List of cantonal executives of Switzerland

This article lists the list of cantonal executives of Switzerland. Each canton of Switzerland has its own executive body, as well as legislative body. The Federal Council is the executive of the Swiss federal government, and is included for purposes of comparison.

The cantonal executives are collegial bodies, each with 5 or 7 members. They are generally called Regierungsrat (Executive Council) in German-speaking cantons and Conseil d'Etat (State Council) in French-speaking cantons.

The below list is up to date as of 29 May 2010.

Canton Executive Members President Party Last election Next election
AG Aargau Executive Council 5 Peter Beyeler FDP
AR Appenzell Ausserrhoden Executive Council 7 Jakob Brunnschweiler FDP
AI Appenzell Innerrhoden Standeskommission 7 Daniel Fässler N/A
BS Basel-Stadt Executive Council 7 Guy Morin Greens
BL Basel-Landschaft Executive Council 5 Urs Wüthrich-Pelloli SP 11 February 2007
BE Bern Executive Council 7 Hans-Jürg Käser FDP 28 March 2010
FR Fribourg Council of State 7 Beat Vonlanthen CVP 26 November 2006 4 December 2010
GE Geneva Council of State 7 François Longchamp FDP 15 November 2009
GL Glarus Executive Council 7 Robert Marti BDP
GR Graubünden Executive Council 5 Claudio Lardi SP
JU Jura Council of State 5 Charles Juillard CVP
LU Lucerne Executive Council 5 Anton Schwingruber CVP
NE Neuchâtel Council of State 5 Jean Studer SP
NW Nidwalden Executive Council 7 Beat Fuchs FDP
OW Obwalden Executive Council 5 Esther Gasser Pfulg FDP
SH Schaffhausen Executive Council 5 Erhard Meister SVP
SZ Schwyz Executive Council 7 Georg Hess CVP
SO Solothurn Executive Council 5 Walter Straumann CVP
SG St. Gallen Executive Council 7 Josef Keller CVP
TG Thurgau Executive Council 5 Claudius Graf-Schelling SP
TI Ticino Council of State 5 Luigi Pedrazzini CVP
UR Uri Executive Council 7 Isidor Baumann CVP
VS Valais Council of State 5 Jean-Michel Cina CVP
VD Vaud Council of State 7 Pascal Broulis FDP
ZG Zug Executive Council 7 Peter Hegglin CVP
ZH Zurich Executive Council 7 Hans Hollenstein CVP
CH Confederation Federal Council 7 Doris Leuthard CVP 12 December 2007

Notes and references

    See also