List of hexagrams of the I Ching

This is a list of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, or Book of Changes, and their Unicode character codes.

This list is in King Wen order. (Cf. other hexagram sequences.)

I Ching hexagrams
01 ䷀
02 ䷁
03 ䷂
04 ䷃
05 ䷄
06 ䷅
07 ䷆
08 ䷇
09 ䷈
10 ䷉
11 ䷊
12 ䷋
13 ䷌
14 ䷍
15 ䷎
16 ䷏
17 ䷐
18 ䷑
19 ䷒
20 ䷓
21 ䷔
22 ䷕
23 ䷖
24 ䷗
25 ䷘
26 ䷙
27 ䷚
28 ䷛
29 ䷜
30 ䷝
31 ䷞
32 ䷟
33 ䷠
34 ䷡
35 ䷢
36 ䷣
37 ䷤
38 ䷥
39 ䷦
40 ䷧
41 ䷨
42 ䷩
43 ䷪
44 ䷫
45 ䷬
46 ䷭
47 ䷮
48 ䷯
49 ䷰
50 ䷱
51 ䷲
52 ䷳
53 ䷴
54 ䷵
55 ䷶
56 ䷷
57 ䷸
58 ䷹
59 ䷺
60 ䷻
61 ䷼
62 ䷽
63 ䷾
64 ䷿

Hexagram 1

Hexagram 1 is named 乾 (qián), "Force". Other variations include "the creative", "strong action", "the key", and "god". Its inner (lower) trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer (upper) trigram is the same.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Creative Heaven
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19904 4DC0
UTF-8 228 183 128 E4 B7 80
Numeric character reference ䷀ ䷀

Hexagram 2

Hexagram 2 is named 坤 (kūn), "Field". Other variations include "the receptive", "acquiescence", and "the flow". Its inner trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is identical.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Receptive Earth
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19905 4DC1
UTF-8 228 183 129 E4 B7 81
Numeric character reference ䷁ ䷁

Hexagram 3

Hexagram 3 is named 屯 (zhūn), "Sprouting". Other variations include "difficulty at the beginning", "gathering support", and "hoarding". Its inner trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water.

Unicode name Hexagram for Difficulty at the Beginning
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19906 4DC2
UTF-8 228 183 130 E4 B7 82
Numeric character reference ䷂ ䷂

Hexagram 4

Hexagram 4 is named 蒙 (méng), "Enveloping". Other variations include "youthful folly", "the young shoot", and "discovering". Its inner trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water. Its outer trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Unicode name Hexagram for Youthful Folly
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19907 4DC3
UTF-8 228 183 131 E4 B7 83
Numeric character reference ䷃ ䷃

Hexagram 5

Hexagram 5 is named 需 (xū), "Attending". Other variations include "waiting", "moistened", and "arriving". Its inner trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water.

Unicode name Hexagram for Waiting
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19908 4DC4
UTF-8 228 183 132 E4 B7 84
Numeric character reference ䷄ ䷄

Hexagram 6

Hexagram 6 is named 訟 (sòng), "Arguing". Other variations include "conflict" and "lawsuit". Its inner trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water, and its outer trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Unicode name Hexagram for Conflict
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19909 4DC5
UTF-8 228 183 133 E4 B7 85
Numeric character reference ䷅ ䷅

Hexagram 7

Hexagram 7 is named 師 (shī), "Leading". Other variations include "the army" and "the troops". Its inner trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Army
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19910 4DC6
UTF-8 228 183 134 E4 B7 86
Numeric character reference ䷆ ䷆

Hexagram 8

Hexagram 8 is named 比 (bǐ), "Grouping". Other variations include "holding together" and "alliance". Its inner trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water.

Unicode name Hexagram for Holding Together
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19911 4DC7
UTF-8 228 183 135 E4 B7 87
Numeric character reference ䷇ ䷇

Hexagram 9

Hexagram 9 is named 小畜 (xiǎo chù), "Small Accumulating". Other variations include "the taming power of the small" and "small harvest". Its inner trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Unicode name Hexagram for Small Taming
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19912 4DC8
UTF-8 228 183 136 E4 B7 88
Numeric character reference ䷈ ䷈

Hexagram 10

Hexagram 10 is named 履 (lǚ), "Treading". Other variations include "treading (conduct)" and "continuing". Its inner trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Unicode name Hexagram for Treading
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19913 4DC9
UTF-8 228 183 137 E4 B7 89
Numeric character reference ䷉ ䷉

Hexagram 11

Hexagram 11 is named 泰 (tài), "Pervading". Other variations include "peace" and "greatness". Its inner trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Unicode name Hexagram for Peace
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19914 4DCA
UTF-8 228 183 138 E4 B7 8A
Numeric character reference ䷊ ䷊

Hexagram 12

Hexagram 12 is named 否 (pǐ), "Obstruction". Other variations include "standstill (stagnation)" and "selfish persons". Its inner trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Unicode name Hexagram for Standstill
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19915 4DCB
UTF-8 228 183 139 E4 B7 8B
Numeric character reference ䷋ ䷋

Hexagram 13

Hexagram 13 is named 同人 (tóng rén), "Concording People". Other variations include "fellowship with men" and "gathering men". Its inner trigram is (離 lí) radiance = () fire, and its outer trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Unicode name Hexagram for Fellowship
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19916 4DCC
UTF-8 228 183 140 E4 B7 8C
Numeric character reference ䷌ ䷌

Hexagram 14

Hexagram 14 is named 大有 (dà yǒu), "Great Possessing". Other variations include "possession in great measure" and "the great possession". Its inner trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is (離 lí) radiance = () fire.

Unicode name Hexagram for Great Possession
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19917 4DCD
UTF-8 228 183 141 E4 B7 8D
Numeric character reference ䷍ ䷍

Hexagram 15

Hexagram 15 is named 謙 (qiān), "Humbling". Other variations include "modesty". Its inner trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain and its outer trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Unicode name Hexagram for Modesty
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19918 4DCE
UTF-8 228 183 142 E4 B7 8E
Numeric character reference ䷎ ䷎

Hexagram 16

Hexagram 16 is named 豫 (yù), "Providing-For". Other variations include "enthusiasm" and "excess". Its inner trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Unicode name Hexagram for Enthusiasm
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19919 4DCF
UTF-8 228 183 143 E4 B7 8F
Numeric character reference ䷏ ䷏

Hexagram 17

Hexagram 17 is named 隨 (suí), "Following". Its inner trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is (兌 duì) open = () swamp.

Unicode name Hexagram for Following
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19920 4DD0
UTF-8 228 183 144 E4 B7 90
Numeric character reference ䷐ ䷐

Hexagram 18

Hexagram 18 is named '蠱' (gŭ), "Correcting". Other variations include "work on what has been spoiled (decay)", decaying and "branch".[1] Its inner trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain. Gu is the name of a venom-based poison traditionally used in Chinese witchcraft.

Unicode name Hexagram for Work on the Decayed
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19921 4DD1
UTF-8 228 183 145 E4 B7 91
Numeric character reference ䷑ ䷑

Hexagram 19

Hexagram 19 is named 臨 (lín), "Nearing". Other variations include "approach" and "the forest". Its inner trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Unicode name Hexagram for Approach
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19922 4DD2
UTF-8 228 183 146 E4 B7 92
Numeric character reference ䷒ ䷒

Hexagram 20

Hexagram 20 is named 觀 (guān), "Viewing". Other variations include "contemplation (view)" and "looking up". Its inner trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Unicode name Hexagram for Contemplation
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19923 4DD3
UTF-8 228 183 147 E4 B7 93
Numeric character reference ䷓ ䷓

Hexagram 21

Hexagram 21 is named 噬嗑 (shì kè), "Gnawing Bite". Other variations include "biting through" and "biting and chewing". Its inner trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is (離 lí) radiance = () fire.

