List of figures in psychiatry
This is a list of notable figures who have been involved in the history of psychiatry. See also list of psychiatrists.
Psychiatrists | Speciality |
Alfred Adler | Individual psychology |
Nancy C. Andreasen | Schizophrenia |
Vittorino Andreoli | Psychiatric anthropology |
Franco Basaglia | Antipsychiatry |
Jack Barchas | Biological basis of schizophrenia |
Aaron Beck | Cognitive therapy |
Wilfred Bion | Psychoanalysis and group therapy |
Eugene Bleuler | Diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia |
John Bowlby | Attachment behavior |
Ian Brockington | Nosological pioneer |
John Cade | Lithium therapy |
Ugo Cerletti | Electroconvulsive therapy |
Edmund Chiu | Huntington's chorea |
Tim Crow | Biological basis of schizophrenia |
Pierre Deniker | Chlorpromazine |
Leon Eisenberg | Psychiatric anthropology |
Milton Erickson | Hypnosis |
Jean Etienne Esquirol | Descriptive psychopathology, postnatal depression |
Frantz Fanon | Effects of discrimination |
Daniel X. Freedman | Biological psychiatry |
Christopher Paul Lindsay Freeman | Electroconvulsive therapy |
Sigmund Freud | Psychoanalysis |
William Glasser | Reality therapy, Choice theory |
Max Hamilton | Depression and anxiety scales |
Albert Hofmann | Father of LSD |
Pyotr Gannushkin | Classification of personality disorders |
Kevin Gournay | Schizophrenia, Depression and Cognitive Therapy |
Karen Horney | Womb envy |
Pierre Janet | Dissociation |
Karl Jaspers | Phenomenology |
Eve Johnstone | Brain changes in schizophrenia |
Maxwell Jones | Therapeutic community |
Carl Gustav Jung | Analytical psychology |
Seymour Kety | Psychiatric genetics |
Eric R. Kandel | Molecular basis for memory |
Leo Kanner | Autism |
Jacob Kasanin | Schizoaffective psychosis |
Otto Kernberg | Psychoanalysis |
Melanie Klein | Child psychology |
Arthur Kleinman | Psychiatric anthropologist |
Emil Kraepelin | Psychiatric methodology |
Richard von Krafft-Ebing | Sexuality |
Norman Kreitman | Psychiatric epidemiology |
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross | Stages of Grief |
R. D. Laing | Antipsychiatry |
Heinz Lehmann | Introduced chlorpromazine to North America |
Karl Leonhard | Classification of Psychosis,cycloid psychosis |
Andrey Yevgenyevich Lichko | Adolescent psychiatry |
Sir Aubrey Lewis | Nosology |
Alwyn Lishman | Neuropsychiatry |
Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi (Haly Abbas) | Mental disorders |
Abraham Maslow | Humanistic Psychology |
Niall McLaren | Biocognitive Theory of the Mind |
Peter McGuffin | Psychiatric genetics |
Ladislas von Meduna | Pharmacoconvulsions |
Adolf Meyer | Psychobiology |
Egas Moniz | Psychosurgery |
Jacob Moreno | Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy |
Robin Murray | Schizophrenia |
John Nemiah | Psychotherapy |
Ian Oswald | Sleep research |
Ivan Pavlov | Conditioning |
Eugene Paykel | Social psychiatry |
Philippe Pinel | Psychiatric treatment |
W. H. R. Rivers | Psychiatric anthropologist |
Martin Roth | Psychogeriatrics |
Michael Rutter | Child psychiatry |
Kurt Schneider | Diagnostic criteria |
Mogens Schou | Lithium therapy |
Michael Shepherd | Psychiatric epidemiology |
Peter Sifneos | Psychotherapy |
Elliot Slater | Psychiatric epidemiology |
Robert Spitzer | Diagnostic criteria |
Solomon H.Snyder | Neurotransmitters |
Harry Stack Sullivan | Interpersonal psychiatry |
Hans Steiner | Child Psychiatry |
Thomas Szasz | Antipsychiatry |
Eng Seong Tan | Cross-cultural psychiatry |
Fuller Torrey | Treatment of schizophrenia |
Ming Tsuang | Psychiatric genetics |
John Batty Tuke | Neuroscientist |
Julius Wagner-Jauregg | Treatment of GPI |
Paul Watzlawick | Communication theory of mental health |
