List of encyclicals of Pope Pius IX

This article contains a list of encyclicals of Pope Pius IX. Pius IX issued 38 papal encyclicals during his reign as pope:

No. Title (Latin) Title (English translation) Subject Date
1. Qui pluribus On Faith and Religion 9 November 1846
2. Praedecessores nostros On Aid for Ireland 25 March 1847
3. Ubi primum On Discipline for Religious 17 June 1847
4. Ubi primum On Immaculate Conception 2 February 1849
5. Nostis et nobiscum On the Church in the Papal States 8 December 1849
6. Exultavit cor nostrum On the Effects of the Jubilee 21 November 1851
7. Nemo certe ignorat On Discipline for Clergy 25 March 1852
8. Probe noscitis Venerabiles On the Discipline for Clergy 17 May 1852
9. Inter multiplices Pleading for Unity of Spirit 21 March 1853
10. Neminem vestrum On the Persecution of Armenians 2 February 1854
11. Optime noscitis On the Proposed Catholic University of Ireland 20 March 1854
12. Apostolicae nostrae caritatis Urging Prayers of Peace 1 August 1854
13. Optime noscitis On Episcopal Meetings 5 November 1855
14. Singulari quidem On the Church in Austria 17 March 1856
15. Cum nuper On Care for Clerics 20 January 1858
16. Amantissimi Redemptoris On Priests and the Care of Souls 3 May 1858
17. Cum Sancta Mater Ecclesia Pleading for Public Prayer 27 April 1859
18. Qui nuper On the Pontifical States 18 June 1859
19. Nullis certe verbis On the Need for Civil Sovereignty 19 January 1860
20. Amantissimus On the Care of the Churches 8 April 1862
21. Quanto conficiamur moerore On Promotion of False Doctrines 10 August 1863
22. Incredibili On the Persecution in New Granada 17 September 1863
23. Maximae quidem On the Church in Bavaria 18 August 1864
24. Quanta cura Condemning Current Errors 8 December 1864
25. Meridionali Americae On the Seminary for the Native Clergy 30 September 1865
26. Levate On the Affiliations of Church 27 October 1867
27. Respicientes Protesting the Taking of the Pontifical States 1 November 1870
28. Ubi Nos "Our City" On the Pontifical States 15 May 1871
29. Beneficia Dei On the 25th Anniversary of His Pontificate 4 June 1871
30. Saepe Venerabiles Fratres Thanksgiving for 25 Years of Pontificate 5 August 1871
31. Quae in patriarchatu On the Church in Chaldea 16 November 1872
32. Quartus supra On the Church in Armenia January 1873
33. Etsi multa On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland 21 November 1873
34. Vix dum a Nobis On the Church in Austria 7 March 1874
35. Omnem sollicitudinem On the Greek-Ruthenian Rite 13 May 1874
36. Gravibus Ecclesiae Proclaiming A Jubilee 24 December 1874
37. Quod nunquam On the Church in Prussia 5 February 1875
38. Graves ac diuturnae On the Church in Switzerland 23 March 1875