Unicode name Hexagram for Biting Through
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19924 4DD4
UTF-8 228 183 148 E4 B7 94
Numeric character reference ䷔ ䷔

Hexagram 22

Hexagram 22 is named 賁 (bì), "Adorning". Other variations include "grace" and "luxuriance". Its inner trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Unicode name Hexagram for Grace
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19925 4DD5
UTF-8 228 183 149 E4 B7 95
Numeric character reference ䷕ ䷕

Hexagram 23

Hexagram 23 is named 剝 (bō), "Stripping". Other variations include "splitting apart" and "flaying". Its inner trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Unicode name Hexagram for Splitting Apart
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19926 4DD6
UTF-8 228 183 150 E4 B7 96
Numeric character reference ䷖ ䷖

Hexagram 24

Hexagram 24 is named 復 (fù), "Returning". Other variations include "return (the turning point)". Its inner trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Unicode name Hexagram for Return
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19927 4DD7
UTF-8 228 183 151 E4 B7 97
Numeric character reference ䷗ ䷗

Hexagram 25

Hexagram 25 is named 無妄 (wú wàng), "Without Embroiling". Other variations include "innocence (the unexpected)" and "pestilence". Its inner trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Unicode name Hexagram for Innocence
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19928 4DD8
UTF-8 228 183 152 E4 B7 98
Numeric character reference ䷘ ䷘

Hexagram 26

Hexagram 26 is named 大畜 (dà chù), "Great Accumulating". Other variations include "the taming power of the great", "great storage", and "potential energy." Its inner trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Unicode name Hexagram for Great Taming
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19929 4DD9
UTF-8 228 183 153 E4 B7 99
Numeric character reference ䷙ ䷙

Hexagram 27

Hexagram 27 is named 頤 (yí), "Swallowing". Other variations include "the corners of the mouth (providing nourishment)", "jaws" and "comfort/security". Its inner trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Unicode name Hexagram for Mouth Corners
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19930 4DDA
UTF-8 228 183 154 E4 B7 9A
Numeric character reference ䷚ ䷚

Hexagram 28

Hexagram 28 is named 大過 (dà guò), "Great Exceeding". Other variations include "preponderance of the great", "great surpassing" and "critical mass." Its inner trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Unicode name Hexagram for Great Preponderance
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19931 4DDB
UTF-8 228 183 155 E4 B7 9B
Numeric character reference ䷛ ䷛

Hexagram 29

Hexagram 29 is named 坎 (kǎn), "Gorge". Other variations include "the abyss" (in the oceanographic sense) and "repeated entrapment". Its inner trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer trigram is identical.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Abysmal Water
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19932 4DDC
UTF-8 228 183 156 E4 B7 9C
Numeric character reference ䷜ ䷜

Hexagram 30

Hexagram 30 is named 離 (lí), "Radiance". Other variations include "the clinging, fire" and "the net". Its inner trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is identical. The origin of the character has its roots in symbols of long-tailed birds such as the peacock or the legendary phoenix.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Clinging Fire
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19933 4DDD
UTF-8 228 183 157 E4 B7 9D
Numeric character reference ䷝ ䷝

Hexagram 31

Hexagram 31 is named 咸 (xián), "Conjoining". Other variations include "influence (wooing)" and "feelings". Its inner trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Unicode name Hexagram for Influence
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19934 4DDE
UTF-8 228 183 158 E4 B7 9E
Numeric character reference ䷞ ䷞

Hexagram 32

Hexagram 32 is named 恆 (héng), "Persevering". Other variations include "duration" and "constancy". Its inner trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Unicode name Hexagram for Duration
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19935 4DDF
UTF-8 228 183 159 E4 B7 9F
Numeric character reference ䷟ ䷟

Hexagram 33

Hexagram 33 is named 遯 (dùn), "Retiring". Other variations include "retreat" and "yielding". Its inner trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Unicode name Hexagram for Retreat
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19936 4DE0
UTF-8 228 183 160 E4 B7 A0
Numeric character reference ䷠ ䷠

Hexagram 34

Hexagram 34 is named 大壯 (dà zhuàng), "Great Invigorating". Other variations include "the power of the great" and "great maturity". Its inner trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder.

