List of books in computational geometry

This is a list of books in computational geometry. There are two major, largely nonoverlapping categories:

Combinatorial computational geometry

General-purpose textbooks

Specialized textbooks and monographs


Numerical computational geometry (geometric modelling, computer-aided geometric design)




The conferences below, of broad scope, published many seminal papers in the domain.

Paper collections

See also


  1. MR 0805539, MR 1004870
  2. Zbl 0575.68037, Zbl 0575.68059
  3. A review of Edelsbrunner's book in Zbl 0634.52001
  4. Reviews in Zbl 0877.68001 (1st ed.), Zbl 0939.68134 (2nd ed.)
  5. About the book by de Berg, van Kreveld, Overmars, and Schwarzkopf
  6. A review of the Akl-Lyons book in MR 1211180 (94c:68192)
  7. "Visibility Algorithms in the Plane", from the Cambridge University Press catalogue
  8. "Geometric Spanner Networks", from the Cambridge University Press catalogue
  9. A review of the Handbook for Computational Geometry in Geombinatorics, January 2005.
  10. From the flyleaf of the book.

External links