Sula Wolff | Stress in children |
Irvin Yalom | Group and existential psychotherapy |
Viktor Frankl | Logotherapy and existential psychotherapy |
Other researchers (not trained as psychiatrists) | Specialty |
Michel Foucault | Philosophy |
Anna Freud | Child analysis |
Erving Goffman | Social psychology |
Kay Redfield Jamison | Bipolar affective disorder |
Theodore Millon | Clinical psychology |
Ivan Pavlov | Behavioral psychology |
Jean Piaget | Cognitive development |
Carl Rogers | Person-centred psychotherapy |
Joseph Wolpe | Behavior therapy |
Alphabetic List
Aaron Beck Cognitive therapy
Abraham Maslow Humanistic Psychology
Adolf Meyer Psychobiology
Albert Hofmann Father of LSD
Alfred Adler Individual psychology
Ali ibn Abbas al-Majusi (Haly Abbas) Mental disorders
Alwyn Lishman Neuropsychiatry
Arthur Kleinman Psychiatric anthropologist
Carl Gustav Jung Analytical psychology
Christopher Paul Lindsay Freeman Electroconvulsive therapy
Daniel X Freedman Biological psychiatry
Edmund Chiu Huntington's chorea
Egas Moniz Psychosurgery
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Stages of Grief
Elliot Slater Psychiatric epidemiology
Emil Kraepelin Psychiatric methodology
Eng Seong Tan Cross-cultural psychiatry
Eric R. Kandel Molecular basis for memory
Eugene Bleuler Diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia
Eugene Paykel Social psychiatry
Eve Johnstone Brain changes in schizophrenia
Franco Basaglia Antipsychiatry
Frantz Fanon Effects of discrimination
Fuller Torrey Treatment of schizophrenia
Harry Stack Sullivan Interpersonal psychiatry
Heinz Lehmann Introduced chlorpromazine to North America
Ian Brockington Nosological pioneer
Ian Oswald Sleep research
Irvin Yalom Group psychotherapy
Ivan Pavlov Conditioning
Jack Barchas Biological basis of schizophrenia
Jacob Moreno Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy
Jean Etienne Esquirol Descriptive psychopathology, postnatal depression
John Batty Tuke Neuroscientist
John Bowlby Attachment behaviour
John Cade Lithium therapy
John Nemiah Psychotherapy
Julius Wagner-Jauregg Treatment of GPI
Karen Horney Womb envy
Karl Jaspers Phenomenology
Karl Leonhard Classification of Psychosis, cycloid psychosis
Kurt Schneider Diagnostic criteria
Ladislas von Meduna Pharmacoconvulsions
Leo Kanner Autism
Leon Eisenberg Psychiatric anthropology
Martin Roth Psychogeriatrics
Max Hamilton Depression and anxiety scales
Maxwell Jones Therapeutic community
Melanie Klein Child psychology
Michael Rutter Child psychiatry
Michael Shepherd Psychiatric epidemiology
Milton Erickson Hypnosis
Ming Tsuang Psychiatric genetics
Mogens Schou Lithium therapy
Nancy C. Andreasen Schizophrenia
Niall McLaren Biocognitive Theory of the Mind
Norman Krietman Psychiatric epidemiology
Otto Kernberg Psychoanalysis
Paul Watzlawick Communication theory of mental health
Peter McGuffin Psychiatric genetics
Peter Sifneos Psychotherapy
Philippe Pinel Psychiatric treatment
Pierre Deniker Chlorpromazine
Pierre Janet Dissociation
R. D. Laing Antipsychiatry
Richard von Krafft-Ebing Sexuality
Robert Spitzer Diagnostic criteria
Robin Murray Schizophrenia
Seymour Kety Psychiatric genetics
Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis
Sir Aubrey Lewis Nosology
Solomon H. Snyder Neurotransmitters
Sula Wolff Stress in children
Thomas Szasz Antipsychiatry
Tim Crow Biological basis of schizophrenia
Ugo Cerletti Electroconvulsive therapy
Victor Frankl Logotherapy
Vittorino Andreoli Psychiatric anthropologist
W. H. R. Rivers Psychiatric anthropologist
Wilfred Bion Psychoanalysis and group therapy
William Glasser Reality therapy, Choice theory
See also
- List of psychiatrists
- List of psychologists
- Fictional psychiatrists
- Psychiatric drugs
- by condition treated