List of banks in Azerbaijan

Central bank

Central Bank of Azerbaijan

Commercial banks

Complete list, based on information at website (updated 01.11.2011)

Notable Banks

International Bank of Azerbaijan

Chairman Hajiyev has led the International Bank of Azerbaijan to international prominence.

The bank was named the Best Bank in Azerbaijan in Global Finance magazine's World's Best Banks 2012 rankings. Global Finance describes the rankings: "The winners are not always the biggest banks but rather the best—those with the qualities that corporations should look for when choosing a bank. These are banks with effective risk management systems, quality service and best practices in corporate governance."[1]

In 2007, Business Wire reported that the bank had become a Founding Member of the World Economic Forum's Community of Global Growth Companies."[2]


  1. Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt, "World's Best Banks 2012; Seeking Stability", Global Finance magazine, May 2012
  2. "International Bank of Azerbaijan a Founding Member of the World Economic Forum's Community of Global Growth Companies", Business Wire, 12 Nov 2007