian Canons Regular — possibly from Pentney, Norfolk
founded c.1166 (or 1169) by Robert de Villibus, Lord of Gilleisland;
dissolved 1537; granted to Thomas Lord Dacre
part converted into private house named 'Dacre Hall'
church now in parochial use; (EH)
The Priory Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, Lanercost [25]

54°57′57″N 2°41′44″W / 54.96587°N 2.695513°W
Nunnery near Kirkoswald Benedictine nuns
house named 'Nunnery House' built on site

54°46′44″N 2°43′17″W / 54.778828°N 2.721401°W
Penrith Austin Friars Augustinian Friars (under the Limit of York)
founded c.1291;
dissolved 1539;
house named 'The Friarage' built on site 1717

54°39′51″N 2°44′55″W / 54.6640465°N 2.7485991°W
Preston Patrick (?)Abbey Premonstratensian Canons
daughter of Cockersand;
founded after 1192(?);
transferred to Shap before 1201;
house named 'Challons Hall' built on or near site
The Abbey Church of Saint Mary Magdelene, Preston Patrick
Preston Abbey

54°14′26″N 2°42′27″W / 54.2406446°N 2.7074111°W (possible)
Ravenstonedale Priory Gilbertine Canons
founded before c.1200;
dissolved 1539(?);
Parish Church of St Oswald built immediately to the south of the site
Ravenstonedale Cell [28][29]

54°25′59″N 2°25′46″W / 54.43312°N 2.429481°W
St Bees Priory + nuns cell?
founded before c.640? (during the reign of King Oswald by Bega; brief existence[note 2];
transferred to Hartlepool, Northumbria (County Durham);
or founded after 850 (c.900) by Bega — possible brief existence, though more likely an anchorites cell;
Benedictine monks
daughter of St Mary's, York;
founded not before c.1120 by William Meschin, on site of earlier church (c.900?);
dissolved 16 October 1539; granted to Sir Thomas Challoner 1553/4;
church now in parochial use
The Priory Church of SS Mary and Bega, Saint Bees, Saint Bees Priory
St Bee's Priory

54°29′38″N 3°35′37″W / 54.493913°N 3.593634°W
St Constantine's Cells Benedictine monks
three cells, hermitage dependent on Wetheral;
founded before 1112;
Seaton Priory Benedictine nuns
daughter of Nunburnholme, Yorkshire;
founded c.1190-1200 by Henry Kirby;
independent from after 1313;
dissolved 1540; granted to Hugh Askue 1541/2;
site now occupied by farmhouse named 'Seaton Hall'
Nunnery of Leakly, in Seaton;
Seton Priory;
Lekeley Priory

54°17′50″N 3°22′23″W / 54.297187°N 3.372929°W
Shap Abbey Premonstratensian Canons
daughter of Cockersand;
(community founded at Preston Patrick before 1192(?));
transferred 1201 (1199), built (during the reign of Henry II) by Thomas Fitz Gospatrick;
dissolved 1540; granted to Thomas Lord Wharton 1544/5; (EH)
Hepp Abbey [34]

54°31′49″N 2°42′00″W / 54.530233°N 2.699901°W
Wetheral Priory Benedictine monks — from St Mary's, York
dependent on York;
founded 1106 by Ranulph Meschin, Earl of Cumberland;
dissolved 20 October 1538; granted 1541/2
The Priory Church of Saint Constantine, Wetheral

The Priory Church of the Holy Trinity, Saint Mary and Saint Constantine, Wetheral
Wetherall Priory

54°52′46″N 2°49′48″W / 54.879306°N 2.829993°W


Map link to lists of monastic houses in England by county

See also


  1. Carlisle Priory — Ludo Milis asserts that Arroasian affiliation was introduced prior to Bishop Malachy, however J. C. Dickinson, The Origins of the Augustinian Canons and their introduction into England, indicates there is no evidence for the change
  2. St Bees Priory - John Leland Itinerary and others, possibly mistakenly, identify Bega with Hieu of Hartlepool


  1. "The friaries — Carlisle, Penrith and Appleby — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  2. "Detailed Result: APPLEBY WHITEFRIARS". Pastscape. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  3. "Houses of Benedictine nuns — The nunnery of Armathwaite  — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  4. "Detailed Result: ARMATHWAITE PRIORY". Pastscape. 3 August 1984. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  5. "Pastscape — Detailed Result: CALDER ABBEY". Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  6. "Houses of Cistercian monks — The abbey of Calder — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  7. "Calder Abbey Ruins, cumbria". Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  8. "Houses of Austin canons — The priory of Carlisle — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  9. Giles N Wilson. "Carlisle Cathedral". Carlisle Cathedral. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  10. "The friaries — Carlisle, Penrith and Appleby — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  11. "Detailed Result: BLACKFRIARS PRIORY". Pastscape. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  12. "The friaries — Carlisle, Penrith and Appleby — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  13. "Houses of Austin canons — The priory of Cartmel — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  14. Pastscape — Detailed Result: MONUMENT NO. 41697
  15. "Houses of Austin canons — The priory of Conishead — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  16. Pastscape — Detailed Result: MONUMENT NO. 11095
  17. "Houses of Cistercian monks — The abbey of Furness — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  18. "Furness Abbey, Cumbmria". Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  19. "Furness Abbey". Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  20. "CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Furness Abbey". 1 September 1909. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  22. "Furness Abbey. The Religious buildings of Cumbria and the Lake District". Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  23. Pastscape — Detailed Result: HAWKSHEAD OLD HALL
  24. "Houses of Cistercian monks — The abbey of Holmcultram — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  25. "Houses of Austin canons — The priory of Lanercost — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  26. "The friaries — Carlisle, Penrith and Appleby — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  27. Pastscape — Detailed Result: ABBEY OF ST MARY MAGDALENE
  28. "Westmorland — Ravenstonedale". GENUKI. 1 June 2004. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  29. "St Oswald (Ravenstonedale)". Lake dissolvedtrict. 21 September 2007. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  30. St Bees Cumbria Site Index
  31. "The Priory Church, St. Bees". Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  32. "St. Bees, Cumbria". Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  33. "Houses of Benedictine nuns — The nunnery of Seton or Lekeley — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  34. "Parishes (West Ward) — St Michael, Shap — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.
  35. "Houses of Benedictine monks — The priory of Wetheral — British History Online". 22 June 2003. Retrieved 14 April 2010.