List of human anatomical regions

This illustration labeled regions of the human body show an anterior and posterior view of the body.


The trunk of the body contains, from superior to inferior,

The pelvis and legs contain, from superior to inferior,

The regions of the upper limbs, from superior to inferior, are

The posterior view contains, from superior to inferior,

The regions of the back of the arms, from superior to inferior, include

The posterior regions of the legs, from superior to inferior, include

Some regions are combined into larger regions. These include the trunk, which is a combination of the thoracic, mammary, abdominal, naval, and coxal regions. The cephalic region is a combination of all of the head regions. The upper limb region is a combination of all of the arm regions. The lower limb region is a combination of all of the leg regions.

Deprecated or older regions

Older image of; Parts of the Human Body. Posterior and anterior view. From the 1933 Morris' Human Anatomy.



See also
