List of islands in the Pacific Ocean

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

The following islands are in the Pacific Ocean:

  1. Sakhalin
  2. Kuril Islands
  3. Aleutian Islands
  4. Vancouver Island
  5. Haida gwaii
  6. Nunivak Island
  7. St. Lawrence Island
  8. Alexander Archipelago
  1. Revillagigedo Islands
  2. Clipperton Island
  3. Galápagos Islands
  4. Cocos Island
  5. Chiloé Island
  6. Pearl Islands
  7. Puná Island
  8. Juan Fernández Islands
  9. Gorgona Island, Colombia
  10. Malpelo Island
  11. Tiburón Island
  12. Archangel Island
  13. Cedros Island
  14. Channel Islands of California