List of countries by car exports

The following is a list of countries by car exports. Data is for 2012, in millions of United States dollars, as reported by The Observatory of Economic Complexity. Currently the top twenty countries are listed.

# Country Value
1 Germany148,350
2 Japan104,286
3 United States53,390
4 Canada47,632
5 South Korea42,484
6 United Kingdom35,424
7 Mexico30,901
8 France23,785
9 Spain23,683
10 Belgium &  Luxembourg21,955
11 Czech Republic14,638
12 Slovakia12,767
13 Italy9,587
14 Turkey6,408
15 Poland5,761
16 Thailand5,667
17 Sweden5,239
18 India4,828
19 China4,565
20 Hungary4,357

References - Observatory of Economic complexity - Countries that export Cars (2012)