Unicode name Hexagram for Great Power
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19937 4DE1
UTF-8 228 183 161 E4 B7 A1
Numeric character reference ䷡ ䷡

Hexagram 35

Hexagram 35 is named 晉 (jìn), "Prospering". Other variations include "progress" and "aquas". Its inner trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.

Unicode name Hexagram for Progress
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19938 4DE2
UTF-8 228 183 162 E4 B7 A2
Numeric character reference ䷢ ䷢

Hexagram 36

Hexagram 36 is named 明夷 (míng yí), “Darkening of the Light.” Other variations are "brilliance injured" and "intelligence hidden". Its inner trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Unicode name Hexagram for Darkening of the Light
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19939 4DE3
UTF-8 228 183 163 E4 B7 A3
Numeric character reference ䷣ ䷣

Hexagram 37

Hexagram 37 is named 家人 (jiā rén), "Dwelling People". Other variations include "the family (the clan)" and "family members". Its inner trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Family
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19940 4DE4
UTF-8 228 183 164 E4 B7 A4
Numeric character reference ䷤ ䷤

Hexagram 38

Hexagram 38 is named 睽 (kuí), "Polarising". Other variations include "opposition" and "perversion". Its inner trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.

Unicode name Hexagram for Opposition
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19941 4DE5
UTF-8 228 183 165 E4 B7 A5
Numeric character reference ䷥ ䷥

Hexagram 39

Hexagram 39 is named 蹇 (jiǎn), "Limping". Other variations include "obstruction" and "afoot". Its inner trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water.

Unicode name Hexagram for Obstruction
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19942 4DE6
UTF-8 228 183 166 E4 B7 A6
Numeric character reference ䷦ ䷦

Hexagram 40

Hexagram 40 is named 解 (xiè), "Taking-Apart". Other variations include "deliverance" and "untangled". Its inner trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water, and its outer trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Unicode name Hexagram for Deliverance
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19943 4DE7
UTF-8 228 183 167 E4 B7 A7
Numeric character reference ䷧ ䷧

Hexagram 41

Hexagram 41 is named 損 (sǔn), "Diminishing". Other variations include "decrease". Its inner trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Unicode name Hexagram for Decrease
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19944 4DE8
UTF-8 228 183 168 E4 B7 A8
Numeric character reference ䷨ ䷨

Hexagram 42

Hexagram 42 is named 益 (yì), "Augmenting". Other variations include "increase". Its inner trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder, and its outer trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Unicode name Hexagram for Increase
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19945 4DE9
UTF-8 228 183 169 E4 B7 A9
Numeric character reference ䷩ ䷩

Hexagram 43

Hexagram 43 is named 夬 (guài), "Displacement" Other variations include "resoluteness", "parting", and "break-through". Its inner trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven, and its outer trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Unicode name Hexagram for Breakthrough
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19946 4DEA
UTF-8 228 183 170 E4 B7 AA
Numeric character reference ䷪ ䷪

Hexagram 44

Hexagram 44 is named 姤 (gòu), "Coupling". Other variations include "coming to meet" and "meeting". Its inner trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is (乾 qián) force = (天) heaven.

Unicode name Hexagram for Coming to Meet
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19947 4DEB
UTF-8 228 183 171 E4 B7 AB
Numeric character reference ䷫ ䷫

Hexagram 45

Hexagram 45 is named 萃 (cuì), "Clustering". Other variations include "gathering together (massing)" and "finished". Its inner trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth, and its outer trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Unicode name Hexagram for Gathering Together
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19948 4DEC
UTF-8 228 183 172 E4 B7 AC
Numeric character reference ䷬ ䷬

Hexagram 46

Hexagram 46 is named 升 (shēng), "Ascending". Other variations include "pushing upward". Its inner trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth.

Unicode name Hexagram for Pushing Upward
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19949 4DED
UTF-8 228 183 173 E4 B7 AD
Numeric character reference ䷭ ䷭

Hexagram 47

Hexagram 47 is named 困 (kùn), "Confining". Other variations include "oppression (exhaustion)" and "entangled". Its inner trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Unicode name Hexagram for Oppression
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19950 4DEE
UTF-8 228 183 174 E4 B7 AE
Numeric character reference ䷮ ䷮

Hexagram 48

Hexagram 48 is named 井 (jǐng), "Welling". Other variations include "the well". Its inner trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Well
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19951 4DEF
UTF-8 228 183 175 E4 B7 AF
Numeric character reference ䷯ ䷯

Hexagram 49

Hexagram 49 is named 革 (gé), "Skinning". Other variations including "revolution (molting)" and "the bridle". Its inner trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire, and its outer trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Unicode name Hexagram for Revolution
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19952 4DF0
UTF-8 228 183 176 E4 B7 B0
Numeric character reference ䷰ ䷰

Hexagram 50

Hexagram 50 is named 鼎 (dǐng), "Holding". Other variations include "the cauldron". Its inner trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Cauldron
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19953 4DF1
UTF-8 228 183 177 E4 B7 B1
Numeric character reference ䷱ ䷱

Hexagram 51

Hexagram 51 is named 震 (zhèn), "Shake". Other variations include "the arousing (shock, thunder)" and "thunder". Both its inner and outer trigrams are (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Arousing Thunder
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19954 4DF2
UTF-8 228 183 178 E4 B7 B2
Numeric character reference ䷲ ䷲

Hexagram 52

Hexagram 52 is named 艮 (gèn), "Bound". Other variations include "keeping still, mountain" and "stilling". Both its inner and outer trigrams are (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Keeping Still Mountain
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19955 4DF3
UTF-8 228 183 179 E4 B7 B3
Numeric character reference ䷳ ䷳

Hexagram 53

Hexagram 53 is named 漸 (jiàn), "Infiltrating". Other variations include "development (gradual progress)" and "advancement". Its inner trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Unicode name Hexagram for Development
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19956 4DF4
UTF-8 228 183 180 E4 B7 B4
Numeric character reference ䷴ ䷴

Hexagram 54

Hexagram 54 is named 歸妹 (guī mèi), "Converting the Maiden". Other variations include "the marrying maiden" and "returning maiden". Its inner trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Marrying Maiden
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19957 4DF5
UTF-8 228 183 181 E4 B7 B5
Numeric character reference ䷵ ䷵

Hexagram 55

Hexagram 55 is named 豐 (fēng), "Abounding". Other variations include "abundance" and "fullness". Its inner trigram is (離 lí) radiance = () fire, and its outer trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Unicode name Hexagram for Abundance
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19958 4DF6
UTF-8 228 183 182 E4 B7 B6
Numeric character reference ䷶ ䷶

Hexagram 56

Hexagram 56 is named 旅 (lǚ), "Sojourning". Other variations include "the wanderer" and "traveling". Its inner trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Wanderer
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19959 4DF7
UTF-8 228 183 183 E4 B7 B7
Numeric character reference ䷷ ䷷

Hexagram 57

Hexagram 57 is named (xùn), "Ground". Other variations include "the gentle (the penetrating, wind)" and "calculations". Both its inner and outer trigrams are ( xùn) ground = () wind.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Gentle Wind
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19960 4DF8
UTF-8 228 183 184 E4 B7 B8
Numeric character reference ䷸ ䷸

Hexagram 58

Hexagram 58 is named 兌 (duì), "Open". Other variations include "the joyous, lake" and "usurpation". Both its inner and outer trigrams are (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp.

