List of halal and kosher fish

This is a list of fish considered halal according to the Shia Muslims Jafari jurisprudence and kosher according to Jewish kashrut dietary laws. They have the appropriate characteristic of having scales.[1][2][3]

Jaafari (Shia) school's regulation of fish comes from several sahih hadiths, one of them is, as narrated by the fifth imam Muhammad al-Baqir:

Eat any fish that has scales, and do not eat what does not have scales.
Al-Kulayni, Al-Kafi, Vol.6, p. 219


  1. Common Halal and Non-Halal Sea Foods. Retrieved on 25th April 2015
  2. Food & Drink - Permitted & Prohibited - Retrieved on 25th April 2015
  3. In addition to scales, fish also has to have fins in Judaism only. However, every fish that has scales has fins. ([ Source])

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