List of fictional United States presidencies of historical figures (H–L)

List of fictional
United States Presidents
Unnamed fictional presidents
fictional presidencies of
historical figures
A - G
H - L
M - R
S - Z
Vice Presidents

The following is a list of real or historical people who have been portrayed as President of the United States in fiction, although they did not hold the office in real life. This is done either as an alternate history scenario, or occasionally for humorous purposes. Also included are actual US Presidents with a fictional presidency at a different time and/or under different circumstances than the one in actual history.


Hannibal Hamlin

Winfield Scott Hancock

Warren G. Harding

W. Averell Harriman

Benjamin Harrison

William Henry Harrison

Gary Hart

Ernest Hemingway

Charlton Heston

Paris Hilton

Ernest Hollings

Herbert Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover

John Hospers

Cordell Hull

Hubert Humphrey


Lee Iacocca


Andrew Jackson

Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson

Michael Jackson

Rev. Jesse Jackson

Thomas Jefferson

Andrew Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson


Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.

Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.

John F. Kennedy

Patrick Bouvier Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy

Ted Kennedy

Rev. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wynton Kelly


Robert M. La Follette, Sr.

Fiorello H. La Guardia

Rose Wilder Lane

Lyndon LaRouche

Le Duc Tho

Robert LeFevre

Curtis LeMay

Joe Lieberman

Rush Limbaugh

Abraham Lincoln

Charles Lindbergh

Belva Ann Lockwood

Huey Long


  1. Published in "What ifs? of American History", New York, 2003
  2. "Confederate Geographic: Newfoundland Missile Crisis", CSA the movie.