List of global sustainability statistics

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Global sustainability statistics are benchmarks for measuring the status of sustainability parameters. The following agencies provide baseline data for sustainability governance. They are just one form of data used for sustainability accounting and are valuable for assessing trends and measuring progress.

This list provides sources of statistics at the global level of governance only.

See also


  1. The CIAs World Fact Book. Basic country information.
  2. World Data Centre. Columbia University’s CIESIN hosted by NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC), provides global environmental and socioeconomic data. CIESIN’s WDC is one of 51 data centers of the The World Data Center system of the International Council for Science (ICSU).The CIESIN WDC, established in 1995, was the first WDC to focus on data at the intersection of the natural and social sciences
  3. United Nations Environmental Indicators
  4. Statistics division of the European Commission - figures on trade, transport, energy etc.
  5. World Conservation Monitoring Centre
  6. Statistical Review of World Energy with interactive charting tool and data from 1965
  7. The International Energy Agency. Key World Energy Statistics
  8. UN Energy Statistics Database
  9. State of the World's Fisheries and Aquaculture
  10. State of the World's Forests and Forest Resource Assessment
  11. International Fertilizer Industry Association
  12. FAO. FAOSTAT provides data relating to food and agriculture, trade, consumption and resources. FAOSTAT contains data for 200 countries and more than 200 primary products and inputs. The national version of FAOSTAT, CountryStat, is being implemented in about 20 countries and three regions. It offers a two-way bridge amongst sub national, national, regional and international statistics on food and agriculture
  13. United Nations Population Division
  14. United Nations Database
  15. Population Reference Bureau
  16. AAAS Atlas of Population and Environment
  17. International Water Management Institute
  18. Stockholm International Water Institute
  19. United Nations Environmental Program
  20. Global Runoff Data Centre