List of cities in Azerbaijan

There are 70 urban settlements in Azerbaijan with the official status of a city (Azerbaijani: şəhər). They are:

Most populous Azerbaijani cities

List of ten cities, including the capital Baku (2,122,300), with the largest populations, according to the 2012 census.[1]

Rank AzerbaijaniCityPopulationImageDescription
1 Bakı Baku 2,122,300 (2012) Capital and largest city in Azerbaijan. The country's economic powerhouse
2 Gəncə Ganja 325,000 (2012) Second largest city in Azerbaijan
3 Sumqayıt Sumqayit 310,000 (2012) Third largest city & Second largest seaport in Azerbaijan
4 Mingəçevir Mingachevir 100,775 (2012) Mingachevir is a suburban city.
5 Xırdalan Khirdalan 92,000 (2009) Khirdalan is a suburban city
6 Şirvan Shirvan 85,000 (2012) Located along the Kura river
7 Şəki Shaki 67,000 (2012) Shaki is a city known for its rich history.
8 Yevlax Yevlakh 58,000 (2012)
9 Lənkəran Lankaran 50,000 (2012) Lankaran is a suburban city

See also
