List of fictional United States Presidents G–M

List of fictional
United States Presidents
unnamed fictional presidents
fictional presidencies of
historical figures
Vice Presidents

The following is a list of fictional United States presidents, G through M.


President Gamberelli

President Paul Garcetti

President Jules Gardiner

President Chauncey Gardiner

President Hal Gardner

President Frederick Randolph Garner

President Thomas Edison (Shy) Garland

President Jesse Garrety

President Johnny Gentle

President Joseph Galbrain

President Dale Gilchrist

President Mays Gilliam

President Lancelot R. Gilligrass

President Harold Goosie

President Leona Crawford Gordon

President Al Gore

President Noah Grace

President Graham

President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III

President Charles Grayson

President Paul Green

President Paul L. Greene

President Stewie Griffin


President Dewey Haik

President Jeremy Haines

President Emerson Hale

President Charles Halsey

President George Hamilton

President Wesley Hamlin

President Stuart Hammel

President Judson C. "Judd" ("Major") Hammond

President Donald "Bud" Hammond

President William "Bill" Haney

President Benjamin Bow Hannaford

President Andrew Jackson Harper

President Baxter Harris

President John Henry Harris

President William Carter Harris

President Andrew Harrison

President William Harrison

President Hartfield

President Spencer Harvey

President Charles Haskell

President John Harker

President Hathaway

President Benjamin Hathaway

President Arne Eino Haugen

President Olongo Featherstone-Haugh

President Henry Hayes

President Jonathan Hayes

President Robert Hayes

President Mitchell Hayworth

President Franklin M. Heller

President James Heller

President Helman

President Stephen Decatur Henderson

President Dave Hepler

President David Herman

President Zach Herney

President Carmen Hiero

President Art Hockstader

President Mark Hollenbach

President Paul Hollister

President Wendell Holmes

President David Hoope

President Courtney Hoover

President Bart Hopscotch

President David Horne

President Jonathan Vincent Horne

President Robert Hovelmann

President Howard

President Martin Howard

President Eve Hubbard

President Hudson

President Harley M. Hudson

President Huffman

President Jean-Baptiste Huang

President Stuart Hughes

Right Honorable G.L. Hummer beck

President Mark Hunt

President Martin Hunt

President Clay Huntington

President Franklin G. Hutchins

President Matt Hutton


President Ingstrom

President Itchy


President Lee Alexander James

President William Jarman

President Raymond Jarvis

President Edward Montoya Jason

President James Johnson

President William Johnson

President Maria Juarez


President David Arnold Dieter "Dad" Kampferhaufe

President Charles Foster Kane

President Florentyna Kane

President Roberto Katze

President Rufus Kane

President Kang

President Ed Kealty

Main article: Ed Kealty

President John Keeler

Main article: John Keeler

President Tim Kegan

President Keith

President Kellogg

President Joshua Francis Kellogg

President Kempers

President Kendrick

President Francis Xavier Kennedy

President Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr

President Clark Kent

Main article: Superman

President Rose Sweeney Keogh

President Donald Kilbourne

President Kerry Francis Kilcannon

President Tom Kimball

President Paul Kincaid

President Zachary King

President Robert Kinsey

Main article: Robert Kinsey

President Benjamin Knight

President George W. Knox

President Orrin Knox

President Henry Kolladner

President David Kovic

President Russell P. Kramer

President Hayward Kretz


Charles W. La Follette

President Aaron Lake

President Hank Landry

Booker T. Langford

President Langley

Sally Langston

President (Helen) Lasker

President Owen Lassiter

President Paul James Latimer

President Jason Law

President Joe Lawton

President Lenny Leonard

President Howard Lewis

President Liedermann

President Limbaugh

President Lindberg

President Manfred Link

President Abraham Linkidd

President Walter Nathaniel Livingston

President Bradford Gregory Lockridge

President Bedford Forrest Lockwood

President John Lockwood

President Charles Logan

President Eugene Lorio

President Furbish Lousewart

President Alexander Joseph Luthor

President Jordan Lyman

President Jeffrey Lynch


President Douglas MacArthur

President Timothy Garde Macauley

President Hairy Ass Macgee

President John Mackenzie

President Henry Talbot MacNeil

President James MacPherson

President Tiffany Malloy

President Malone

President Man

President Manheim

President McKenna

President Adair T. Manning

President Richard Manning

President Manning

President Julia Mansfield

President Bradford March

President Vincent Margolin

President James Marshall

President Kevin Martindale

President Elias Martinez

President Richard Martinez

President Master

President Ted Matthews

President William "Bill" Matthews

President Max

President Robert Maxwell

President Robert "Bobby" McCallister

President Charles McBride

President Andrew McAlister

President Leslie Harrison McCloud

President Harvey McCullen

Party: Republican.

President Thomas Kyle McKenna

President George McKenna

President James W. McNaughton

President McNeil

President Philip Riley Mead

President William Menen

President John Merwin

President Selina Meyer

President Hunnis Millbank

President Phil Miller

President Phil Tandy Miller

President Richard Mills

President Mimeo

President William Harrison "Bill" Mitchell/Dave Kovic

President Horace C. Mitchell

Presidents Harris Moffatt I, II and III

Acting President Henry Moncas

President Richard Monckton

President Maxwell Monroe

President Judson Moon

President Mordecai

President Morgan the Fifth (no first name given)

President Arthur Morgan

President Edward Morgan

President Arthur Morose

President William Brent Morrow

President Elbridge Mosely

President Thomas D. Moss

President Merkin Muffley

President Ed Murphy

President Mandy