List of members of the Løgting, 2011–15

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politics and government of
the Faroe Islands

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List of the members of the Faroese Løgting in the period 2011-2015. The parliament had 33 members this period. The election for the Løgting was held on 29 October 2011.[1] Seven political parties got representation in the parliament; People's Party and Union Party got 8 members each, Social Democratic Party and Republic got 6 members each, Centre Party and Progress got 2 members each and Self-Government Party got 1 member elected to the parliament.[2] The Faroe Islands was one electoral district when this election took place. This was the second election with the new system with one electoral district. Before 2008 there were 7 electoral districts.

Name Party From area Comments
Aksel V. Johannesen Social Democratic Party Norðoyar
Alfred Olsen Union Party Eysturoy
Annika Olsen People's Party Suðurstreymoy Minister and Deputy Prime Minister since 2011. Rodmundur Nielsen took his seat in the Parliament.
Bill Justinussen Centre Party Eysturoy
Bjarni Djurholm People's Party Suðurstreymoy
Bjørn Kalsø Union Party Norðoyar Minister of Culture since 2011. Reimund Langgaard took his seat in the Parliament.
Bjørt Samuelsen Republic Suðurstreymoy
Bárður Nielsen Union Party Norðurstreymoy
Edva Jacobsen Union Party Eysturoy
Elsebeth Mercedis Gunnleygsdóttur People's Party Norðoyar
Eyðgun Samuelsen Social Democratic Party Norðoyar
Gerhard Lognberg Social Democratic Party/Union Party Sandoy He represented the Social Democratic Party 2011–2013,
he was expelled from the party on 2 Nov. 2013 and was independent
until 10 Feb. 2014, when he became member of the Union Party.[3]
Gunvør Balle Republic Suðurstreymoy
Hanus Samró People's Party Suðurstreymoy
Helgi Abrahamsen Union Party Eysturoy
Henrik Old Social Democratic Party Suðuroy
Høgni Hoydal Republic Suðurstreymoy
Jacob Vestergaard People's Party Suðuroy Minister of Fisheries 2012-
Jákup Mikkelsen People's Party Norðoyar Minister of Fisheries 2011-2012. Joen Magnus Rasmussen took his seat in the Parliament.
Janus Rein Framsókn Suðurstreymoy
Jenis av Rana Centre Party Suðurstreymoy
Jógvan á Lakjuni People's Party Eysturoy Speaker of the Løgting (Parliament)
Johan Dahl Union Party Suðuroy Minister since 2011. Jóna Mortensen took his seat in the Parliament.
Jørgen Niclasen People's Party Vágar Minister of Finance since 2011. Brandur Sandoy took his seat in the Parliament.
Kaj Leo Holm Johannesen Union Party Suðurstreymoy Prime Minister since 2011. Eivin Jacobsen took his seat in the Parliament.
Kristin Michelsen Social Democratic Party Suðuroy
Kristina Háfoss Republic Suðurstreymoy
Kári P. Højgaard Self-Government Party Eysturoy Minister from 2011-13. Jógvan Skorheim took his seat in the Parliament during this time.
Poul Michelsen Framsókn Suðurstreymoy
Páll á Reynatúgvu Republic Sandoy
Rigmor Dam Social Democratic Party Suðurstreymoy
Rósa Samuelsen Union Party Vágar
Sirið Stenberg Republic Suðuroy[4]

Personal votes

Name National party # of votes
Helgi Abrahamsen      Union Party 404[5]
Gunnvør Balle      Republic 358
Johan Dahl      Union Party 327
Rigmor Dam      Social Democratic Party 271
Bjarni Djurholm      People's Party 328
Elsebeth Gunnleygsdóttur      People's Party 344
Kristina Háfoss      Republic 451
Høgni Hoydal      Republic 1054
Kári Højgaard      Self-Government Party 317
Edva Jacobsen      Union Party 311
Aksel V. Johannesen      Social Democratic Party 1,204
Kaj Johannesen      Union Party 1,979
Bill Justinussen      Centre Party 428
Bjørn Kalsø      Union Party 704
Jógvan á Lakjuni      People's Party 341
Gerhard Lognberg      Social Democratic Party 344
Kristin Michelsen      Social Democratic Party 393
Poul Michelsen      Progress 581
Jákup Mikkelsen      People's Party 455
Jørgen Niclasen      People's Party 382
Bárður Nielsen      Union Party 872
Henrik Old      Social Democratic Party 265
Alfred Olsen      Union Party 473
Annika Olsen      People's Party 1,344
Jenis av Rana      Centre Party 434
Janus Rein      Progress 250
Páll á Reynatúgvu      Republic 332
Hanus Samró      People's Party 304
Bjørt Samuelsen      Republic 365
Eyðgunn Samuelsen      Social Democratic Party 261
Rósa Samuelsen      Union Party 480
Sirið Stenberg      Republic 319
Jacob Vestergaard      People's Party 1,048


  1. The Faroese law about the election (in Faroese).
  2. Results from the election at the website of the national Faroese radio and TV station
  4., Løgtingsvalið 29. oktober 2011