List of companies of France

This is a list of notable companies based in France. For further information on the types of business entities in this country and their abbreviations, see "Business entities in France".







Former companies

Companies that merged and were renamed or companies that have disappeared:

  • Matra Marconi Space, now EADS Astrium
  • Microïds, now part of MC2 France
  • Rhône-Poulenc - Chemical and Pharmaceutical company, merged with Hoechst AG to form Aventis.
  • SAGEM - Merged with SNECMA to become SAFRAN
  • Sanofi - Pharmaceutical company, merged with Synthélabo.
  • Sanofi-Synthélabo - Pharmaceutical company, merged with Aventis.
  • Synthélabo - Pharmaceutical company, merged with Sanofi.
  • SNECMA Moteurs
  • Thomson-CSF, now part of Thales
  • Vivendi - split into the present Vivendi (formerly Vivendi Universal) and Veolia Environnement
  • Wanadoo Edition, now part of MC2 France
  • Waterman, now part of American company Newell Rubbermaid

See also

External links