List of free and open-source Android applications

Most Android phones, like the Nexus S, allow installation of applications from the Play Store, F-Droid store or directly via APK files

This is an incomplete list of notable applications (apps) that run on the Android platform that meet the guidelines for free software and open-source software. For a more extensive list of apps, see the External links section below.


Application name Description Website Availability License API Note
APK Play Store F-Droid Sources
Adblock Plus Ad blocker website page No Yes github GNU GPLv3 L7 / 2.1+
APG OpenPGP and key management website list Yes Yes github Apache 2.0 1.5+
ConnectBot SSH, telnet, and terminal emulator website list Yes Yes google Apache 2.0 1.5+
Chromium Web browser using Blink engine website PartialNo git [1] Available with additional closed source parts as Google Chrome
CSipSimple SIP/VoIP client website list Yes Yes svn GPLv3 1.6+
Firefox for mobile Web browser using Gecko layout engine website list YesYes mercurial MPL 2.2+
Funambol File synchronization client website list Yes No svn AGPLv3 2.0+
I2P Anonymizing network layer website apk
? Yes github
Apache 2.0 2.3+ Alpha release; do not rely upon it for strong anonymity. I2P also maintain their own F-Droid repo.
Jitsi Videoconferencing and instant messenger website list No No zipballs
LGPLv2.1 ? Android version is experimental Alpha release.
K-9 Mail An advanced email client for Android website list Yes Yes github Apache 2.0 2.2+
Linphone Video SIP/VOIP client website list Yes Yes git GPLv2 2.2+
Orbot Android client for network website apk Yes Yes git BSD/GPL 1.6+
Sipdroid Free SIP/VoIP client website list Yes Yes svn GPLv3 2.0+ works on 1.5
TextSecure Encrypted messaging website Yes No github GPLv3
WordPress Official WordPress client website ? Yes Yes github GPLv2 2.3+


Application name Description Website Availability License API Note
APK Play Store F-Droid Sources
ScummVM Emulates multiple gaming engines website apk Yes Yes svn GPLv2 1.5+ now officially merged into the main release
RetroArch Emulates multiple platforms website list Yes Partial github GPLv3+[2] 2.3+
VICE Commodore hardware website list Yes No svn GPLv2
Dolphin Nintendo GameCube and Wii website apk Yes Yes github GPLv2 4.0+
DeSmuME Nintendo DS emulator upstream
listYes Yes git GPLv2 2.3.3+ Port to Android as nds4droid
Mupen64Plus Nintendo 64 emulator upstream
Yes Yes github GPLv3 2.0+ Unofficial port as Mupen64 Plus AE.
PPSSPP PlayStation Portable website apkYes Yes github GPLv2+ 2.3+


Application name Description Website Availability License API Note
APK Play Store F-Droid Sources
2048 Mathematics sliding block puzzle website ?Yes github MIT 2.2+ Port of 2048
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Rogue-like website Yes No git GPLv2+ text-based version also available
Fish Fillets NG Underwater puzzle game. website Yes No tgz GPLv2 1.6+ Port of Fish Fillets NG
Freeciv A turn based strategy game similar to Sid Meier's Civilizationwebsite apk Yes No github GPLv2 2.0+
Frozen Bubble Knock the bubbles down by making clusters of three or more bubbles in the same color. website apk Yes Yes svn GPLv2 1.6+ Port of Frozen Bubble
GLtron Lightcycle game. website apk Yes Yes github GPLv2 2.2+ Port of GLtron
Nethack Android NetHack website apk Yes No svn GPLv2 1.5+ Port of NetHack
OpenArena First person shooter similar to Quake 3 (see: id Tech 3) upstream
list Yes No github
GPLv2 1.6+ Unofficial port by "pelya" using SDL 1.2[3]
OpenTyrian Vertical shoot 'em up upstream
list Yes No github GPLv2 1.6+ pelya SDL port[3]
robotfindskitten A "Zen Simulation" website apk Yes Yes Source Dir GPL 1.6+
Simon Tatham's Puzzles A portable collection of puzzle games, ported to Android website apk Yes Yes github MIT 2.1+
Warmux A turn-based artillery game website apk Yes No svn GPLv2 2.0+


Application name Description Website Availability License API Note
APK Play Store F-Droid Sources
Android's Fortune Quotes and Fortune Cookie program website apk Yes Yes bzr GPLv3
Barcode Scanner Barcode reader website Yes Yes github Apache 2.0 4.0.3+
FBReadere-book reader website apk Yes Yes github GPL 1.5+
GitHub Official GitHub client website ? YesYes github Apache 2.0 2.2+
Google IO App for Google IO conference website Yes No git Apache 2.0
Avare GPS aviation application website Yes Yes github Apache 2.0 2.2+
OsmAnd Offline mapping program using OpenStreetMap data website Yes Yes git GPLv3 1.6+
PressureNET Crowd-sourced barometer network website Yes No github GPLv3
SageMath Client for mathematical software website ? Yes Yes github GPLv3 2.0+
Sugar environment One Laptop per Child learning platform website
Yes Yes github Apache 2.0 2.3.3+ Ported as Sugarizer. Also available in Firefox Marketplace .
Tomdroid Note taking application with online sync website apkYes Yes bzr GPLv3 1.6+ Port of Tomboy
Wikipedia Access to Wikipedia website apk
Yes Yes github GPLv2 2.2+


Application name Description Website Availability License API Note
APK Play Store F-Droid Sources
Ringdroid Ringtone maker googlecode apk Yes Yes svn Apache 2.0 1.5+ Possible issues on KitKat (4.4), possibly inactive
Subsonic Android Client Streaming Media Player website apk Yes Yes svn GPLv3 2.1+
VLC Media player website apk Yes Yes git GPLv2+ 2.1+
Kodi (formerly XBMC) Media player, media center website apk No No github GPLv2+ Multi
Wikimedia Commons Client for free media repository website list Partial Yes github Apache 2.0 2.3+ No longer being maintained.[4]
Tribler Decentralized video sharing website ? Yes No github LGPL v2.1+ 3.0+


Application name Description Website Availability License API Note
APK Play Store F-Droid Sources
KeePassDroid Password manager website apk Yes Yes github GPLv3 1.5+ Port of KeePass
PasswdSafe Password manager website apk Yes Yes git Artistic License 2.0 1.6+
Prey Android version of Prey (anti-theft software) website Yes No github GPLv3

See also


External links

There are a number of third-party maintained lists of open-source Android applications, including: