List of bumblebee species

The list presented here is derived from a checklist of world bumblebees[1] (discussing status of species) and used in the most recent Bombus phylogeny.[2] Species are grouped by subgenus following the most recent revision.[3] For some common names see BugGuide.[4]

Subgenus Alpigenobombus

Subgenus Alpinobombus

Subgenus Bombias

Subgenus Bombus sensu stricto

Subgenus Cullumanobombus

Subgenus Kallobombus

Subgenus Megabombus

Subgenus Melanobombus

Subgenus Mendacibombus

Subgenus Orientalibombus

Subgenus Psithyrus

Subgenus Pyrobombus

Subgenus Sibiricobombus

Subgenus Subterraneobombus

Subgenus Thoracobombus



  1. P. H. WILLIAMS. (1998) An annotated checklist of bumble bees with an analysis of patterns of description (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombini). Bulletin of The Natural History Museum (Entomology) 67: 79-152 [updated at].
  2. S. A. CAMERON, H. M. HINES, P. H. WILLIAMS. (2007) A comprehensive phylogeny of the bumble bees (Bombus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91, 161–188.
  3. P. H. WILLIAMS, S. A. CAMERON, H. M. HINES, B. CEDERBERG, P. RASMONT. (2008) A simplified subgeneric classification of the bumblebees (genus Bombus). Apidologie 39, [1–29].
  4. Bombus, BugGuide
  5. 5.0 5.1 Bombus occidentalis and Bombus terricola are sometimes considered the same species.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Bombus centralis and Bombus flavifrons are sometimes considered the same species.
  7. Bombus melanopygus has two color forms, one of which was historically treated as a species: Bombus edwardsii.
  8. Bombus fervidus californicus is sometimes considered a unique species, Bombus californicus.
  9. Bombus pensylvanicus sonorus is sometimes considered a unique species, Bombus sonorus.