List of companies based in Gabon

Location of Gabon
Libreville is the capital and financial center of Gabon

Gabon, officially the Gabonese Republic, is a sovereign state on the west coast of Central Africa located on the equator. Gabon is bordered by Equatorial Guinea to the northwest, Cameroon to the north, the Republic of the Congo on the east and south, and the Gulf of Guinea to the west.

Gabon's economy is dominated by oil. Oil revenues comprise roughly 46% of the government's budget, 43% of gross domestic product (GDP), and 81% of exports. Oil production is now declining rapidly from its high point of 370,000 barrels per day in 1997. The economy is highly dependent on extraction of abundant primary materials. Prior to the discovery of oil, logging was the pillar of the Gabonese economy. Today, logging and manganese mining are the other major income generators.

Companies based in Gabon


Defunct airlines
An Air Gabon Boeing 767-200 at Charles de Gaulle Airport in 2004





See also


  1. Afric Aviation -
  2. Booij-Liewes, Morné (August 2013). "African Airlines News - Sky Gabon". World Airnews 41 (6): 30.

External links