List of email subject abbreviations

This is a list of commonly and uncommonly used abbreviations which are used in the subject of an English email header.

Standard prefixes

These prefixes are usually inserted by the email client.

Standard non-prefixes

These words are inserted in the middle of or at the end of the subject, usually by the author.

Software development

The following prefixes are often used in software development:

Other English abbreviations

This is a list of abbreviations which are less commonly used in the subject of an English email header:

Abbreviations in other languages

Email subject abbreviations in languages other than English.

Note that e-mail clients, when replying, may not recognize anything but "Re" when deciding whether or not to add a "Re:" in front of the subject. This means that a conversation between two participants can build up convoluted subject lines like "Re: AW: Re: AW: ..". To avoid this, translation of "Re" should be avoided, but also because the translation might not be understood by other parties whereas "Re" is universally recognized.

Language RE FW
Chinese (Traditional/Simplified) 回覆/回复 轉寄/转发
Danish SV (Svar) VS (Videresendt)
Dutch Antw (Antwoord) Doorst (Doorsturen)
Finnish VS (Vastaus) VL (Välitetty)
French RE (Réponse) TR (Transfert)
German AW (Antwort) WG (Weitergeleitet)
Greek ΑΠ (Απάντηση) or ΣΧΕΤ (Σχετικό) ΠΡΘ (Προωθημένο)
Hebrew תגובה הועבר
Italian R or RIF (Riferimento) I (Inoltro)
Icelandic SV (Svara) FS (Framsenda)
Indonesian BLS (Balas) TRS (Terusan)
Norwegian SV (Svar) VS (Videresendt)
Swedish SV (Svar) VB (Vidarebefordrat)
Spanish RE (Responder) RV (Reenviar)
Portuguese RE (Resposta) ENC (Encaminhado)
Polish Odp (Odpowiedź) PD (Podaj dalej)
Turkish YNT (Yanıt) İLT (İlet)

See also


  1. RFC 5322
  2. Oxford English Dictionary s.v. 're'
  3. Clyde Winfield Wilkinson, et al., Communicating through letters and reports p. 19