List of members of the European Parliament for France, 1999–2004

Members of the
European Parliament

from France
ECSC delegation (1952)
EP delegation (1958)
1st term (1979)
2nd term (1984)
3rd term (1989)
4th term (1994)
5th term (1999)
6th term (2004)
7th term (2009)
8th term (2014)


Name National party EP Group
William Abitbol      Rally for France      UEN
Sylviane Ainardi      Communist Party      EUL–NGL
Danielle Auroi      The Greens      G–EFA
Jean-Pierre Bebear      EPP–ED
Pervenche Berès      Socialist Party      PES
Jean-Louis Bernié      Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions      EDD
Georges Berthu      Rally for France      UEN
Armonia Bordes      Workers' Struggle/Revolutionary Communist League      EUL–NGL
Yasmine Boudjenah      Communist Party      EUL–NGL
Alima Boumediene-Thiery      The Greens      G–EFA
Jean-Louis Bourlanges      Union for French Democracy      EPP–ED
Yves Butel      Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions      EDD
Marie-Arlette Carlotti      Socialist Party      PES
Gérard Caudron      Socialist Party      EUL–NGL
Isabelle Caullery      Rally for France      UEN
Chantal Cauquil      Workers' Struggle/Revolutionary Communist League      EUL–NGL
Daniel Cohn-Bendit      The Greens      G–EFA
Thierry Cornillet      Union for French Democracy      EPP–ED
Paul Coûteaux      Rally for France      UEN
Danielle Darras      Socialist Party      PES
Michel Dary      Socialist Party      EUL–NGL
Joseph Daul      EPP–ED
Francis Decourrière      Union for French Democracy      EPP–ED
Marielle De Sarnez      Union for French Democracy      EPP–ED
Marie-Hélène Descamps      EPP–ED
Harlem Désir      Socialist Party      PES
Christine De Veyrac      EPP–ED
Olivier Duhamel      Socialist Party      PES
Alain Esclopé      Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions      EDD
Anne Ferreira      Socialist Party      PES
Hélène Flautre      The Greens      G–EFA
Janelly Fourtou      EPP–ED
Geneviève Fraisse      Communist Party      EUL–NGL
Jean-Claude Fruteau      Socialist Party      PES
Marie-Françoise Garaud      NI
Georges Garot      Socialist Party      PES
Charles de Gaulle      National Front      NI
Marie-Hélène Gillig      Socialist Party      PES
Bruno Gollnisch      National Front      NI
Françoise Grossetête      EPP–ED
Catherine Guy-Quint      Socialist Party      PES
Adeline Hazan      Socialist Party      PES
Marie-Thérèse Hermange      EPP–ED
Philippe Herzog      Communist Party      EUL–NGL
Brice Hortefeux      EPP–ED
Marie Anne Isler Béguin      The Greens      G–EFA
Thierry Jean-Pierre      EPP–ED
Alain Krivine      Workers' Struggle/Revolutionary Communist League      EUL–NGL
Florence Kuntz      Rally for France      UEN
Arlette Laguiller      Workers' Struggle/Revolutionary Communist League      EUL–NGL
Catherine Lalumière      Socialist Party      PES
Alain Lamassoure      Union for French Democracy      EPP–ED
Carl Lang      National Front      NI
Thierry de la Perriere      NI
Alain Lipietz      The Greens      G–EFA
Jean-Charles Marchiani      Rally for France      UEN
Hugues Martin      EPP–ED
Jean-Claude Martinez      National Front      NI
Véronique Mathieu      Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions      EDD
Elizabeth Montfort      EPP–ED
Philippe Morillon      Union for French Democracy      EPP–ED
Sami Naïr      Socialist Party      EUL–NGL
Jean-Thomas Nordmann      Union for French Democracy      ELDR
Gérard Onesta      The Greens      G–EFA
Charles Pasqua      Rally for France      UEN
Béatrice Patrie      Socialist Party      PES
Yves Piétrasanta      The Greens      G–EFA
Bernard Poignant      Socialist Party      PES
Michel Raymond      Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions      EDD
Michel Rocard      Socialist Party      PES
Didier-Claude Rod      The Greens      G–EFA
Martine Roure      Socialist Party      PES
Jean Saint-Josse      Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions      EDD
Gilles Savary      Socialist Party      PES
Michel-Ange Scarbonchi      Socialist Party      EUL–NGL
Anne-Marie Schaffner      EPP–ED
Dominique Souchet      NI
Marie-France Stirbois      National Front      NI
Margie Sudre      EPP–ED
Fodé Sylla      Communist Party      EUL–NGL
Nicole Thomas-Mauro      Rally for France      UEN
Roseline Vachetta      Workers' Struggle/Revolutionary Communist League      EUL–NGL
Alexandre Varaut      NI
Françoise de Veyrinas      EPP–ED
Dominique Vlasto      EPP–ED
Francis Wurtz      Communist Party      EUL–NGL
François Zimeray      Socialist Party      PES

See also