Unicode name Hexagram for the Joyous Lake
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19961 4DF9
UTF-8 228 183 185 E4 B7 B9
Numeric character reference ䷹ ䷹

Hexagram 59

Hexagram 59 is named 渙 (huàn), "Dispersing". Other variations include "dispersion (dissolution)" and "dispersal". Its inner trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and its outer trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Unicode name Hexagram for Dispersion
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19962 4DFA
UTF-8 228 183 186 E4 B7 BA
Numeric character reference ䷺ ӟ

Hexagram 60

Hexagram 60 is named 節 (jié), "Articulating". Other variations include "limitation" and "moderation". Its inner trigram is (兌 duì) open = (澤) swamp, and its outer trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water.

Unicode name Hexagram for Limitation
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19963 4DFB
UTF-8 228 183 187 E4 B7 BB
Numeric character reference ䷻ ䷻

Hexagram 61

Hexagram 61 is named 中孚 (zhōng fú), "Center Returning". Other variations include "inner truth" and "central return". Its inner trigram is (兌 duì) open = () swamp, and its outer trigram is (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind.

Unicode name Hexagram for Inner Truth
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19964 4DFC
UTF-8 228 183 188 E4 B7 BC
Numeric character reference ䷼ ䷼

Hexagram 62

Hexagram 62 is named 小過 (xiǎo guò), "Small Exceeding". Other variations include "preponderance of the small" and "small surpassing". Its inner trigram is (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain, and its outer trigram is (震 zhèn) shake = () thunder.

Unicode name Hexagram for Small Preponderance
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19965 4DFD
UTF-8 228 183 189 E4 B7 BD
Numeric character reference ䷽ ䷽

Hexagram 63

Hexagram 63 is named 既濟 (jì jì), "Already Fording". Other variations include "after completion" and "already completed" or "already done" . Its inner trigram is (離 lí) radiance = () fire, and its outer trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water.

Unicode name Hexagram for After Completion
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19966 4DFE
UTF-8 228 183 190 E4 B7 BE
Numeric character reference ䷾ ䷾

Hexagram 64

Hexagram 64 is named 未濟 (wèi jì), "Not Yet Fording". Other variations include "before completion" and "not yet completed". Its inner trigram is (坎 kǎn) gorge = () water, and its outer trigram is (離 lí) radiance = () fire.

character ䷿
Unicode name Hexagram for Before Completion
character encoding decimal hex
Unicode 19967 4DFF
UTF-8 228 183 191 E4 B7 BF
Numeric character reference ䷿ ䷿
I Ching hexagrams
01 ䷀
02 ䷁
03 ䷂
04 ䷃
05 ䷄
06 ䷅
07 ䷆
08 ䷇
09 ䷈
10 ䷉
11 ䷊
12 ䷋
13 ䷌
14 ䷍
15 ䷎
16 ䷏
17 ䷐
18 ䷑
19 ䷒
20 ䷓
21 ䷔
22 ䷕
23 ䷖
24 ䷗
25 ䷘
26 ䷙
27 ䷚
28 ䷛
29 ䷜
30 ䷝
31 ䷞
32 ䷟
33 ䷠
34 ䷡
35 ䷢
36 ䷣
37 ䷤
38 ䷥
39 ䷦
40 ䷧
41 ䷨
42 ䷩
43 ䷪
44 ䷫
45 ䷬
46 ䷭
47 ䷮
48 ䷯
49 ䷰
50 ䷱
51 ䷲
52 ䷳
53 ䷴
54 ䷵
55 ䷶
56 ䷷
57 ䷸
58 ䷹
59 ䷺
60 ䷻
61 ䷼
62 ䷽
63 ䷾
64 ䷿


  1. Moran, Elizabeth; Joseph Yu. The Complete Idiot's Guide to the I Ching. Retrieved 16 October 2008.

External links